Chapter 13a – Bloodline – US Presidents

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The American Revolutionary War

The American Revolutionary War (April 19, 1775 – September 3, 1783), also known as the Revolutionary War or American War of Independence, was the military conflict of the American Revolution in which American Patriot forces under George Washington's command defeated the British, establishing and securing the independence of the United States.

In the war, American patriot forces were supported by the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of Spain.

The British, in turn, were supported by Hessian soldiers from Germany, some American Indians, Loyalists, and freedmen. The conflict was fought in North America, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean.

To summarize: The US Colonialists did not want to be ruled under the King of England anymore. They wanted to have self-rule (independence). Gee, this is exactly what the Native Americans wanted also but they did not get it, they got screwed. Oh well.


  • Nine of the signatures on the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons.
  • 13 of the signatures on the US Constitution were Freemasons.
  • President George Washington was a Master Mason. (November 4, 1752 - Initiated as Entered Apprentice at Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Virginia.
  • On September 18, 1793, President George Washington insisted on laying the cornerstone of the Capitol Building according to the ceremonial traditions of the Masonic group. In fact, George Washington was dressed in full Masonic regalia and led the Masonic parade from the White House to the Capitol Hill! to lay the cornerstone of the US Capitol Building.
  • Thus, we know that most of the founding fathers of the US were Freemasons.
  • See the picture of George Washington below. Every inch of that picture has some important Masonic symbol or meaning in it.
  • See the picture of the Washington Monument obelisk below. This is the tallest obelisk in the world. Taller than the Egyptian obelisk (that I would think was the original).  Taller than the obelisk in the Vatican (why is the church interested in a pagan symbol?).
    • Important! The Washington Monument is built so that the Constellation of Pleiades in space would be directly above the pyramid shaped tip! WHY?
    • All the major architects who worked on the important buildings in Washington D.C. were also Freemasons. (The Supreme Court, US Capitol building, White House, Lincoln Memorial, etc.)
    • The US Dollar is also full of Freemason symbols also. Even the words (Example. Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order for the Ages). Since just before year 2000, the Presidents and Politicians in the US have been talking about the “New World Order”!!!  So, these guys (or really descendants of them are still ruling the world? And us?)
    • The US Dollar has also the “All Seeing Eye” just above the Egyptian “Pyramid”. We are still being ruled by the people who believe in the ancient arts/religion? 
  • President Thomas Jefferson and President Jimmy Carter had reported of their UFO encounter.
  • The founding Fathers were heavily interested in stories of UFOs from the Native Americans.
  • The US Constitution was influenced by the Iroquois constitution beginning with even the “We The People” on our Constitution. (Benjamin Franklin was in attendance at the Iroquois Six Nation treaty with the Union.)
  • Many other sections of the US Constitution were from the Iroquois constitution such as Democracy, Equality, Women’s Rights, Respect for Human Dignity, Religious Rights, etc.
  • George Washington was visited out of nowhere by a woman during the Revolutionary War and gave Washington advise during this war. (Alien?)
  • Iroquois Chief Shenandoah was present in the building when the Declaration of Independence was being signed. (A room full of Iroquois people were there also.)
  • There is an Iroquois Sky Woman (Legend of an Alien) statue on top of the US Capitol building!!! Holy smokes! (See picture below)
  • The US Coin had an image of a Native American woman up to the mid-19th century. This woman was really the “Sky Woman” legend (Alien?) from the Iroquois tribe who supposedly came to earth to start the human race.

So, we can conclude that the US Constitution and roads and buildings and laws were influenced by the Iroquois Laws, Iroquois Alien legend, Freemasons and Egyptians??? Nothing to do with Christianity? So we the citizens are being ruled by a small group of people who are part of some kind of Club?

And while most of the Native American tribes got screwed by the US, losing their lands and freedoms, some tribes like the Iroquois (and I am just guessing), may have really got a good deal out of it. And many of the tribal Chiefs and daughters married into Upper-Level American families!

Washington DC streets are laid out as triangles, rectangles and squares (Freemason)

Iroquois Sky Woman (Alien) on US coin till mid-19th century? 

Close up of Iroquois Sky Woman statue on top of the US Capitol building!!! 
The stars on her head depict that she came from the stars.

12 year old BridgeAnne d'Avignon

BridgeAnne (on February 16, 2010) was tracing her roots and wound up tracing all US Presidents to be related, but one to King John around the year 1200’s. Only President Martin Van Buren was not related because he was Dutch.

