Chapter 5 - NASA, Asteroid Belt, Pluto and Planet X

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Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543)

Nicolaus Copernicus was a mathematician and astronomer who proposed that the sun was stationary in the center of the universe and the Earth revolved around it. The Catholic Church was not happy about this because the church has been teaching (the Bible) the Christians that the Earth was the center of our universe. In fear that this can be a loss of power to the Church, the Church banned Copernicus’ book and warned Copernicus to not pursue his theory as it was heresy. So Copernicus kept quiet in fear of a death sentence from heresy.

The Church response was “A literal interpretation was unacceptable from a religio-philosophical standpoint: in the eyes of the church it was impossible for the most important creation – earth – to find itself outside of the natural centre of the universe.”

Tycho Brahe (1546–1601) who was a great astronomical observer then read Copernicus’ work and agreed with Copernicus but in fear of the Catholic Church, adopted a compromise, that the ‘geoheliostatic’ system in which the two inner planets revolved around the sun and that system along with the rest of the planets revolved around the earth. 

Today, of course the evidence is 100% true so obviously the Church is not threatening anyone with death anymore regarding the orbits of the planets.  In fact, like I wrote in Chapter 3, the Church now has 2, multi-million-dollar space observatories. Funny how sin and heresy changes depending on how you can play it?

This is my theory: 

  1. Every person, organization, company, religious group, politician starts from small. 
  2. As they get bigger, they yearn to be bigger. 
  3. The bigger they get, the more powerful they become. 
  4. The more powerful they become, the richer they get. 
  5. As they become rich and powerful the more worried, they become of losing their power (which is also money) to competition. 
  6. As the more worried they become, they will now do everything including killing (if they can get away with it), or to put the competition out of business (ex. Microsoft in the 1990’s), to maintain their power which is also money. 
  7. Tell me what you think?

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Galileo also concluded/agreed with Copernicus regarding the Earth and all other planets in our solar system orbiting the Sun since Galileo was a scientist and astronomer. Galileo was immediately taken in for questioning for heresy. Only after Galileo publicly admitted his wrongdoing and an agreement to doing penance, that Galileo was then released under house arrest and allowed to return to his farmhouse and not be burned at the stake. The church did not allow Galileo a church burial when he died.

The printing presses at that time had to get approval from the Church of any books they published. (This is Power and Control). The ban on Galileo’s and Copernicus’ books were finally repealed in the 1820’s with a new Pope in town and more advancement in astronomy. 

  • It was only in 1820 that the Church allowed another astronomer, Joseph Settle, to declare the motion of the Earth, as proposed by Copernicus over 200 years before, as fact. 
  • (in 1992) More than 350 years after the Roman Catholic Church condemned Galileo, Pope John Paul II rectified one of the Church's most infamous wrongs -- the persecution of the Italian astronomer and physicist for proving the Earth moves around the Sun. 
  • With a formal statement at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Saturday, Vatican officials said the Pope will formally close a 13-year investigation into the Church's condemnation of Galileo in 1633”. The condemnation, which forced the astronomer and physicist to recant his discoveries, also led to Galileo's house arrest for eight years before his death in 1642 at the age of 77.


Clyde W. Tombaugh (1930)

Percival Lowell an astronomer who discovered Uranus, noticed wobbles in Uranus and Neptune. This is wild! Looking up in space almost 4 billion miles away, not only that Lowell is able to find Uranus and Neptune, but to also track these 2 constantly moving objects so far away daily and notice that they are not moving smoothly?

Lowell theorized that the wobble of the two planets were caused by the gravitational pull of an unknown planetary body. Lowell calculated the approximate location of the hypothesized ninth planet and searched for more than a decade without success.

Using Lowell’s’ calculations, Tombaugh however, successfully discovered the Planet Pluto at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona on February 18, 1930. He had to use a new astronomic technique of photographic plates combined with a blink microscope to find this tiny planet.

Pluto takes 248 Earth years to make one orbit around the Sun! But the wild thing here is that Pluto has the most elliptical and tilted orbit of any planet, and at its closest point to the sun it passes inside the orbit of Neptune, the eighth planetI wonder if Pluto will ever collide with Neptune? Pluto is 1,428 miles in diameter (small), and its moon Charon is only 737 miles in diameter. The combination of the tiny Pluto (dwarf planet) and it’s moon with the orbit passing inside Neptune when closest to the Sun could be what creates the wobbles in Uranus’ and Neptune’s’ orbit that was discovered by Lowell.

