Chapter 3 The Vatican,NASA and Shivkar Talpade

The Vatican, NASA and Shivkar Talpade

Yet again I learned a bunch of new things in this investigation.


The Vatican

Surprisingly the Vatican owns 2 world class Space observatories.

  1. One is in the Papal Summer Residence in Castel Gandolfo, an hour south of Rome and the Vatican City State
  2. And one in Arizona at Mount Graham co-maintained with the University of Arizona.
  3. Coincidentally the vision instrument had such a long name that the instrument was nicknamed (LUCIFER) for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. 
    • The nickname has now been changed to just LUCI instead for obvious reasons. (LOL)

Interestingly the Vatican is so very interested in looking into space and the planets that the Arizona telescope is one of the largest in the world.

So why is the Catholic Church interested in looking to space? Or the planets?

  • Maybe the Church is looking for Santa Clause?
  • Or where Heaven is?
  • Or watching for Jesus’ return?
  • They will not find it.
  • They say they are studying Meteors, Space Dust and other galaxies
    • Specola Vaticana
    • Vatican Observatory
    • 00120 Stato Città del Vaticano
    • e.mail:
    • VORG
    • Vatican Observatory Research Group
    • 2017 E Lee St.
    • Tucson, AZ 85719

The Vatican Space program website -> Vatican Observatory - Home

I will let the reader contemplate the reasons why the Vatican needs to study planets and other solar systems?


NASA quietly has been experimenting on using different propulsion systems on their rockets. Currently the rockets use liquid Hydrogen (very explosive) and liquid Oxygen (very combustible) to combine and ignite to create enough thrust to accelerate the rocket fast enough to escape the earth’s gravitational pull. 

  • Escape Velocity for Earth, the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m/s2
  • The radius of the earth, R = 6.4 × 106 m
  • The escape velocity of the earth, ve = √(2 × 9.8 × 6.4 × 106) or (v = (2GM/r)½)
  • Or (25,020 mph; 40,270 km/h) a very very fast acceleration.
  • This is Kepler’s law.

So besides using liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen NASA has been working on Ion Propulsion systems;

  • An ion thruster ionizes propellant by adding or removing electrons to produce ions. Most thrusters ionize propellant by electron bombardment: a high-energy electron (negative charge) collides with a propellant atom (neutral charge), releasing electrons from the propellant atom and resulting in a positively charged ion. The gas produced consists of positive ions and negative electrons in proportions that result in no over-all electric charge. This is called a plasma. Plasma has some of the properties of a gas, but it is affected by electric and magnetic fields. Common examples are lightning and the substance inside fluorescent light bulbs.
  • In 1998, NASA’s Deep Space 1 (DS1), became the first spacecraft to use ion propulsion as its primary propulsion source to travel in space.
  • Ion propulsion, a type of electric propulsion. It is not very effective on Earth but in near vacuum conditions in space, ion propulsion works very well and can power a satellite or spaceship for a very long time and it uses solar power to ionize?

Read a short NASA report here -> Mercury ion thruster technology - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Ion engines in theory may be able to reach up to 200,000 mph but it has very slow acceleration.

One propellent NASA experimented with for Ion propulsion is Mercury.  NASA was successful in creating the engine but the thrust was very little. Where did NASA get the idea for using Mercury as a Jet Fuel?  Who thought that Mercury can burn? (It doesn’t)

  • NASA is also experimenting with using other materials also for Ion propulsion.  It seems like NASA is taking clues from the ancient Hindu Holy texts (Vedas and Mahabaratha being some of the books) that speaks about Flying Machines using various materials?


I have to admit that when I started chapter 1, I was planning on ending this series of chapters with the Sumerian story within 3 or 4 chapters. (Oh Darn! Gave out a clue!)

But as I kept researching for each chapter that I was going to write, I was amazed at how much important information is contained in the Hindu Holy texts.  The Hindu Holy texts are not just songs and prayers to the GODs and stories of the GODs but the book of Vedas for example is very technical.  A reader must be able to decipher 7,000-year-old texts with primitive explanations and primitive measurements but details of a Mercury engine to fly into space is what NASA used in their protype probably? Or to fly from one country to another?

The British sent some Hindu air craft design away to England in the 1900s.  Hitler and China also took some texts from India to decipher.
  • a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building interstellar spaceships!
    • Their method of propulsion, she said, was “anti-gravitational” and was based upon a system analogous to that of “laghima,”, “a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull.”
  • In 1875, the Vaimanika Sastra, a fourth century B.C. text written by Bharadvajythe Wise”, using even older texts as his source, was rediscovered in a temple in India. It dealt with the operation of Vimanas (ancient flying objects not using Jet Fuel) and included information on the steering, precautions for long flights, protection of the airships from storms and lightening and how to switch the drive to “solar energy” from a free energy source which sounds like “anti-gravity.”
  • The Iron Thunderbolt Weapon: The after-affects of this Thunderbolt weapon (bomb) will have an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those killed by it were so burnt that their corpses were unidentifiable. The survivors fared little either, as it caused their hair and nails to fall out. This Sounds Like An Atomic Bomb!
    • In fact when Archeologists inspected the Mohenjo-Daro ancient city in North West India (at least 6,000 years old), they found the sand on the ground was like glass!  Only an Atomic Bomb can create enough heat to turn sand to glass.
  • Navigation in a craft: “By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards”. (A helicopter can do this and also UFOs)
  • It looks like the Indians learned how to build and fly aircraft that did not run on gasoline (Jet Fuel). But who taught them?
  • The Hindu texts also describe what to wear while operating the craft? 
    • Of course 7,000 years ago they called the craft a chariot? Not an airplane or space craft.
      • Measurements were not written as inches and feet or meters and kilo meters.
      • Exhaust pipe is described as like an elephants trunk expelling hot gasses (O yeah, I can hear some of my readers now snickering).
    • There is description of several different materials to use as fuel besides Mercury. (Remember that NASA took this seriously and started building Ion Propulsion engines for their space crafts)

