Chapter 15f – Shiva Lingam’s around the world

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Dancing Shiva statue at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

Dancing Shiva statue at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

Why does CERN (Switzerland, home to the Large Hadron Collider and one of the premiere Nuclear Research Institutes in the world) have a statue of Shiva?

The Shiva statue was a gift from India to celebrate its association with CERN, which started in the 1960’s and remains strong today. In the Hindu religion, Lord Shiva practiced Nataraj dance which symbolizes Shakti, or life force.

This deity was chosen by the Indian government because of a metaphor that was drawn between the cosmic dance of the Nataraj and the modern study of the ‘cosmic dance’ of subatomic particles.

India is one of CERN’s associate member states. CERN is a multicultural organization that welcomes scientists from more than 100 countries and 680 institutions. The Shiva statue is only one of the many statues and art pieces at CERN.

Many Hindus celebrate Maha Shivratri on February 21st, 2020 in accordance with the Hindu calendar to venerate Lord Shiva who is considered one of the most important deities in the religion. Interestingly, Shiva, who is also known as Nataraj and symbolizes the ‘life force’.


It has been an eye opener to find that the Hindu religious object the “Shiva Lingam” is found “All Over the World”!

Even the Catholic – Vatican Museum is/was reported to have a Shiva Lingam on display, excavated when clearing land to build a church in that area. Many many Shiva Lingams found all over Italy!

Even more interesting is the finding of ancient Arab text that praised the Hindu King Vikram for bringing order and civility to the ancient Arab world.

But better yet was the finding that Abraham together with Ishmael built the original Ka`ba and filled it with idols especially the Moon GOD Hubal. This Arabian moon GOD Hubal is the same as the Babylonian moon GOD Nanna who was worshipped by also Abraham, his father Terah and his brothers Harran and Nahor.

So, it might make sense that Abraham indeed did build the original Ka`ba with Ishmael? And that this moon GOD Nanna/Hubal obviously has the symbol of the Crescent Moon which is what all mosques today has on top of its domes? Even though Mohammed was reported to have destroyed every idol in the Ka`ba?

Abraham travelled the Arabian desert to see his now adult son Ishmael. He saw Ishmael under a tree near Zamzam, sharpening his arrows. When he saw Abraham, he rose up to welcome him (and they greeted each other as a father does with his son or a son does with his father). 

Abraham said, 'O Ishmael! Allah has given me an order.' Ishmael said, 'Do what your Lord has ordered you to do.' Abraham asked, 'Will you help me?' Ishmael said, 'I will help you.' Abraham said, Allah has ordered me to build a house here,' pointing to a hillock higher than the land surrounding it. Then they raised the foundations of the House (i.e. the Ka'ba). 

Ishmael brought the stones and Abraham was building, and when the walls became high, Ishmael brought this stone and put it for Abraham who stood over it and carried on building, while Ishmael was handing him the stones, and both of them were saying, 'O our Lord! Accept (this service) from us, Verily, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.' Then both of them went on building and going round the Ka'ba saying: O our Lord ! Accept (this service) from us, Verily, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing." (Chapter 2.127)   (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophets, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 583)"


In early Islam, Muslims faced in the general direction of Jerusalem as the qibla in their prayers before changing the direction to face the Kaaba, believed by Muslims to be a result of a Quranic verse revelation to Muhammad.

According to Islam, the Kaaba was rebuilt several times throughout history, most famously by Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael), when he returned to the valley of Mecca several years after leaving his wife Hajar (Hagar) and Ismail there upon Allah's command. Circling the Kaaba seven times counterclockwise, known as Tawaf, is a Fard (obligatory) rite for the completion of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.

And to research the moon GOD Nanna/Hubal to find that he is the son of Enlil/Zeus/Indra which comes full circle to SHIVA?

The Black Stone/Meteorite at the corner of the Ka`ba that the Muslim pilgrims must touch, can be considered to be similar to the Shiva Lingam which also needed to be touched or offerings poured on it. And don’t forget that the archaeologists found many Hindu GODs like Shiva, and the black meteorite Shiva Linga in/at the temples in Mesoamerica! (The Catholic Spanish destroyed as many temples as they came across though.)

I show the Hindu symbols on Greek and Italian drawings (the Tilak). And examples of the Shiva Lingam religious object end-to-end all over the world.

And the Etruscan people who ruled Italy maybe, before the Romans were actually Hindus. (Not necessarily all Indians but worshipping the Hindu religion for sure.)

