Chapter 12b –Mesoamerica – Part 2
*** Smoking Gun from Part 1***
- Cain was surely in Mexico because Tenochtitlan near Mexico City = Enoch City built by Cain. (Sumerians were more accurate than the Bible.)
- Tenochtitlan = T + Enoch + titlan.
- T = All city names in Ancient Mexico start with “T”.
- Enoch = the name of the city. In this case it is Cain’s (Ka-In’s) son’s name.
- Titlan = Means near waters in this case the city is next to lake Texcoco.
- The Bible says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch.
- “And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch”. Genesis 4:17
- The Bible doesn’t want to say where did Cain go when he was banished from Eden for killing Abel. But the Sumerians said he went to a faraway land (has to be Tenochtitlan). Proven above and in the Sumerian and Babylonian texts; They call it Dunnu.
- “A group of exiled people who were ‘plowmen’ … wandered and reached a land called Dunnu … There, their leader, named Ka'in (Cain), built a city whose landmark was a twin tower”.
- Group of exiled people who were ‘plowmen’ = Cain was exiled YES. Cain was a farmer YES.
- Sumerians are more accurate than the Bible! Wake up and smell the coffee!
- The Bible doesn’t want to say who was Cain’s wife. A quick mention of “Awan” as his sister in the Book of Jubilees. The Sumerians say Cain’s wife (Luluwa) is Lilith’s (Adam’s first wife) and Enki’s (Poseidon) daughter. Since Enki is Cain’s real father, Luluwa is indeed Cain’s step sister. (Sumerians were more accurate than the Bible.)
- Mayan Calendar starts around 3114 BC? Well Ningishzidda (Enlil/Zeus grandson) arrived in Mexico 3113 BC per the Sumerians!!!
- So the Sumerian writings is again CORRECT!!!
- The Sumerians said Cain did not have facial hair to protect him from being killed and proof is Native Americans don’t have facial hair. Because we have proved that Cain was in Mexico!!! Sumerian writing is CORRECT!!!
Anyone who disagrees with Key Points #1, or 2, or 3, or 4?
Please call me. I would love to hear your
argument. (I cross checked Genesis Chapter 4 to the Book of Jubilees
to the Sumerian texts to the Babylonian texts.)
Mexica (not Mexico)
During the 12th
century C.E. the Aztec (or Mexica) were a small and obscure tribe
searching for a new homeland. Eventually they settled in the Valley of Mexico
and founded their capital, Tenochtitlan (Enoch City), in 1345. At the
beginning of the sixteenth century it was one of the largest cities in
the world! (This must be a second inhabitation of Mexico City/Tenochtitlan
since Cain built Enoch City 11,000 years before 12th C.E..).
Not sure what name exactly did the Aztec people use for area of Tenochtitlan.
The Mexica were a migrant people from the desert north who arrived in Mesoamerica in the 1300s. This previously nomadic tribe was not welcomed by the local inhabitants who viewed them as inferior and undeveloped. Legend tells that as a result the Mexica wandered waiting for a sign to indicate where they should settle. It is said that in 1325 C.E. this sign was seen;
- an eagle and serpent fighting on a cactus, was seen at Lake Texcoco prompting the Mexica to found their capital city, Tenochtitlan.
Mexican Flag: eagle and serpent fighting on a cactus.
The Aztec
capital city, Tenochtitlan, was founded on a small piece of land in the
western part of Lake Texcoco. The city was contained within high mountains and
surrounding lake and marshes. To create living and farming space the Aztecs
sank piles into the marshes and formed small land masses called chinampas, or
floating gardens.
Tenochtitlan was highly developed with causeways
between islands for transport, aqueducts to carry fresh water and sewers to
dispose of waste. The city developed into a metropolis led by a ruling leader
and supported by noble classes, priests, warriors and merchants. By the early
1500s it contained an array of pyramids, temples, palaces and marketplaces.
By the start of
the 1500s the Mexica empire stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific
and into Guatemala and Nicaragua.
