Chapter 16g – Ancient Nuclear War

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Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

Oppenheimer learned Sanskrit for the sole purpose of reading the Hindu Holy book, Bhagavad Gita in 1933.

AS HE WITNESSED the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945, a piece of Hindu scripture ran through the mind of J. Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.


J. Robert Oppenheimer

Einstein working with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project

Time lapse image of the first nuclear detonation

The Hindu Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11 verse 32)

Bhagavad Gita: The Supreme Lord said:I am mighty Time, the source of destruction that comes forth to annihilate the worlds. Even without your participation, the warriors arrayed in the opposing army shall cease to exist.This verse 32 is the actual text of the Bhagavad Gita.

Oppenheimer’s quote however is; “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.

There is a difference here between what Oppenheimer said and what is the actual text in the Bhagavad Gita. But the sentiment I guess is the same.


Now let’s go for a quick balancing of the characters involved in the events happening;

  • The Supreme Lord here is Lord Krishna.
  • Krishna is the avatar of Varuna
  • Varuna is Enki in Sumer
  • Enki is Poseidon in Greek
  • Poseidon is Ptah in Egypt
  • Ptah is Bolon Yokte in Mexico

Did you just get all that?  My now famous quote *** All the GODs are the Same ***


The Supreme Lord was speaking to Arjuna/Arjun

  • Arjuna is the Archer
  • Arjuna was also the charioteer (Flying machine?) with Krishna onboard
  • Arjuna was hesitant to go to war against his relatives
  • The Supreme Lord Krishna was giving Arjuna advice
  • Arjuna could be Achilles in Greek who was also an archer and was reluctant to go to war against the Trojans
  • Arjuna does not want to fight; he does not understand why he must shed the blood of his relatives, the Kauravas, for a kingdom that he does not want.
    • Krishna, how can I fight against Bhishma and Drona with arrows when they deserve my worship?
    • For him, killing his family is the greatest sin of all, but Krishna urges Arjuna to fulfill his Dharma, “sacred duty“ and wage battle. Arjuna shows selflessness by not focusing on his own duties but thinking of the good of others.
  • I believe that Arjuna was a Demi-GOD and not a full GOD (Anunnaki)

Note: Did you notice that the Bible is also following the Hindu Holy books’ format of dividing the books into Chapters and Verses? Actually, the Sumerians started this format in their Cuneiform writings. (See the Sumerian writings - The 14 Tablets Of Lord Enki. And don’t forget that Enki = Krishna = Poseidon)

Lord Krishna (Enki/Poseidon) is giving advice/direction to Arjuna (Achilles) in preparation for the war against his relatives

Anunnaki meaning

Could it be? Well, could it be possible there is a Hindu interpretation of the Anunnaki name?

I saw this explanation in my searches when writing this chapter and it does make sense.

  • Anunnaki = Anu Nagi
  • Anu = King Anu (Supreme GOD) and father of Zeus/Indra/Shiva and Poseidon/Varuna/Krishna
  • Naki = Nagi = Naga = Serpent

See my Chapter 12c about ancient Mexico;

  • The Mayas (in Mexico) are actually referred to in the Hindu Mahabharata, as a tribe having left the Indian subcontinent.
  • There are sources who have revealed those people to be the same as the Nagas (serpent), one of the oldest Indian tribes recorded. Those Nagas seem to have been a people, later called Danavas, with a capital Nagapur. They are referred to in another main Hindu-scripture, the Ramayana, as belonging to a Naga-Maya tribe, who is said to have transmitted their culture West towards Babylonia, Egypt and Greece and then the Americas!
  • Naga is the Sanskrit word for serpent or snake. The feathered serpent GOD represents the Mayan God Kukulcan or Quetzacoatl, a Christ/Krishna-like figure. In those days the ancient serpent religion was referred to as the Serpents of Wisdom.
  • The Roman/Greek Mercury or Hermes (Narada) – his symbol is the Caduceus : two serpents entwined around a staff.

There are some reports of the Reptilian race of Aliens but I am NOT going to go there right now. Something fishy I must say?

Is this why the serpent is revered throughout the world? Is this why the serpent is the symbol of healing like with the medical profession today? Don’t forget that the serpents include the mythical Dragons!

Ancient Nuclear War

I have shown (in my Chapter 16f) how the Ancient flying machine/helicopter called the Whirlwind is called out in the Christian Bible, Sumerian texts and also the Hindu texts.

Did you just get that? All three religions/cultures speak of the same thing!


Now we need to review the Nuclear Blast/"Evil Wind" description.

