Chapter 16c – Flying Machines Part.2

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Israel, Jews, and Christians

  1. Do you think that the Whirlwind (from Part.1) is some stupid made up description from primitive people long ago? 
  2. Do you think that the Chariot of Fire and the Horses of Fire (from Part.1) is some stupid made up description from primitive people long ago?

The Bible, which I have said is a copy of the original Sumerian stories since Abraham lived in Sumer till adulthood before moving away and founding Israel, also talks about the same Whirlwinds and also of the same Chariots of Fire. Pretty cool huh?


2 Kings Chapter 2

Verse 1The time had come for the Lord to take Elijah up to heaven in a Whirlwind. Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal, and Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the Lord is sending me on to Bethel.””

Verse 11 “As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire with horses of fire suddenly appeared and separated the two of them. Then Elijah went up into heaven in the Whirlwind12 As Elisha watched, he kept crying out, “My father, my father, the chariots and horsemen of Israel!” Then he never saw Elijah again. He took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces”.

Side Note:

The Bible can be very violent book.  See below where this same Elisha a follower of Prophet Elijah, being with bad temper killed 42 children for no good reason!!

2 Kings Chapter 2 

Verse 23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking up the path, some small boys came out of the city and harassed him, chanting, “Go up, baldy! Go up, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two female bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of the children25 From there Elisha went to Mount Carmel, and then he returned to Samaria”.

Also, it looks like GOD doesn’t mind killing 42 children for no good reason? Really?

One more thing, if Elisha tore his clothes in two, in verse 12 (above), then he is now walking naked all the way back to another town Samaria? Hmm?


New King James Version - Ezekiel Chapter 1 verse 4

Verse 4 Then I looked, and behold, a Whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire”. (Doesn’t this sound like a flying saucer?)

So, here’s another Prophet, Ezekiel, experiencing an encounter with a Whirlwind. No Kidding!


  • Both the book of Kings and the book of Ezekiel clearly talk about the Whirlwind coming down and taking people up.
  • And the Bible is using the same word as the Sumerians - the “Whirlwind”.
  • Also, this is another example proving my statement previously that the Bible (and the Torah) is copying the Sumerian stories.
  • I cannot get two better examples. This is a slam dunk.

Abraham, Elijah and Ezekiel in Harran?

All three biblical persons Abraham, Elijah and Ezekiel are listed as living in Harran (Turkey – East of the Euphrates River).

Basically, when Abraham left the City of Ur in Mesopotamia/Sumer with his family, Abraham stopped by Harran in Turkey.

Now this is the interesting thing.  The city name Haran was also the name of the brother of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-28), thus the city of Haran (Harran, Charran, Charan) was ruled by Abraham’s brother Haran!,


Abraham becomes King of Damascus

Josephus (Antiquities, Book 1, chapter VII) says, “Nicolaus of Damascus, in the fourth book of his history, says this: - ‘Abram reigned at Damascus, being a foreigner, who came with an army out of the land above Babylon, called the land of the Chaldeans (Ur). . . . . “Now the name of Abram is even still famous in the country of Damascus; and there is shown a village named from him, “the Habitation of Abram””.

In the “Chronicles of Jerahmeel” (Chapter 35 §2) we read,  “Now it came to pass, when Abram came from Babylon, he betook himself to Damascus, he and his household, and was made King over that City; for Eliezer was then the Ruler of Damascus, but when he saw that the Lord was with Abram, he presented him with the Kingdom and surrendered himself to his service”.

Don’t forget that Damascus is in Syria and not in Israel. Abraham has yet to get to Israel. He probably also became King or Israel when he finally gets to Israel with his army.  And who all did Abraham have to fight and kill before taking over/stealing the land that is to be called Israel? Interesting question!

Genesis 31:53

“May the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us.' So Jacob took an oath in the name of the Fear of his father Isaac.”

Both cities of Harran and Ur had the moon-god Sin as the patron GOD. And that Abraham and his brother Haran were not only the King but also pretty much the priests of the temple of moon-god Sin.

Abraham’s father Terah was King of the city of Ur before Abraham, so the moon-god Sin was also Terah’s GOD.

The moon-god Sin/Suen (Akkadian) or Nanna (Sumerian) is the son of Enlil/Zeus/Indra. So we now know that Abraham, the father of Israel worshipped Zeus’ son Nanna! Get it?

Abrahams’ twin brothers Nahor and Haran were also Kings

Terah had two other sons, named Nahor and Haran, which the Book of Jashar says were twins.

Remember just above, Abraham when leaving the city of Ur to establish Israel, he stopped and stayed at the city of Haran (today’s Turkey)? So, Abraham’s brother Harran lived in the town of Haran.  Yes, the city of Haran is named after Abraham’s brother Haran which means Abraham’s brother Haran is the King of the city of Haran. Get it?

And Abraham’s other brother Nahor was the King of the city of Nahor!  Get it?

Also, according to the Sumerian Kings list Abraham was also the king of the City of Ur because also in the Book of Antiquities, it mentions that “Abraham came from land of the Chaldeans (Ur) with an Army!” So, Abraham is truly a King! And he goes to Damascus with his army and becomes King yet again.

Finally, the Sumerian Kings list (Chapter 13c) says that Abraham’s father, Terah, was king of Haran, Nippur and also Ur. The entire family were kings in multiple cities even at the same time. Haran and Ur obviously were given over to his sons Abraham and Haran over time.