Tenochtitlan – Enoch City – Near Mexico
City today
Tenochtitlan (Enoch City)
Mexica — What it means
Mexica roughly means, ”people of the navel of the moon” from Nahuatl
metztli (moon) and xictli (navel.) Nahuatl is a very profound language that has
layers of meaning and symbolism. They also called themselves Tenochca-Mexica
(looks like they call themselves the people of Enoch!).
Now back to Mesoamerica story
So Cain was in Mexico City area and built his city Tenochtitlan named after his first born Enoch. (before 11,000 B.C.)
- *** Cain was called back to Iraq (Eden/E.Din) when Adam (Adappa) was on his death bed before the great flood of 11,000 B.C. ***
- *** Eden (E.Din) was the Palace of Enki in Iraq ***
The White Bearded Dragon as called by the Mayans and/or Aztecs, was Ninghzidda who came to Mexico in 3113 B.C. (…the beginning of the supposed Mayan Doomsday calendar I covered in Part 1)
- *** Pretty much matching this Mayan Long Count calendar that starts on 3114 B.C.! ***
- *** Ninghzidda = Quetzalcoatl = Kukuklan = Xiuhtechtli = White Bearded Dragon ***
- *** So even the Mexicans (like the Peruvians), call the Anunnaki visitors as white people and with beards! This is again another positive description of the Aliens! ***
When Ninghzidda came to Mexico in 3113 B.C. he came with workers to mine more Gold. They were;
- Black Africans (known as Olmecs)
- and bearded Middle Eastern and Egyptian followers,
- and maybe some Indians because there seems to be Hindu influences in Mesoamerica.
Ningishzidda left Earth in 311 BCE with the promise that he and other Anunnaki would return on December 21, 2012 CE to foster the Age of Aquarius. (…the end of the supposed Mayan Doomsday calendar)
- Ningishzidda (Thoth) left, saying he and Balam Yokte (Ptah/Poseidon/Enki) would return on December 21, 2012, and challenge the forces of evil on Earth. Ningishzidda and his accompanying Annunaki “left Yucatan, presumed to be swallowed by the ruler of the night, the Jaguar; and the image of Ningishzidda was henceforth covered by the jaguar’s mask through which serpents, his symbol, would emerge.”. Key Point here is if you see a sculpture of the head of the White Bearded Dragon emerging from the mouth of a serpent, it is Ningishzidda.
When Adam was
dying he asked for Cain and Seth to sit beside him. GOD Enki
asked Ninti to go fetch Cain because Cain was now in Mexico.
(This is before the great flood – 11,000 years ago)
The Mayan
temple of Kukulkan, the feathered serpent and Mayan snake deity, is seen
at the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, in the southern state of Yucatan,
= Quetzalcoatl = Kukuklan = Xiuhtechtli = White Bearded Dragon
Yokte (Ptah/Enki/Poseidon)
Quetzalcoatl (Ninghzidda
) is said to have been a benevolent lawgiver who provided the moral basis
for the society; he was a White, Bearded Man
wearing a Long White Robe, and he left with a promise to return
and rule again. (Ninghzidda is the Grandson of Enlil/Zeus)
Some Mormons believe that Quetzalcoatl, a figure described as white and bearded, who came from the sky and promised to return, was likely Jesus Christ.
- For some reason, I am running into writings/research by the Mormon church into Mesoamerica. I didn’t know that the Mormons were so very much interested in American history!
The Black African Olmecs Of Ancient Mesoamerica
The Black African Olmec Civilization was a pre-Columbian Kingdom in the Americas
with a Kingdom extending as far as Mexico, portions of the United States and
Canada, and it existed before the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec civilizations.
Its been speculated that the Mesoamerican Civilization was built by
a Race of Black Africans known as the Olmecs:
The Olmecs are sometimes nicknamed as the “Pyramid Builders”.