Pluto is a Red planet but its atmosphere has a bright blue haze which scientists believe the haze is a photochemical smog resulting from the action of sunlight on methane and other molecules in Pluto’s atmosphere.

Pluto -


An interesting depiction of how big the Sun is against the rest of the planets (Earth is the third tiny planet from the left) -


Asteroid Belt

Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi spotted Planet Ceres in 1801. Ceres is between Jupiter and Mars and was called a planet back then. But because it is very small, Ceres was downgraded to less than a planet such as an Asteroid instead.

Actually, the space between Jupiter and Mars is also where the Asteroid Belt is located.

The Sumerians 6,000 years ago knew all about the Asteroid Belt.  In fact, the Sumerians also knew about all the planets in our system (including Pluto, they called Pluto as Gaga) and sizes of each planet and color and whether there was ice on which planet etc….  

How did the Sumerians know this?  The Sumerian writings say that there were taught these things. If you stand outside your home at night and look up in the sky you cannot see the outer band planets of our Solar System and definitely not of how many moons and icy surfaces they each have etc… so someone had to tell them.

So, the Sumerians (again this is 6,000 years ago) has a story for the Asteroid Belt and for Planet Earth!

  • First thing, according to Bode’s law there should be a planet twice the size of Earth positioned where the Asteroid Belt is currently at. Instead, we have a bunch of rocks/asteroids orbiting the Sun just like the other planets. 
  • So, what happened? The Sumerian writings say that there is a planet called Nibiru (or Planet X) that has a very long elliptical orbit with it’s orbital perigee somewhere around the Asteroid Belt but past the Sun and it’s apogee way out in space past Pluto and past the Kuiper Belt. (way out in space)
  • There are estimates that this planet takes either 3,600 years or 10,000 years or 20,000 years to come by next to Planet Earth. But it will definitely come again! When this Planet comes around to our Solar System, it can come too close to our planets and bad things can happen.

!!This is BigTime Story!!

So one time when Nibiru or Planet X came around to our Solar System, its satellite/moon crashed into a Planet they called Tiamat and, Nibirus’ magnetic field itself also tore the planet Tiamat apart. 

The top half of the broken Tiamat became chunks of rocks that is now the Asteroid Belt and the bottom half of Tiamat repositioned itself to a new orbit between Venus and Mars and was called Ki

This newly formed Ki positioned between Mars and Venus is what we now call Planet Earth!   ZECHARIA SITCHIN - GENESIS REVISITED -

Nibiru did not end its destructive path with just the Asteroid Belt and Earth;

  • The thrust gave the remaining half of Tiamat, or Earth, her axial spin and therefore her ability to experience the changing days and nights.  Only Kingu continued to orbit around Tiamat as a satellite; he would later be called Lunar the Moon. Nibiru settled into an orbit around the sun, a Shar the orbit was named.
  • The destruction of Tiamat and the corresponding creation of Earth out of the wreckage resulted in the melting of the ice-covered surface and the remaining land masses of Tiamat being concentrated in one spot as a continent (i.e.Pangea).
  • (Guys! This is Big). The Sumerians 6,000 years ago knew all about Pangea? When Earth’s land mass was one uniform chunk of land? Before it started to separate into the 7 continents we now have?
  • Tiamat became Ki or our planet Earth and Kingu became Earth’s Moon. And this could also explain why our Earth is 2/3s water. Not much land.
  • And the waters of the Earth surrounding the land formed the ocean filling the wound of the Earth, this wound we know as the Pacific Ocean. As a result of the collision of Nibiru and Tiamat, and the alteration of the order of the planets, the satellite of Saturn, Gaga (or Pluto) was jolted out of its orbit to take on a new orbit around the Sun as a planet itself. The disruption that caused Gaga (Pluto) to acquire its own Tablet Of Destiny, set it on an orbital plane that differed from the other planets we now call it Pluto.

So Pluto was really a moon of Saturn that was pulled away because of Nibiru and thus why Pluto is so very small to be a planet by itself. The Sumerians called the last Planet in our system, Gaga (Pluto), to be very small and Blue hue in color. How did they know this?