Going that far back, is this a big deal? Maybe?

Thus, if it might or might not be a big deal that all the US Presidents are related to King John, BUT it is interesting to know that all the US Presidents, but one is of English (or Great Britain) descent!

Even Obama’s mother is English. (Name - Stanley Ann Dunham). See below for the analysis from BridgeAnne, connecting Obama’s roots to her roots. (18th cousins - to the year 1661)

Analysis of 12 year old BridgeAnne d'Avignon’s and Obama’s roots.


Edith Wilson (1872-1961) was an American first lady (1915–21) and the second wife of Woodrow Wilson, 28th president of the United States.

Edith Bolling Galt Wilson traced her ancestry to Virginia colonial aristocracy. The daughter of Sallie White and Judge William Holcombe Bolling, she was a direct descendant of Pocahontas on her father’s side and was related by blood or through marriage to Thomas Jefferson, Martha Washington and Letitia Tyler.

Edith Wilson second wife of Woodrow Wilson

By the way, Pocahontas was lured by the English (Sir Samuel Argall and his wife) and taken captive, held for ransom for the return of English prisoners and weapons. After her release she was renamed “Rebecca” after a Christian baptism. At around age 17, she married John Rolfe in Virginia, on the 5th of April 1614.

Former presidents George H.W. Bush and George Bush are said to related to Col. Robert Bolling, the husband of Pocahontas’ granddaughter, Jane Rolfe .,the%20blood%20descendants%20of%20Pocahontas


  • Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. Barack Obama are distant cousins.
  • Vice President Dick Cheney and President Bush are ninth cousins once removed.
  • President Obama and President Bush are 11th cousins.
  • President Bush and President Abraham Lincoln are seventh cousin, five times removed.
  • President Bush and Climate Tzar John Kerry are ninth cousins, twice removed.
  • President Bush and Princess Diana are 11th cousins, twice removed.
  • President Bush and Marilyn Monroe are ninth cousins, three times removed.

SideNote: Genghis Khan

One in every 200 men alive today (in Persia) is a relative of Genghis Khan. Also, an international team of geneticists has made the astonishing discovery that more than 16 million men in central Asia have the same male Y chromosome as the great Mongol leader. (Not counting how many women?)

Also, this is the reason why there are many Iranians and Pakistanis with the last name “Khan”. And the Mughal imperial family of the Indian subcontinent are also of Mongolian descent.

I guess Genghis Khan and his army were very busy men back in the 13th century. Also, the Mongolians were sowing their seeds from China to Siberia and Eastern Europe and any other country in between.

Everywhere the Mongols went, they would kill/massacre all able-bodied men (to avoid uprisings) and then breed all the women they could get their hands on. (Not uncommon around the world at that time.). Braveheart movie anyone? Where the English King says to the army to “Breed the Scottish women out”? And don't forget the "Rape of Nanjin" during World War II where the Japanese committed mass rape in China that the news will never talk about. Only that Hitler was the bad guy.


Key here is almost all US Presidents are English for some reason?  Will this change? Can someone like a Cuban, an Indian or Mexican become US President someday? Is this a coincidence or by design? We might find out next year!

Who are we the citizens of the US being ruled by? Even though there is no King in the US, but looks like there are small secret groups like the Freemasons (how about the Illuminati?), and any other secret groups of people of power who actually make the decisions (in the back rooms) that the US Presidents and Politicians follow through on?

And of course, the decisions made must be financially beneficial to these people first. They will always make a profit and get more and more rich? And we the people if lucky, get the table scraps?

Are “We The Sheep?

The Washington Monument was built to point to the Pleiades Constellation in space? I have found other cultures around to world from the Africans, Argentinians, Egyptians, Mexicans, Peruvians, etc. referencing the Sirius Constellation and the Dogon Constellations as the origins of their people.  I have to research what is the Pleiades Constellation now.

The Pleiades Constellation stories are found in European (Greek), African, Asian, Indonesian, Native American and Aboriginal Australian cultures. Many cultures regard the cluster as having seven stars, but acknowledge only six are normally visible, and then have a story to explain why the seventh is invisible. Interesting Huh?

Why are the primitive Aboriginal Australian people even remotely interested in this exact group of stars and having the almost exact story as the Greeks? Hmmm…..?



*** Next Chapter – The Royal Bloodline ***


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