- ‘Of all the lost civilizations of Mesoamerica, that of the Olmec is the oldest and the most mystifying. We know very little about the Olmec – a mysterious culture considered by many as the Mother Civilization of Mesoamerica, that laid the foundation for the Mesoamerican cultural traditions.’ (Zechariah Sitchin)
Many of the remaining Stone Heads suggest that the Olmec were Black Nubians from Africa sailing from the Nile valley to the Americas to create the Olmec Black Civilization in Mesoamerica.
- While the experts try to figure out when and how did the Black Africans get to Mexico, we already know from the Sumerian texts that, Ninghzidda brought people from Iraq and Africa to help Cain with building cities, temples and with mining for Gold.
Ninghzidda and his African
(Olmec) and Middle-Easterners taught the Maya math, astronomy, calendar
calculation, and temple-building.
The Olmecs had a team sport game played by kicking a solid
rubber ball. This is because where they lived was full of rubber trees. They
may have been the originators of the Mesoamerican ball game, a ceremonial team
sport played throughout the region for centuries.
Olmec (Africans) Colossal Heads (8 feet
Olmec Priest with Infant. - Olmec Ceramic “Baby” Figurine.
Mount Alban, Oaxaca
In the arts, Mexico's earliest civilization, the Olmecs, echo Egypt's
finest sculptures. Olmec artists in Mesoamerica carved large man-jaguar
warriors that are similar to the Egyptian sphinxes on display showing lions
with the heads of gods or kings. The seated statue of an Egyptian scribe
carved between 2465 and 2323 BC shows stonework and attention to detail
that parallels a seated stone sculpture of a Mesoamerican Olmec lord.
Shared traits run to architecture, with Egyptians building pyramids as
royal tombs and the Mayans and Aztecs following suit with pyramids as places of
sacrifice to the gods.
Ancient Mexicans and Egyptians who never met and lived centuries and
thousands of miles apart both worshiped feathered-serpent deities
(Ninghzidda), built pyramids and developed a 365-day calendar.
An exhibition, which boasted a five-tonne, 3,000-year-old sculpture of
Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and the stone carvings from Mexican pyramid Chichen
Itza, aims to show many of the similarities of two complex worlds.
"There are huge cultural parallels between ancient Egypt and
Mexico in religion, astronomy, architecture and the arts.
The exhibition, shows how Mexican civilizations worshiped the feathered
snake god Quetzalcoatl from about 1,200 BC to 1521. Also, from 3,000 BC
onward Egyptians often portrayed their gods, including the Goddess of the
Pharaohs, Isis, in art and sculpture as serpents with wings or
feathers. The feathered serpent and the serpent alongside a deity signifies
the duality of human existence, at once in touch with water and earth,
the serpent, and the heavens, the feathers of a bird,
*** Why was the Mexican Sculptures, Gods and
Pyramids have similarities to the Egyptians?
Because many of the people Ninghzidda, Cain and Enki(Poseidon) brought
to Mexico were from Egypt also. ***
*** Don’t you think a Feathered Serpent is also
another way of saying a flying Dragon? So, all over the world, are the same
stories (of Dragons)? The same Aliens in flying machines are being recorded by humans all over the
world? Maybe? ***
Another match with Egypt
“Only three
(or, if authentic, a fourth) Mayan codices (“picture books”) have remained. The
parts scholars find most interesting in them are the sections dealing with
astronomy. Two other major literary works are also available because they had
been rewritten, either from original picture-books or from oral traditions,
into the native tongues but using Latin script.
“One of
these is the books of Chilam Balam, meaning the Oracles of Utterings of
Balam the priest… Balam, it appears, was a kind of a Maya “Edgar Cayce”; the
books record information regarding the mythical past and the prophetic future,
on rites and rituals, astrology, and medical advice.
“The word
balam means “jaguar” in the native tongue, and has caused much consternation
among scholars, for it has no apparent connection with oracles. We find it
intriguing, however, that in ancient Egypt a class of priests called Shem-priests,
who pronounced oracles during certain royal ceremonies as well as secret
formulas intended to “Open the Mouth” so that a deceased pharaoh could join the
gods in the Afterlife wore leopard skins. Maya depictions of
similarly clad priests have been found; since in the Americas this would have
to be a jaguar skin rather than that of an African leopard, this
could explain the “jaguar” meaning of the name of Balam. It would also
indicate, once more, an Egyptian ritual influence.