Ex.1 - The Sumerian Texts;

Note: Evil Wind = Radioactive cloud from a Nuclear blast.

  • From the northern edge of the Evil Wind’s side swath, from Babylon, a worried Marduk sent his father, Enki (Poseidon/Varuna/Krishna), an urgent message as the cloud of death neared his city. "What am I to do?" he asked.
  • Enki’s advice, which Marduk then related to his followers, was that those who could should leave the city – but go only north; and in line with the advice given by the two emissaries to Lot (Abraham’s nephew), the people fleeing Babylon were warned "neither to turn nor to look back…" Slam Dunk! this is exactly what the Bible says that Lot and his family was told!
  • If escape was not possible, Enki advised hiding underground: "Get thee into a chamber below the earth, into a darkness," until the Evil Wind was gone.

Note: Guys! Two emissaries tell Lotnot to look back” as he is running away from Sodom and Gomorrah I am guessing? Isn’t this in the Bible also?

  • The nuclear explosion gave rise to an immense wind, a radioactive wind which began as a whirlwind (nuclear blast tornado winds?)… and then the radioactive whirlwind began to spread and move Eastward with the prevailing winds blowing from the Mediterranean… Sumer itself became the ultimate nuclear victim.
  • On the Land (Sumer) fell a calamity,
  • one unknown to man:
  • One that had never been seen before,
  • one that could not be withstood.

  • The people, terrified, could hardly breathe.
  • the Evil Wind clutched them,
  • does not grant them another day…
  • Mouths were drenched in blood,
  • heads wallowed in blood
  • The face was made pale by the Evil Wind.

  •  …The source of the unseen death was a cloud that appeared in the skies of Sumer and "covered the land as a cloak, spread over it like a sheet." 
  • Brownish in color, during the daytime "the sun in the horizon it obliterated with darkness." 
  • At night, luminous at its edges ("Girt with dread brilliance it filled the broad earth") it blocked out the moon: "the moon at its rising it extinguished…"

Note: could hardly breathe, mouths were drenched in blood, heads wallowed in blood. THIS IS NUCLEAR SICKNESS like in WWII Hiroshima!

  • …It was not, however, a natural phenomenon. It was "a great storm directed from Anu (Kronos/ Kashyapa) … it hath come from the heart of Enlil (Zeus/Indra/Shiva)." The product of the seven awesome weapons… Though the people were baffled, the GODs knew the cause of the Evil Wind:
Notethe Humans had no idea what a Nuclear Bomb would do. But the Anunnaki knew exactly what this was because they were using the Bomb and they had communicated with themselves to pack up and leave the area right away! (Leave the Humans to suffer and die, pretty much!)

  • An evil blast heralded the baleful storm,
  • An evil blast the forerunner
  • of the baleful storm was;
  • Mighty offspring, valiant sons (Ninurta and Nergal)
  • were the heralds of the pestilence.

  • …The two valiant sons – Ninurta and Nergal – unleashed "in a single spawning" the seven awesome weapons created by King Anu (Kronos/Kahyappa and "El" for the Christians), "uprooting everything, upheaving everything" at the place of the blast.
  • The ancient descriptions are as vivid, as accurate as modern eyewitness descriptions of an atomic explosion:
  • As soon as the "awesome weapons" were launched from the skies, there was an immense brilliance: "they spread awesome rays towards the four points of the earth, scorching everything like fire."
  • This means that the Nuclear wind was so hot that the wind itself was creating fires/burning everything it touches. Pretty much a WWII Nuclear blast over Hiroshima!

One text stated; another, a lamentation over the City of Nippur, recalled "the storm, in a flash of lightning created." An atomic mushroom – "a dense cloud that brings gloom" – then rose to the sky; it was followed by "rushing wind gusts… a tempest that furiously scorches the heavens." 

Boys and Girls! The Sumerian texts clearly describe a Nuclear blast in Ancient times by the Anunnaki! Hands Down!

And the Bible’s Lot running away from Sodom and Gomorrah with the instructions by the two angels “to not look back”! Hands Down!

Do you remember my Chapter 3 with the image of an Atom Bomb and Nuclear blast in the King Nebuchadnezzar II’s summer Palace? See image below! 

Look at the shape of the bomb below. Looks exactly like the Hiroshima bomb doesn't it?

Looks just like the Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII

What an eerie similarity 4,000 years apart?

Hiroshima 1945 - Death comes as a wind. A nuclear wind!
All soft tissue burns right away (eyelid, lips, inner mouth, throat, lungs)!

Hiroshima 1945 - Pray for death if you are still alive!