So where are the ancient Hindu Temples in Europe? I can only guess that just like how the Spanish destroyed as many Hindu temples as possible in Mesoamerica, the Europeans also destroyed the Hindu temples in Europe. Some Shiva Lingams survived because they were smaller objects and did not look like statues, I am guessing, so it was left to the elements on the ground and after hundreds of years were covered with dirt? (But you cannot deny at all, the Russian, Polish, Serbian, Irish, Roman and Greek direct connections to Hinduism that I have shown in Chapter 15c and further below.)

Om Namah Shivaya 
Singer - Simpal Kharel 


What is a Shiva Lingam?,the%20entire%20Universe%20in%20it.

The Lingam is a complete symbolic representation of the formless Universe Bearer –

  • the oval-shaped stone is the symbol of the Universe,
  • and the bottom base represents the Supreme Power that holds the entire Universe in it.
  • It is found in Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva

 Now don’t forget;

  • Shiva = Indra = Enlil = Zeus = Amon Ra = Baal
  • Also, Shiva = Siwa or Siva in Poland, Russia, Serbia, Mexico, Peru.
  • Or Shiva = Ti-Shi, Pah En, Vajrayana, Raijin, Mireuk, Xolotl, Illapa in China, Cambodia, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Aztec, Maya, Inca. 

The Shiva Lingam (vertical) is an abstract or aniconic representation of the Hindu god Shiva in Shaivism. It is typically the primary murti or devotional image in Hindu temples dedicated to Shiva, also found in smaller shrines, or as self-manifested natural objects.

It is often represented within a disc-shaped platform, the Yoni – its feminine counterpart, consisting of a flat element, horizontal compared to the vertical lingam, and designed to allow liquid offerings to drain away for collection.

Together, they symbolize the merging of microcosmos and macrocosms, the divine eternal process of creation and regeneration, and the union of the feminine and the masculine that recreates all of existence.

The metaphorical creative principle of lingam-yoni, the union of the feminine and the masculine, the eternal cosmological process of creation is also depicted in Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, where etymologically and semantically Yin represents the feminine, half-unity of consciousness and Yang denotes the masculine, the other half, together symbolizing the entirety or unity-consciousness in the creation.,the%20entire%20Universe%20in%20it.

So, we now have this religious object found all over the world! Interesting, don’t you think? A Hindu religious object found all over the world, and we are talking about 1,000s of years before?

The Holy Trinity – The Holy Trimurti

The concept of the Holy Trinity is found in many countries in Europe and Asia – all the way to China! (I would say the concept started with the Hindus first. And maybe the Sumerians …)

10th century A.D.

Zeus – Poseidon – Hades is the same as Enlil – Enki – Nergal, (or Shiva - Brahma – Vishnu)
Zeus – Poseidon – Hades or Enlil – Enki – Nergal are 3 brothers (Princes) of King Anu.
Poseidon/Enki is the oldest but since Poseidon/Enki’s mother is not of royalty lineage, he cannot become King. So, Zeus/Enlil was the next one in-line to the throne after King Anu.

This is why Zeus/Amon Ra/Indra/Baal was known as the Supreme GOD!


Islam’s Isa = Lord in Sanskrit = Jesus in Islam as known today.

So, did the Arabs use the Hindu Sanskrit word Isa for Lord?

The Sayar-ul-Okul book in the Sultan’s Library in the Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, talks about a disk that used to hang in the Ka’ba that talks about the Hindu King Vikram and the Arabs.
The King Vikram story is in this book

The translated text above is supposedly from the Sultan’s Palace Library in Istanbul. It looks like the Arabs revered the Hindu King Vikram and his reign in the ancient Arab world. Also, that King Vikram brought Hinduism to the Arab world?

The Ka’ba originally held idols. There was a total of 360 idols. But the main idol was of the GOD Hubal and was in full structure of a person/GOD.

This is the kicker! Check this out:

  • Hubal was a moon GOD.
  • Hubal’s symbol was the moon obviously.
  • All Mosques today have this crescent moon on top!!!
  • It is said that Mohammed had destroyed all the idols in the Ka`ba, but every mosque today represents the crescent moon on top of it (the GOD Hubal?)! Did you just get that?

Even bigger kicker!