Why so little writings in
ancient Mexico?
Now it makes sense to me! You would
think that Mexicans (and Mesoamerica maybe) was not advanced enough to develop
writing. But not true!
“…We could
have known much more about the Maya from their own extensive literature
– books that were written on paper made from tree barks and laminated with
white lime to create a base for the inked glyphs. But these books, by the hundreds,
were systematically destroyed by the Spanish priests – most notable by
the very same Bishop Landa who ended up being the one who preserved much
of the “pagan” information in his own writings.”
and Massacre: Spaniard Diego de Landa signed a decree in 1562 and
all the Maya books were brought to town of Mani and burnt down. A large number
of books were burnt, boasted Mr Landa. In 1546 Maya tribes who refused the yoke
of peace proposed by Roman Catholics were indiscriminately slaughtered.
They stored books in libraries like the Hindu stored books in Takshaseela and
Nalanda libraries.”
Those Damn
Catholics! They said that the Mexicans (and Mesoamericans) were primitive,
uncultured, uneducated people …. BUT …
These Catholics were worse. They stole, they killed, they raped, they
enslaved, they destroyed. And better yet, they did all this in the name of Jesus?
While converting the natives to the worship of their GOD, Jesus? Jehovah?
Can it get any
Mayan Origins story
The Mayan
legend say (in the Popol Vuh writings) that their ancestors came from
the sea from the East. His name was Votan but Votan means “unknown”. But also,
that he was a descendant of the Guardians of the race Can? Could it be Cain
instead of Can or Canaan of the Bible? (Pronunciations can be
different in different countries.)
The symbol for
this Votan ancestor was the serpent.
Basically Ninghzidda and Enki both have the serpent as
their symbol and not Cain. His place of origin was a land called Chivim
(could it be E.Din (Eden)?)
*** Smoking Gun ***
- Mayan Nachan, “Place of Serpents,” is virtually identical to the Hebrew Nachash that means “serpent”. (Connecting Mexico to Jewish/Iraqi/Sumerian culture.)
- The Maya word for serpent, Can, paralleled the Hebrew Canaan.
If so, the Maya legend, telling that Votan was of the race of Can and
his symbol was the serpent, could be using a play of words to state that Votan
came from Canaan. This certainly justifies our wondering why Nachan,
“Place of Serpents,” is virtually identical to the Hebrew Nachash
that means “serpent.”
- Votan the ancestor had the Symbol of the serpent. Both Enki
(Poseidon) and Nighzidda (grandson of Zeus) have this symbol in Sumer.
- !! Important !! I just connected Mexico to Egypt, to Israel, to Sumeria!!! Chapter 4: Skywatchers in the Jungles | Zecharia Sitchin Index (
- !!Something to think about!! Is the tribe name Inca
originating from the name of Adam’s son Cain? i.e. “In-Ca” to “Ca-In” by
swaping the two sections???
- !!Something to think about!! Maya (Sanskrit: मय), or Mayāsura (मयासुर) was a great ancient
king of the Asuras, Daityas and Rākṣasa races. Maya was known for his
brilliant architecture. So is the ancient Indian King Maya ancestor of the
Mexican Mayan tribe?
Hindu influence in Mexico
The Mexican Mayan
calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end
on 21 December 2012 AD. (I just covered the Mayan Long
Calendar in Chapter 12 Part 1)
In Surya
Siddhantam writings, Hindu King Maya described how eclipses were
caused. Both the Hindus and S. Americans used similar items in their worship
rituals. They both maintained the concept of four Yuga cycles, or
cosmological seasons, extending over thousands of years, and conceived of
twelve constellations with reference to the sun as indicated by the Vedic-Incan
sun calendar. (I covered the Mayan Long Count calendar, the
Tzolkin (divine calendar), and the Haab (civil calendar in my Chapter 12.)