Hiroshima 1945 - Clothing burned into your skin

Hiroshima 1945 - Even buildings turn to dust like it never existed

Hiroshima 1945 - Within 20 minutes the nuclear blast created radioactive Black Rain, radioactive Black Dust, radioactive Soot spreading to 29 miles away! 
People far away from the city will die next. Just like in Babylon and Sumer.

Replicas of "Little Boy" and "Fat Man", the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively, at the Bradbury Science Museum at Los Alamos in New Mexico. The radioactive ore used to create the uranium core of "Little Boy" was mined in Canada's north and then transported by indigenous laborers, who were never warned about the dangers of the radiation.

Considering that the 2 bombs destroyed 2 complete cities with multistoried buildings and roads and people, do you see how tiny is the bomb itself? Just amazing is the power of its destruction!!

How did Einstein and Oppenheimer know radioactive material can be made to create a super dangerous explosion? Who gave them this knowledge?

Ex. 2 - Another writing of the Sumerian event is listed below;

  • To Enlil (Zeus/Indra/Shiva) and Enki (Poseidon/Varuna/Krishna), Ninurta and Nergal the alarm sounded: Unstoppable the Evil Wind death to all delivers!
  • The alarm Enlil and Enki to the GODs of Sumer transmitted:
  • Escape! Escape! to them all they cried out. Let the people disperse, let the people hide! From their cities the GODs did flee, like frightened birds from their nests escaping they were.
  • The people of the lands by the Evil Storm's hand were clutched; futile was the running. Stealthy was the death, like a ghost the fields and cities it attacked; The highest walls, the thickest walls, like floodwaters it passed,
  • No door could shut it out, no bolt could turn it back. Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled. Those who to the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up.
  • Cough and phlegm the chests filled, the mouths with spittle and foam filled up;
  • As the Evil Wind the people unseen engulfed, their mouths were drenched with blood.

Note: Yet again, Cough and phlegm the chests filled, the mouths with spittle and foam and their mouths were drenched with blood are all radiation sickness!

So, do I need to give more examples? Well, I can. See below.



Ex. 3 - Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, India/Pakistan


Ancient city of Mohenjo Daro 

Sand turned to glass. The side facing the nuclear blast.

The picture above is of sand on the ground and not from any fire pit or any of that sort, that has turned to “glass” and mostly on one side. The side facing the blast I would imagine. You will need about 1,700 degrees Celsius or 3,092 degrees Fahrenheit to turn sand to glass, of which a nuclear blast can create.


Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were cities in the Indus River valley estimated to be as old as 6,000 years and had complete water delivery system and waste/sewer drainage. This is similar to Sumer in Iraq, the oldest human civilization. This makes Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa in India as old as the oldest” human civilization?


  • In December 1932, Patrick Clayton, a surveyor from the Egyptian Geological Survey, drove between the dunes of the Great Sand Sea, close to the Saad Plateau in Egypt, when he heard crunching under the wheels. When he examined what was causing the sound, he found great chunks of glass in the sand.
  • While passing through Alamogordo’s White Sands missile range (New Mexico), Albion W. Hart, observed that the chunks of glass left by nuclear tests in New Mexico were identical to the formations that he observed in the African desert 50 years earlier. However, the extension of the blast in the Egyptian desert would require that the explosion be 10,000 times more powerful than that observed in New Mexico!

In 1927, years after the discovery of the Mohenjo Daro ruins, 44 human skeletons were found on the outskirts of the city. 

The majority were found face down, lying in the street and holding hands as if a serious catastrophe had suddenly engulfed the town. 

In addition, some bodies presented signs of unexplainable radiation. Many experts believe that Mohenjo Daro is an unequivocal sign of nuclear catastrophe two millennia before Christ.
Certain zones of the site additionally indicated expanded dimensions of radioactivity. 

English Indian analyst David Davenport observed proof of what gave off an impression of being the impact epicenter: a 50-yard sweep at the site, where all articles were found to have been intertwined and glassified—rocks had been dissolved by temperatures of around 1500 degrees C and transformed into a glass-like substance.

What this means is that people of Mohenjo Daro was going about their daily lives not knowing that a nuclear blast or nuclear wind was coming to kill them before they could think of running for cover. (Not that it would help though.) And their skeletons are still radioactive. (See picture below.)

Image of the skeletons found at Mohenjo Daro. Image source: Wikimedia

Ex. 4 - Sri Lanka - Ussangoda Ramayana Site / Ussangoda National Park

King Raavan's Palace area sand turned to glass

When they say "Lord Hanuman set Lanka on fire" what they actually mean is he set fire to certain parts of King Raavan's palace.