Take a look at the carving in the temple in Egypt (see below).  It has 4 images that look like aircrafts? The first one looks like a helicopter even?
  • It’s a 3,000 year old temple?

The images found on the ceiling beams of a 3000-year old New Kingdom Temple, located several hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau, at Abydos resembles modern day Aircrafts.

  • First image highlighted -> King Nebuchadnezzar II, releasing a large constructed form. (A Bomb?)
  • Second image highlighted -> A cloud of dust (a Bomb blast?), sending weapons of warfare in all directions accompanied by the eight pointed stars of Ishtar, goddess of war.
  • Third image highlighted -> The actual cylinder seals made of Gold found in King Nebuchadnezzar II’s summer Palace.

The Gold cylinder seals directly above is a Mesopotamia seal of the King found in Iraq during restoration of the Babylonian Summer Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar II, c 634 – 562 BCE. The King freed Babylon from Assyria and expanded his kingdom and created such technological wonders as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Ishtar gate.

Thank goodness 3,000 – 6,000 years ago people wrote on clay and used stone, silver, and gold cylinders. We can actually see what they were writing.  If they wrote on paper 6,000 years ago, there will be nothing left to see today! All would have been lost.

    Who is Shivkar Bapuji Talpade and his Mercury powered flying machine?

Tapalde was born in Mumbai in 1864. He had read the Hindu ancient manuscripts containing the
Vedas and Mahabharata that described various flying machines (Vimana), it’s built and the use of mercury and solar energy for propulsion.

So he worked on building a Mercury powered flying machine in 1895. He had to also learn the Vedic Sanskrit language to read the ancient Hindu Holy texts.

According to Velkar, Talpade’s Marutsakha was a cylindrical structure made of bamboo. The structure was apparently filled with liquid mercury. “When the mercury reacted with sunlight, it released hydrogen. And because hydrogen is lighter than air, it helped the contraption fly,” he says. But the plane did not get very high or stay up too long. “It rose to just a small height and crashed within minutes,” says Velkar.

Key point here was the aircraft ran on Mercury and sunlight! Not Gasoline/Jet Fuel.

The Times article states-

In 1895 an Indian pioneer flew what is said to be the first Indian plane in the air. While the centenary year of the first successful flight, by the Wright brothers, was celebrated from December 17, 2003. But our own pioneer from Mumbai, Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, made an aircraft and had flown it eight years earlier. One of Talpade's students, P Satwelkar, has chronicled that his craft called 'Marutsakha'(Friend of the Winds) flew unmanned for a few minutes and came down.

You must understand that India at this time was pretty backward and non-technical. So Talpade did not have any help or advise. Nor was Talpade an Engineer or Pilot nor did he have any money.  I would imagine this was more like a hobby experiment but based on ancient Hindu texts. 

The Maharaja was present during Talpade’s experiment flight and was pleased at what he saw.  (Remember, this was 8 years before the Wright brothers invented the first manned airplane).  The Maharaja was going to fund Talpade to build a better aircraft but the British feeling uneasy about the invention, warned the Maharaja not to continue with the funding.

Talpade did not give up.  He worked on building another flying machine secretly with the little funds and experience he had other than the Hindu texts. But surprisingly British government arrested him by claiming that he is making explosives from mercury. Then after Talpade spent many years in jail, by the time he came out of jail, the Wright brothers had already invented airplanes. (NASA as I mentioned in the previous section, later did build a Mercury vortex engine)

Most of Talpade’s designs were gathered up by the British and sent to England.

In 2015, Indian movie company made a movie called “Hawaizaada” to tell the story of Talpade.  You should watch it.

London Newspaper - 1974

Pratap Velkar's image of what Talpade's aircraft might have looked like, as seen in his book on the inventor

Vimanas based on texts like the Vaimanika Shastra in Velkar’s book

Shivkar Bapuji Talpade


Would love to know what my readers think?

Previous Chapters

Chapter 1  -  Bible Story


Chapter 2  -  Review of the classical GODs


Chapter 3  -  The Vatican, NASA and Shivkar Talpade


Chapter 4  -  Photographic memory, Tesla, Einstein and Srinivasa Ramanujan


Chapter 5  -  NASA, Asteroid Belt, Pluto and Planet X


Chapter 6 – Season 1 End


Chapter 7 - Happy Easter



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