Chapter 15b – Is Sanskrit the mother language of the world?

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Is Sanskrit the language for AI?

Knowledge Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence – by Rick Brigs - RIACS, NASA Ames Research Center


There is at least one language, Sanskrit, which for the duration of almost 1000 years was a living spoken language with a considerable literature of its own.”

“Among the accomplishments of the grammarians can be reckoned a method for paraphrasing Sanskrit in a manner that is identical not only in essence but in form with current work in Artificial Intelligence.”

“This article demonstrates that a natural language can serve as an artificial language also, and that much work in AI has been reinventing a wheel millennium old.


Is Sanskrit the Best Language for Artificial Intelligence? -,learning%20and%20even%20artificial%20intelligence.

NASA claims that Sanskrit – the ancient Hindu language – is the most suitable language to develop computer programming for their Artificial Intelligence program.


** Pretty Cool Huh?  And this is coming from NASA Research. **

Is Tamil older than Sanskrit?

It is very tricky to estimate when a language was spoken and when writing started since we are talking about 5,000 years ago and 10,000 years ago. What do we use for the determination?

For written language dating, the radio-carbon dating method is used on the pottery or the paper written on for dating. 

For spoken language dating?  I’m not sure. Unless they dated written script of an older language mentioning the spoken language?

It looks like Sanskrit and Tamil, both from India are the two oldest languages still in use today! This is really amazing to find out.

!! But !! An even bigger deal is the ancient version of these oldest languages. Like with Paleo-Sanskrit; Paleo-Sanskrit is estimated to be 12,000 years old or more!

A stone inscription unearthed in City of Thanjavur reveals that the age of Tamil language could date back to more than 10,000 years also.

10 oldest “living”/still spoken languages in the world (in years)



Ancient Tamil


















Coptic Egyptian


Irish Gaelic


So yet again, do we see that human advancement can be realized as beginning in the subcontinent of India besides also in Sumer and Egypt? (I wasn’t really expecting this.)

But wait till I write the chapter on various Flying Machines (Vimanas) described in the Hindu Holy Book named as the Vedas. Or advanced mathematics and astronomy from India that was forgotten by the world, then had to be rediscovered in the 19th century! That the Hindu Holy books were actually educational books teaching about planetary movements and methods to teach mathematics and advanced mathematics? (I’ll cover some of this in later chapters.)

So what in the world is Paleo-Sanskrit?

Example: Lascaux Cave, in southern France, comprises a series of linked subterranean galleries with several large, colorful murals painted by highly skilled Paleolithic artists over 18,000 years ago. (see pictures below. And you will also see an Aryan Swastika inscribed – 18,000 years ago!)


And Paleo-Sanskrit is found in Russia, Turkey and Indus Valley, India (8,000 years ago -


Don’t forget the Great Pyramid of Egypt having Paleo-Sanskrit on it. (see picture below). And in Japan, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Italy, and even in USA!!! There is a carving of a Cobra on the stone with Paleo-Sanskrit found in Illinois, USA (see below).  But we all know that there are NO Cobra’s in the USA so what’s up with that?


So, if spoken Sanskrit could be around 7,000 years ago, Paleo-Sanskrit is estimated to be 12,000 years old or older!

Hey, wait a minute! The bible says that GOD created Adam just 6,000 years ago??? What gives? Oh yes, I almost forgot – the Catholic Church just said, in 2008, that the Bible is not accurate (see my Chapter 13d). 

Paleo-Sanskrit in Lascaux Cave, in southern France

P.S. Pay attention to the Swastika in the picture.  This is an ancient Hindu-Aryan symbol meaning “Life”.

Paleo-Sanskrit on the Egyptian Great Pyramid. (See translation above)

Paleo-Sanskrit in Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Paleo-Sanskrit in Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Paleo-Sanskrit in Illinois, USA - Burrow’s Cave
Do you see the Cobra on the right stone?

Extremely Important!

The Paleo-Sanskrit texts mentions Indra. Indra (Hindu GOD) is translated to Jupiter.  Well, Jupiter is the Roman GOD of the sky and lightning. Oh Darn!  Indra = Jupiter = Thor = ZEUS = Amon Ra = Baal = Enlil in Sumer. Once again, I prove that the GODs are all the same!