  • Abraham’s twin brothers Harran and Nahor were Priest/Kings in Turkey (see Chapter 16c) and they were priests to the temple of the moon GOD Nanna. (Also, a moon GOD)
  • Abraham who was the King of the city of Ur was also the Priest/King of the moon GOD Nanna!
  • And Abraham with Ishmael supposedly built the original Ka`ba and furnished it.
  • And the Ka`ba contained the statue/idol of the moon GOD Nanna (Hubal)! (Which Mohammed supposedly destroyed) But …
  • All the mosques in the world have the crescent moon on top of it!!!
  • The moon GOD Nanna (Hubal) was the son of Enlil/Zeus/Indra!
  • So, is Allah = the Moon GOD of Abraham called Nanna? And the son of Zeus? = SHIVA?


Now this is a revelation in itself don’t you think? Yet again, everything is coming around in Full Circle!

The Assyrian moon (left) and the crescent moon on top of today’s mosque (center) compared to the Sumerian-Persian-Syrian-Canaan GOD Nanna (right).

Now similarities of Islam to Hinduism which can be proven in the text about the Hindu King Vikram is actually true:

  • Circling around the Ka’ba with idols inside is like Hinduism.
  • Worshipping the black stone (meteorite) in the Ka’ba is like Hinduism.

The Vatican – Rome (Shiva Lingam in Rome)

Rome’s Vatican City = Hindu Vatica/Vatika = It means a Vedic cultural or religious center.

So, it looks like the Roman Catholic Church is holding on to the ancient Hindu religion and Hindu language when they built the Super Center of the Christian WorldThe VATICAN? And used the Sanskrit word Vatica?

The Christian Book of Psalms in the Bible is actually called Sam/Samved which is also hymns/songs in the Hindu Vedas.
Very, very interesting don’t you think?

And this further proves the existence of Hinduism in Europe like in Chapter 15c where I prove of Hinduism in Poland, Serbia, and Russia.

Now let’s get started with the Shiva Lingam;
You just can’t make this up! Yet again, Super Center of the Christian WorldThe VATICAN, has Shiva Lingams excavated from its grounds. (There was more Shiva Lingams found all over Rome/Italy.)
Can I say that the Roman Catholic Church is based on the Hindu religion??? I think I am surprisingly getting there? Maybe? (Wait for the next couple of chapters.)
This Shiva Lingam is exhibited in Gregorian Etruscan Museum Vatican City. This has the most important Etruscan collection in Rome, starting with early Iron Age objects from the 9th century BC.

This lingam is at present on view in the Etruscan Museum at the Vatican in Rome. (Not sure if it is still there today though.) Encyclopedia Britannica mentions under the headings "Etruria" and "Etruscan" that between the 2nd and 7th centuries BC, northern Italy was known as Etruria.
During excavations many such "meteoric stones mounted on carved pedestals" are discovered in Italy.
Obviously, therefore, this one was dug up from the Vatican itself. Many more must be lying buried in the Vatican's massive walls and numerous cellars.

Note: Etruscans were the people who occupied Etruria, Italy between 8th century BC and 2nd century BC. Etruria is the modern-day Tuscany and part of Umbrian Italy. They ruled Rome from 616-509 BC. Roman civilization was greatly influenced by Etruscan culture. Etruscan language is not fully deciphered. Still the origin of Etruscans is debated.

  1. There is Tamil and Sanskrit words in Etruscan language.
  2. Origin of Etruscans: They were Tamils(Termilai) and descendents of Pulasthya Rishsi (Pelasginians/Philistines)
  3. Birds for predicting future: Like Tamils, they also used birds for predicting future.
  4. Cremation and burial of ash in Urns: This is a Hindu custom followed from Vedic days practiced by the Etruscans.
  5. Musical instrument Lyre/ Yaz, Kombu: Etruscans used musical instruments which looked like Indian (Horn, also known as Kombu Vadhyam in Tamil) lyre (also known as Yaaz in Tamil)
  6. Swastika symbol: Swastika symbol, used by the Hindus till today, was found in Etruscan jewels. North Indian Hindus still print Swastika in their wedding invitations, Pujas, Havans and other auspicious ceremonies.
  7. Language: We come across words of Sanskrit and Tamil origin in Etruscan language.
  8. Many Gods: Etruscans were polytheistic.
  9. They had religious calendars like Hindu Panchang. Like the Hindu scriptures they specified which sacrifices should be done for which Gods on what days.
  10. Etruscans wrote from right to left like it is in Indus seals and other Semitic inscriptions.
  11. Thraiambos(Greek) = Triumpus (Latin) = Triumphus(Etruscan). This is from Sanskrit Triambakan/Shiva who burnt three cities of demons. 