Remember that in my Chapter 13c, I started seeing that all the main characters in the Bible (Adam to Noah to Abraham to King David etc.) were all Kings(The ultimate Bloodline right?)

Family name


(father of Abraham, Haran and Nahor)

King of
1-Haran (Turkey)
2-Nippur (Sumer)
3-Ur (Sumer)


King of
1-Ur (Sumer)
2-Damascus (Syria)


King of
1-Haran (Turkey)


King of
1-Nahor (Turkey)

The Sumerian Kings list identify Abraham and Terah to be priests and scions of the Sumerian temples of the cities that they were kings! And the Sumerian temples are pretty much the temples to Enlil/Zeus/Indra, Enki/Poseidon/Varuna, Athena/Minerva/Saraswati and other members of the Anunnaki royal family line.

So, when did Abraham actually give up worshipping the Anunnaki and become a follower of the Jewish GOD? Some one answer this please? And who really is the Jewish GOD (the GOD of Abraham and the GOD that Abraham worships after worshipping Nanna)?


! And the same Anunnaki GODs (aliens) were worshipped all over the world at the same time !

  • In India – Indra, Varuna 
  • In Mexico – Huitzilopochtli, Balam Yokte
  • In Greece – Zeus, Poseidon
  • In Germany/Norway – Thor, Yoki
  • In Egypt – Amon Ra, Ptah
  • In Rome – Jupiter, Neptune
  • In Sumer – Enlil, Enki

The world becomes a small place when you really look at it correctly and with knowledge.

The Temple of Solomon,destroyed%20four%20hundred%20years%20later.

Architectural Model of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (1883)

According to Jewish tradition, the Temple of Solomon, also known as "the First Temple," was built by King Solomon (circa 990–931 BCE) long ago on the spot where God created Adam, the first man. (This is coming from the Jewish tradition.  Which do we now believe? Adam was created in Eden or in Israel?  LOL, it gets confusing here .. but I am just going to move on.)

But the building was destroyed four hundred years later. It was replaced with the Second Temple, which was built by groups of exiled Jewish people returning to Jerusalem. The site of the Temple is considered one of the holiest places in the world, and is significant to Jews, Muslims, and Christians across the globe.

If you want to see what the Temple of Solomon looked like, watch this YouTube video - or see the pictures below.

In 1883, a biblical scholar named Thomas Newberry designed a model, or a small, three-dimensional copy, of an ancient temple in Jerusalem, based on descriptions of its architecture that he found in the Bible. Four years later, the model was featured as the centerpiece of one of these large, public exhibitions: the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition. (Watch the video or see the pictures below.),destroyed%20four%20hundred%20years%20later.


The largest room in the Temple is called the Holy Place. It is the main hall of the Temple. According to tradition, only the priests responsible for maintaining the Holy Place's furnishings were permitted to enter.

Just as described in the Bible, the walls and floors in Newberry's model are lined with gold sheets ornamented with palm trees and cherubim (pronounced chair-roo-beam, a type of angel). Inside are ten golden lampstands, which are said to have lit the Holy Place and burned continuously in the Temple throughout the day and the night. For Newberry, the lamps' constant light symbolized God's message of grace to humanity.

Beside each lampstand is a golden table for displaying a loaf of bread. These loaves, which are called shewbread, symbolize God's gift of nourishment for the people of Israel. (Leaving food for GOD is the same thing the Buddhists and Hindus also do, is it???)

At the end of the hall is an altar made of cedar wood covered in gold, called the altar of incense. Lighting incense every evening was one of the duties of the priests that were permitted to enter the Holy Place. (Burning fire and incense is the same thing the Buddhists and Hindus also do, is it???),destroyed%20four%20hundred%20years%20later.


At the west end of the Holy Place, behind the altar of incense, is the doorway to the most sacred room in the temple: the Holiest of Holies, or the Most Holy Place. It is said that no one was allowed inside... except for once a year on Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday when worshippers fast and atone for their sins. On that day, the High Priest was allowed to enter to make offerings to God. (Offerings of more food like the Buddhists and Hindus also do, is it??? LOL)

Synagogues all over the world have a special cabinet called an ark to hold the scrolls of the Torah. According to Jewish tradition, each ark is considered a miniature version of this room.,destroyed%20four%20hundred%20years%20later.


According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was stored in the Holiest of Holies. The chest is made from a special wood and covered in gold and is said to have been given to Moses by God. Inside were the two stone tablets on which Moses copied down the Ten Commandments. The Ark of the Covenant symbolized the continual presence of God among his people.


Pretty interesting don’t you think? The holy sections of the Temple of Solomon were lined in GOLD - floor, walls, ceiling, tables etc. 

Just like the temples in Peru and Mesoamerica! Coincidence? (The wonderful Catholic Spanish in Peru stole everything and melted it down to give to the King of Spain and the Catholic Church of course. The Catholic Church gladly received so much stolen GOLD, Silver and Jewels, I am estimating 250 Billion dollars, but I still can’t figure out where is it kept or who has it? Which rich family in Europe has it.)

Note: Pay attention to the two big Angels with 4 wings! (Not two wings as normally should be?) For Christians, the Hindu GODs with 4 hands for example is looked down upon as a primitive religion. But the Christians have the same damn thing! (Copying the Hindus and Buddhists yet again?)

And then there are the 2 angels on the Ark itself.  There is a family of Angels, each with different names/categories, in the Bible that people don’t realize. I’ll explain later.




*** End of Part 2 ***

*** More fun in the next Chapters ***



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