The ground here is said to be somewhat black with molten rocks due to high power energy source which is nothing like the surrounding area. (Like a Nuclear explosion?)

The picture below is from Ussangoda, which according to mythology was the landing strip for King Raavan's Pushpak Vimana (flying machine).

The site of King Raavan's Palace grounds and spaceport.  
No trees (due to radioactive soil) here but there are trees much further away. 

Adams Bridge

Note: There is possibly an ancient road (Adams Bridge) that connects the southern tip of India with Sri Lanka. But the road is now under the sea? I have found many examples of sunken cities and roads which means Earth also had its Global Warming/Oceans rising event thousands of years ago? 

(No gasoline cars back then! So will going solar power and wind power save our planet today?)

Ancient road connecting India with Sri Lanka is now under the sea

You can see the ancient road from space!

The ancient Sanskrit epic Ramayana (8th century BCE–3rd century CE) mentions a bridge constructed by the Lord Rama to reach the island Lanka and rescue his wife Sita from Ravana. In popular belief, Lanka is equated to present-day Sri Lanka and the bridge is described as "Rama's Setu".

Ex. 5 - India's oldest book, "The Mahabharata" and Ancient Weapons of Mass Destruction

Back to the story of Arjuna/Achilles and Krishna/Poseidon.

The two great ancient epics of India, Ramayana and Mahabharata (c. 1000-500 BC) are centered on conflicts and refer to military formations, theories of warfare and esoteric weaponry.

“A Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana (fast aircraft) hurled a single projectile (rocket) charged with the power of the Universe (nuclear device). An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white.

After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected……to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.” — The Mahabharata


“It was a weapon so powerful that it could destroy the earth in an instant. A great soaring sound in smoke and flames.

And on it sits death…” “Dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy…A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts.

All points of the compass were lost in darkness. Fierce wind began to blow upward, showering dust and gravel.

  • Birds croaked madly… the very elements seemed disturbed.
  • The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon.
  • Elephants burst into flame and ran to and from in a frenzy…over a vast area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died.
  • From all points of the compass, the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely. — The Mahabharata

Ex. 6 - The Account of the Nuclear War in the Mahabharata has a striking similarity with the Sumerians tablets

According to the Mahabharata, WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) was given to Arjuna by the Lord Krishna (is he the Sumerian supreme god Enki/Poseidon?) to serve as a protective shield for the truth to be successful. It is not clearly said how these WMDs were made available to Arjuna, but to the warring families, it was no longer a secret.

This WMD during the Kurukshetra war was known as “Cakra”. “Cakra” was the most destructive of all weapons that was given personally by Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu (is he Enki in the Sumerian version?); called it by the other name of “Sudal Sana” which was more powerful than “Barma Satara” the other WMD. It was said that if released, it would generate great hot rays, reddish sky and fire-ball.

You can see here how the Hindu Holy texts are very detailed in what was happening. And they had many different kinds of deadly bombs and missiles available to use in Ancient times.


So, I just gave examples of texts discussing Nuclear Bombs or Nuclear Wars in Sumer/Mediterranean, India and Sri Lanka. I have given examples of Nuclear blasts from the African desert to the Mediterranean to Iraq to India and Sri Lanka. These locations are all now deserts. But what about the deserts in U.S. and China?  I don't know if there is a correlation between deserts and ancient nuclear blasts??? 

I also referenced the Bible’s Lot, a nephew of Abraham who was told to run! Away from Sodom and Gomorrah and to not look back!

And this was probably why GOD had told Abraham to move out of the City of Ur to head North and later West. And one of the nuclear blast story was about a detonation at Mount Sinai which brought the deadly Nuclear winds all the way east through Sumer.

How the Nuclear blasts were so strong that the intense heat caused sand to turn to glass and elephants to spontaneously catch on fire from the heat a nuclear blast creates.

That hair and nails fell out! "Radiation Sickness". Skeletons at Mohenjo-Daro present signs of unexplainable radiation.

These nuclear bombs were 100s of times stronger than what was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII!!!

Actually it was Yahweh in the Bible who tells Abraham to leave the City of Ur and go North. Around 2000 B.C.

  • In the Sumerian writings on the other hand, Enlil (Zeus/Indra/Shiva) tells Ibru-Um (Abram) to leave the City of Ur and to go North. In the year 2024 B.C.
  • So is the Christian Yahweh Enlil (Zeus/Indra/Shiva)???
  • Pretty interesting, isn’t it?

“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within”

― Will Durant


*** End of Chapter ***

*** All the GODs are the Same ***

*** The GODs were also violent ***


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