In the eyes of Greek writers and their Roman successors Etruscans were different from them. They were blamed as pirates.

The picture above shows the possibility of a Shiva Lingam in broad daylight! The obelisk (Egyptian obelisk) in the middle, representing the Shiva Lingam and the round courtyard being the base of the Shiva Lingam?
This is a possibility and the very nerve of the Roman Catholics to blatantly reference the Hindu religion right smack in the Headquarters of the Christian religion? Maybe?

Russia (Lord Vishnu’s Statue) 
7th century AD Hindu God Vishnu’s Statue found at Russia’s Volga region during excavation. Idol was found in Staraya Maina village in Ulyanovsk region

Greece (Shiva, Krishna, the Tilak sign)
Greek God Neptune Poseidon resemblance Lord Shiva with Trishul (Trident)
Hindu God Krishna playing flute in his crossed-leg style in forest. “A Pastoral Scene” from the 2nd century AD exhibited at museum in Corinth, 60 Km from Athens

Even right smack in the middle of early Christianity, the Greeks are still worshipping the Hindu Lord Krishna? Wow!
Ancient Greek painting of a local man with U-Shaped tilak (forehead symbol) and similar dress like Hindu Yogi / Guru

Note: The marking on the forehead of this Greek man in the drawing is what Lord Krishna also has. See below. 
Young Lord Krishna with the “Tilak” symbol on his forehead.

So, we see that the Greek painting shows a Greek man with the Hindu Tilak symbol on his forehead!!! What gives???

Italy (Tilak symbol)
U shaped mark on forehead (Tilak) -Painting of Pompey the Great (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) 
Lord Krishna’s Tilak symbol.

Ireland (Shiva Lingam)


The Tuatha Dé Danann, the children of the goddess Danu, are said to have ruled Ireland from 1897 B.C. to 1700 B.C. having arrived from the coast on ships.
Pretty interesting to see white people worshipping the Shiva Lingam today!

Norway (Shiva Lingam)
The discovery of a Shiva idol in South Africa is the proof that 6000 years ago Africans used to worship him. Archeologists have found 6000 year old Shivalinga in a cave named Sudwara in South Africa and it is made of hard granite stone. The archeologists are amazed that the Shivalinga survived there for so long.

Japan (Shiva Lingam)
Stone lingam and yoni pedestal found in Cát Tiên, Vietnam, circa 8th century. At 2.1 meter tall, this is the largest lingam ever found in Southeast Asia
Copper lingam at the Cát Tiên sanctuary, Vietnam



Cambodia (Shiva Lingam)
Lingam from Angkor period on display at the National Museum of Cambodia. Discovered in Battambang Province (Cambodia), it is made of bronze, quartz and silver.



Nepal a combination of Hinduism and Buddhism


Om Namah Shivaya 
Singer - Simpal Kharel 

India – There should be no shortages of Shiva Lingams in India.,_Hindu_rituals.jpg
Hinduism Saivism ritual, flower decoration of Linga, Madhya Pradesh, India
See the cow statue always facing the Linga?,_flowers,_fruits_and_bel_leaves_on_a_Shivaling_for_seeking_divine_blessings,_in_a_city_temple_at_the_celebration_of_Maha_Shivaratri,_in_New_Delhi_on_February_23,_2009_(1).jpg
Lord Shiva devotees offering milk, flowers, fruits and bel leaves on a Shivaling for seeking divine blessings, in a city temple at the celebration of Maha Shivaratri, in New Delhi on February 23, 2009.

Mexico (Shiva Lingam) 

The wonderful Catholic invaders destroyed every single temple they could find, from Mexico to Honduras to Peru. So, there are very little artifacts to find as complete.
Shiva Linga in Tulum, Mexico
City of Tulum in deep antiquity was a Hindu site. The Mayans do have a memory of some names of Gods, which unknown to them are Vedic in origin and their memory about these names is a bit fuzzy and vague.
The base of the Shivalinga or the Yoni at the outdoors of
Temple of Tulum, Mexico outdoors. 
The Shivalinga is destroyed-perhaps as a result of erosion with time. Photo Courtesy: Bhagirath Joshi, Sangam Talks

Indonesia (Shiva Lingam)

Pakistan (Shiva Lingam)


Thailand (Shiva Lingam)



Malaysia (Shiva Lingam)

Oh! And by the way – “All The GODs Are The Same

Hinduism seems to be the only ancient religion remaining and is found all over the planet that is still actively practiced, together with Sanskrit and Tamil languages also!

*** End of Chapter ***


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