One more thing! The Paleo-Sanskrit texts talk about Spaceships/Spacecrafts!  I’m not sure what the original words were before translation to English though?


See more translations below;

"Creator diminishing your presence, reducing your action Jupiter, entirely, for diminishing are your 30 resonances, malevolent also, life's will is." 

- found in the Island of Malta (Europe) stone inscription


"Spaceships approaching, spaceships... Oh, for diminishing are the eternity-built workings of the stars."

"Jupiter: that preventing life from want, for the stars he is, shining Vishnu, good for protection, oh eternity, killer of suffering, for delivering works of the life of the era, oh inundation swelling." (Vishnu by the way is Poseidon = Enki)

"Jupiter: that declining brilliance, evil building, also death, reducing the good spaceships' brilliance for granting, darkness growing, oh, the era for delivering that, for the flooding."

"For brilliance is dwindling for granting the good mother, the one hero's measured breath of life, for also cursing, granting breath, works of the good life, works of the two for granting, for good." 

- found in Glozel (France), clay tablet texts


"Protection stopping, workings of the thundering, Mercury and the 30 resonances of spacecraft, whirring action of brilliance diminishing in protection, Speedy Messenger, spaceship of the Maker." (Mercury here is referencing the coming rains.)

"Deluge Maker, vengeful is he."  (This is Noah’s flood by the way.)

"Cataclysm! Famous segregation (of terrestrial and subterran populations), to the spaceship's commander tributes be made in children. Cattle-devouring, the maker of the spaceship. Sensing strengths, feeling from Jupiter granting protection, make it so!"

"From your diminished state, oh what human races reside below, your displacing what is universal." 

- found in Illinois (USA), Cave stone texts. The Illinois text is clearly talking about Noah’s great flood. And Jupiter here (Zeus), did not allow any humans or the Watchers/Fallen Angels to board the spaceship to save themselves too.

Note: This is big!

  1. The story of the great flood is inscribed on stone in a cave in Illinois, USA??? 
  2. The story of the great flood is also referenced in the other two scripts! (at Malta and France) 
  3. The story mentions some groups requesting from Jupiter (Zeus/Enlil) to board the spaceship? This is Exactly what the Sumerian texts say! 
  4. So now we are connecting ancient USA to ancient Sumer??? 
  5. Paleo-Sanskrit is found “All over the World”? 
  6. Something very, very interesting -> there is mention of subterranean population on the Illinois cave stones! There has been rumors of ancient cultures and even aliens maybe living inside the earth. An example from Peru, I’ll write about in a later chapter.

40,000-Year-Old Symbols Found in Caves Worldwide May Be the Earliest Written Language

This is an example of an even older language symbol (not yet a language) discovered by a Paleoanthropologist. The amazing thing is that the same symbols are found all over the entire Earth! (See map below).

From Paleoanthropologist Genevieve von Petzinger;

  • She discovered 32 signs found all over the continent, carved and painted over a very long period of time. “For tens of thousands of years,” Jacobs points out, “our ancestors seem to have been curiously consistent with the symbols they used
  • ” Von Petzinger sees this system as a carryover from modern humans’ migration into Europe from Africa. 
  • “This does not look like the start-up phase of a brand-new invention,” she writes in her book The First Signs: Unlocking the mysteries of the world’s oldest symbols.

  • This is not Paleo-Sanskrit. It is more like Stone Age drawings.
  • This is 40,000-year-old cave painting discovery examples.
  • This is a summary showing the same symbols are found “All over the World” from one end to the other, in the similar range of time.


The Big Question is why the same symbols found over the entire world? It shouldn’t. And today’s languages are not the same in the entire world.

40,000 years ago, there was no one travelling from one continent to another to share the same writings. So, it should not be the same!

There must have been another influencing force that directly or indirectly influenced the Caveman in the entire world to make these paintings.

Who is it that influenced all the Cavemen over the entire planet at one time? Or did the Caveman learn to build ocean faring ships 40,000 years ago to travel the world?

Difference between Paleo-Sanskrit and Sanskrit

 This is Paleo-Sanskrit

In my opinion the Paleo-Sanskrit texts look like Alien texts! Don’t you think?