Now the thing is to look for Nibiru or Planet X. Astrophysicists and Astronomers are aware of the exoplanets (small planets) past Pluto (in the Kuiper Belt) region having strange or changing orbits.  This can happen with strong Gravitational pull from another planet (a larger planet). (Here we go again with Gravity having special powers…?)

  • Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles).
  • P.S. Planet X is now called Planet Nine after the Astronomy Convention downgraded Pluto from Planet status because it is very small.
  • In fact, it would take this new planet 3,600 years or between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around our Sun.
  • The researchers, Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown, discovered the planet's existence through mathematical modeling and computer simulations but have not yet observed the object directly.
  • Be very worried when this Planet comes back to our Solar System! (Luckily it might take thousands of years for Planet X to come around again.)

Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet -

Besides Earth and the Sun, the Sumerians were also taught about the other planets in our Solar System. They were told of the different sizes and color of each planet and the orbits and minerals on the planets.








Ki (Tiamat)















Sumerian planet names

Sumerian carving of the Planets in our Solar System -

List of Planets in our Solar System as understood by the Sumerians.

Theoretical Orbit of Nibiru (Planet X) into our Solar System? It goes right into the asteroid belt -


Mars and Earth Wobbles

It looks like NASA, Caltech and other astronomers all understand that Earth and Mars wobble on its axis.  In fact, the “Experts” say that the wobble of Mars results in “significant” climatic changes every 50,000 years. These “Experts” also know very well that the Earth also wobbles.

We are currently experiencing a small Climate Change but enough to be noticeable and it is affecting the temperature and rainfall? Why are the experts not accounting for the well known Wobble of the Earth creating the Climate Change? Who is stopping them?

Just for fun I looked at some examples of major Climate Changes in the past. Take a look below at the explanation from the experts. They seem to come back to the Earth’s wobble as a possible reason?

Little Ice Age” climate is defined as a shorter time interval of about 330 years (c. AD 1570-1900) when the Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures fell significantly below the 1961-1990 mean temperature. 

  • During the period of 1645 to 1715 there were few or no Sunspots, this is a time called the Maunder Minimum which reduced Earth’s temperature. Also, there were a couple of volcanic eruptions that put smoke and ash in the sky. 
  • There was also a largest drought in 800 years in Virginia at this time (1800s). 

Green Sahara Desert. Sometime 8,000 years ago to 6,000 years ago the Sahara was green with tall trees and rivers. Then with Climate Change, or Earth’s orbital rotation around its axis, the Sahara turned into desert. Did Gasoline engine cars cause the Sahara to become a desert

What causes an ice age? The Earth is constantly undergoing changes. These changes can impact the global climate. Some of the changes that can influence an ice age include:

  • Earth's orbit - Changes in the Earth's orbit (called Milankovitch cycles) can cause the Earth to be closer to the Sun (warmer) or further from the Sun(colder). Ice ages can occur when we are further from the Sun.
  • Solar energy - The amount of energy output by the Sun also changes. Low cycles of energy output can possibly help in producing an ice age.
  • Atmospheric composition - Low levels of greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide can cause the Earth to cool leading to an ice age.
  • Ocean currents-can have a great impact on the Earth's climate. Changes in currents can cause ice sheets to build up.
  • Volcanoes - introduce huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The lack of volcanoes can cause an ice age. Increased volcanic activity can put an end to an ice age as well. (Or vice versa?)

Planet Earth has been experiencing Global Warming and then Global cooling again and again. According to another expert;

  • It turns out that we are most likely in an "ice age" now. So, in fact, the last ice age hasn't ended yet!
  • Scientists call this ice age the Pleistocene Ice Age. It has been going on since about 2.5 million years ago (and some think that it's actually part of an even longer ice age that started as many as 40 million years ago).
  • The climate flip-flops between what scientists call "glacial periods" and "interglacial periods." This happens inside of an Ice Age period.
  • We are in an interglacial period right now (warming period). It began at the end of the last glacial period, about 10,000 years ago. But again, this is inside of the Pleistocene Ice Age.
  • The amount of sunlight that reaches Earth can vary quite a lot, mainly due to three factors:

    • how much Earth is tilted relative to the Sun
    • whether Earth wobbles a lot or a little as it spins on its axis (kind of like how a toy top can wobble a lot or a little as it spins)
    • the shape of Earth's orbit as it goes around the Sun (whether it is shaped more like a circle or more like an ellipse or oval?),ice%2C%20starting%20an%20ice%20age.