The Hindu Surya
Siddhantam describes rules to calculate the motions of various
planets and the moon relative to various constellations, diameters of various
planets, and calculates the orbits of various astronomical bodies. Very
advanced and nothing like this in Europe? Not only that but the Roman Catholic
church was actually killing people or threatening people with death for saying
that the Earth went around the Sun! (Nicolaus Copernicus warned by the Church, Galileo
Galilei house arrest till he died, and finally Giordano Bruno burnt to death by
the wonderful Catholic Church). The Catholic Church of course says that GOD
wants to kill them in the wonderful name of “Heresey”! (Read my Chapter
The ancient
Hindus mainly used lunar calendars but also used solar calendars. The Indus
Valley inhabitants in India followed a calendar based on the movements of Jupiter
(Brihaspathi), and the Mayans followed one based on the Venus (Shukra).
After Hindu/Vedic people, the Mayas of Yucatan were the next people to use
the zero sign in Mathematics.
Many similarities between the Indian Rig Veda and the Mexican Popul Vuh.
Hymn 121 of Book 10 in Rig Veda is similar to the Creation description
of Popol Vuh. Both are also similar in describing how the universe was formed
and our purpose.
‘Uruguay’ is interpreted to have been derived from the Sanskrit
word ‘Uruga’ or snake worshipers.(Ninghzidda or Enki?)
All over Mayan civilization you find stone sculptures of Indian Vimanas
(space ships) and people in space suits. They just sculpted what they saw.
Archaeologists found many Hindu GODs like Shiva, black meteorite Shiva
linga, Lord Ganesha, Goddess Kali, Sun god Surya , Buddha
etc. (in similar or slightly different forms) which were worshiped in ancient
Images of Ganesha have been excavated in plenty in Mexico. This god
with the elephant’s trunk is frequently depicted in Mexican manuscripts . Lord Ganesha
‘Ekadant Ganesh’ was found in the temple at Copan . The image of Hanuman called
by the name ‘Wilka Huemana‘ and measuring 50 feet in height and 12 feet in
breadth was found in Guatemala. wilka huemana |
Hindu Trinity – Brahma- Vishnu- Shiva and the Mexican Trinity
are Ho- Huitzilopochtli- Tlaloc.
*** Sea of Liquid Mercury underneath Mexico’s Teotihuacan
pyramid? See my Chapter 3 where an Indian
built the first unmanned airplane running on Mercury before the Wright
Brothers’ manned flight in USA.The Hindu text in the Vedas explained space travel
using Liquid Mercury ***
“NASA -> During the SERT test missions, however, the satellite engines used mercury. Mercury is much heavier than either xenon or krypton, so spacecraft carrying them would be able to generate more thrust.”,stopped%20using%20it%20after%20SERT.
Another place with Liquid Mercury is in the tomb of China’s first Emperor. Also has connections with UFO drawings!!!!
!!Something to think about!! I am connecting Mexico to Hindu India?
Elephants in
Mesoamerica? There are NO
Elephants in the Americas. How would they know what an Elephant looks like?
This sculpture is from
the city of Copan in Honduras.
Hindu GOD Ganesh in
Uxmal, Mexico
Hindu Monkey GOD
Hanuman in Copan, Honduras
There is also reports of the Hindu GOD Ganesh (Elephant GOD) in Campeche
Mexico. Hindu GOD Hanuman (Monkey GOD) in Honduras and Shiva
temple in Uxmal, Mexico.
“Those who first arrived on the continent later to be known
as America were groups of men driven by that mighty current that set out from
Do you see the people stand all the way on top of the Pyramid? Yes they look tiny up there. The Mexican Pyramids rival the Egyptian Pyramids in size!
Gold Airplane from Ancient Columbia (near San Agustin).
Airplane was not invented for another 5,000 years???
Another Gold Airplane
from Ancient Columbia.
Another Ancient Columbian
Gold Airplane
End of Part 2 ***
*** To
Be Continued ***
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