This is regular Sanskrit

You can see from the pictures (above) that Paleo-Sanskrit is completely different from regular Sanskrit.

And again, Paleo-Sanskrit script is found “All over the World”. 

  • Bolivia
  • China
  • Egypt 
  • France 
  • India 
  • Italy 
  • Japan 
  • Mexico 
  • Peru 
  • Russia 
  • Turkey 
  • USA 



Tamil Language

Tamil is the other oldest language and still fully in use today in India. Since Tamil is a Dravidian language, Tamil is found spoken in the Southern portion of India.

Differences between Sanskrit and Tamil

 Evidence suggests that both Tamil and Sanskrit derived their shared conventions and techniques from a common source, for it is clear that neither of them borrowed directly from the other.“ But what was that common source? We don't know yet.

“Tamil is a Dravidian language whereas Sanskrit is Indo-Aryan. Both are very different unless you go to earliest human evolutions.”

“Sanskrit is probably the oldest language of ancient India, but Tamil is the oldest surviving ancient language of the world”.


Yes, Sanskrit is from the North of India.  So Sanskrit is the Aryan language because it is most probably influenced by Sumer in Iraq (in my opinion). My Chapter 11 mentions that Enki (Poseidon) sent his daughter Kali (could be Greek - Hera) to Northern India of which is where I see the possibility of the Aryan race and culture originating from?

Aryans were also in Iran (Persia) and Aryans are in Europe.

On the other hand, Tamil is a Southern Indian language and just as old as Sanskrit. Unfortunately, I have not found any information about the ancient versions of Tamil nor the origins of the language.

Also, just as in the Sanskrit section above, the Tamil script naturally transitioned over the ages from 300 B.C. till today. See below and just pay attention to the top texts (B.C. 300) and bottom texts (AD 1900). You will see how the same letters changed their shape. Sanskrit on the other hand had a dramatic change between the Paleo-Sanskrit to current Sanskrit.

Gold in India 

Bridal Outfit Full of Gold 

Gold accessories for Indian Brides.

Gold jewelry is very important in India. Women especially will adorn themselves with Gold. 

  • Gold earnings
  • Gold nose rings
  • Gold ornament over the head and resting on the forehead
  • Gold chain 
  • Gold neck scarf 
  • Veil embroidered with Gold 
  • Large portions of the veil stitched with Gold thread 
  • Gold thread stitched into the blouse
  • Gold thread stitched into the women’s sari/dress


As you can see there is Gold on the body, Gold embroidery on the garment, Gold stitched into the garments, Gold embroidery on the shoes and Gold stitched into the shoes.  There is Gold everywhere.


There is Gold in the temples, Gold on the outside of the temples and Gold on the statues of the GODs.  But! One big difference between ancient India and ancient/Mesoamerica (Central America and South America) is that in Mesoamerica, all the rulers from Mexico to Panama, from Columbia to Peru to Bolivia were saving the Gold they mined as offering for the GODs when they returned as they were told it would happen.

The Mexicans never lavished themselves with Gold. In fact, there was more Gold in Mesoamerica than there was Iron. And in the whole Mesoamerica, from Mexico to Guatemala to Panama and from Columbia to Peru and Bolivia, the native Americans never sold or owned Gold. 

  • Gold was mined and saved for GOD when he returns as Ningishzidda had said in 311 BC before he left Earth with the rest of the Annunaki. 
  • Gold was never owned by the inhabitants. 
  • Gold was in the temples of GOD as figurines and ornaments etc. 
  • Gold was shaped into animals, plants, fruits etc… to be offered to GOD when he returned! 
  • Gold was used daily and weekly in the morning prayers in the temples. 
  • (Sadly, all this Gold saved and waiting for GODs’ return was the easiest thing to plunder by the Spanish Conquistadors when they arrived at the New World. And then they enslaved the natives to mine for more. Trillions of dollars’ worth sent to the rich and powerful (including the Catholic Church) in Europe. See Chapter 12g.)


The Indians/Hindus also valued Gold very much. But Gold is not as sacred to the Indians as it was in Mesoamerica. That the Indians adorned themselves instead with Gold. Not sure if this is because there was not much Gold in India as there was/is in Mesoamerica?

*** Next Chapter – Sanskrit in European languages ***





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