So I have to ask, do we know what we are doing today? One big risk we have is the constantly cutting down of trees for roads, housing, buildings, schools and farming!!! Trees/vegetation controls the humidity and ground temperature!

We could be on a wild goose chase just to make the Globalists (the Billionaires) super rich! (Remember the Globalists include JP Morgan, Rockefeller and the Rothschilds who are founders of all the oil companies, and they have no problem shutting down their biggest money-making business? Oil and Gas?)


  • So, we learned that we live in a pretty fragile Solar System.  There is a Planet that comes around every 3,600 years or 10,000 or 20,000 years that can do serious damage to our planets. 
  • We learned that the Sumerians knew about all the planets in our Solar System 6,000 years ago. (Also, I am told by a co-worker in India that the ancient Hindu texts also describe all the planets in our system.
  • Not only did the Sumerians know about the planets, but they knew about the history of the planets and the types of minerals on the planet and the color and sizes. 
  • The great “Wobble” should be a key word when speaking about Global Warming. Scientists know all about Earth’s Wobble, but they are keeping quiet? 
  • Can switching to electric cars stop Global Warming? 
  • Pangea! The Sumerians knew about how Pangea came about in our planet.



Would love to know what my readers think?

Previous Chapters

Chapter 1  -  Bible Story


Chapter 2  -  Review of the classical GODs


Chapter 3  -  The Vatican, NASA and Shivkar Talpade


Chapter 4  -  Photographic memory, Tesla, Einstein and Srinivasa Ramanujan


Chapter 5  -  NASA, Asteroid Belt, Pluto and Planet X


Chapter 6 – Season 1 End


Chapter 7 - Happy Easter



Extra Reading



Voyager 1 also revealed that Saturn’s outer moons were ice covered. The moon Iapetus, which puzzled astronomers because it showed dark and bright portions, was found to be “coated with water ice” in the bright areas. Voyager 2 confirmed in 1981 that Iapetus was “primarily a ball of ice with some rock in its center.” The data. Von R. Eshleman of Stanford University concluded, indicated that Iapetus was 55 percent water ice, 35 percent rock, and 10 percent frozen methane.

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan — larger than the planet Mercury — was found to have an atmosphere and a surface rich in hydrocarbons. But under them there is a mantle of frozen ice, and some sixty miles farther down, as the internal heat of this celestial body increases, there is a thick layer of water slush. Farther down, it is now believed, there probably exists a layer of bubbling hot water more than 100 miles deep. All in all, the Voyagers' data suggested that Titan is 15 percent rock and 85 percent water and ice.

Is Saturn itself a larger version of Titan, its largest moon? Future missions might provide the answer. For the time being it is clear that wherever the modem instruments could reach —moons, moonlets, and rings — there was water everywhere. Saturn did not fail to confirm the ancient assertions. The Viking 2 lander reported frost on the ground where it came to rest. The frost was found to consist of a combination of water, water ice, and frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice).

The debate about whether the polar ice caps of Mars contain water ice or dry ice was resolved in January 1979 when JPL scientists reported at the 2nd International Colloquium on Mars, held at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, that “the north pole consists of water ice,’’ though not so the south pole.

In the Beginning Viking Discoveries concluded that “Mars once had enough water to form a layer several meters deep over the whole surface of the planet.” This was possible, it is now believed, because Mars (like Earth) wobbles slightly as it spins about its axis. This action results in significant climatic changes every 50,000 years.

When the planet was warmer it may have had lakes as large as Earth’s Great Lakes in North America and as much as three miles deep. “This is an almost inescapable conclusion,” stated Michael H. Carr and Jack McCauley of the U.S. Geological Survey in 1985. At two conferences on Mars held in Washington, D.C., in July 1986 under the auspices of NASA, Walter Sullivan reported in The New York Times, scientists expressed the belief that “there is enough water hidden in the crust of Mars to theoretically flood the entire planet to an average depth of at least 1,000 feet.”

Arizona State University scientists working for NASA advised Soviet scientists in charge of their country’s Mars landing projects that some deep Martian canyons may still have flowing water in their depths, or at least just below the dry riverbeds. 


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