Ok, so now
everyone should know that it was the Wright brothers who flew the first manned
airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on December 17, 1903, with Orville at
the controls.
So, everyone
thinks there were no flying machines before then? Right?
** Wrong!
Let’s take a
look at some clues or better yet evidences!
Columbia before Columbus
When the
Spanish discovered the Americas and explored Central and South America, they
came upon different figurines that looked like airplanes.
Can any of my
readers explain how the Native Americans would know to make figurines of actual
airplanes 400 years before the Wright brothers officially invented the
Not only that, but the ancient Columbian airplane designs look like the airplanes built around World War 2!!! The wing design tells you everything. (see 3 images below)
- Can anyone tell me how the Columbian natives knew to make a figurine of the modern airplane 400 years before? Anyone?
- Can anyone tell me when were these ancient airplane figurines made? Definitely more than 400 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if it went back to 500 B.C. (or 2,500 years ago) because Ningishzida and the other Anunnaki left Earth around 311 B.C.
- So, we are talking about 2,500 years ago that they last saw these flying machines before the Anunnaki left Earth?
- Two and a half millennia (2,500 years) before the Wright brothers were even born!
- See Chapter 12b
How in
the World Did They Know?
Please look at the 2 pictures below taken from a 3,000-year-old Egyptian temple South of Cairo. (See also Chapter 3)
- The first arrow is pointing to what looks clearly like a Helicopter! The modern production Helicopter was not invented until the 1942 by a Russian (Ukrainian) immigrant, Igor Sikorsky out on Long Island, NY.
- The second arrow seems to point to a Star Wars like Land Cruiser?
- The third and fourth arrows seem to point to modern day Jet Airplanes?
How and why did
the Egyptians know about these flying machines?
An even better
question is what happened that humans forgot how to build these things until
3,000 years later?
Sumer – The Sumerians (Southern Iraq)
I could not find any images of flying machines from Sumer yet, but I have read clear descriptions of 2 of the flying machines I will describe below.
- South Wind: “… Adappa broke the wing of the South Wind and it crashes into the sea because of a broken wing. It did not fly for seven days thereafter.”
- Whirlwind: “… And as they spoke, the Whirlwind lifted itself as a fiery chariot and was gone. And they took me by my hands, each one grasping me by one hand. And they lifted me and carried me swiftly between the Earth and the heavens, as the eagle soars. And I could see the land and the waters”.
- The Whirlwind seems to be a Helicopter that is yet to be invented 3,000 years later. See above the image of the Whirlwind (Helicopter) at the 3,000-year-old Egyptian temple (shown above)!
- The South Wind seems to have wings like a modern airplane. See above section, the Columbian figurine of an airplane 500 - 2,500 years ago?
Ninurta is Apollo in Roman and Greek.
- Ninurta = Sumer/Iraq - “Lord who completes the foundation”
- Pabilsaj = Babylon
- Ningirsu = Akkad
- Ninip, Ninib = Assyria
- Ishtaran = “Myth of Anzu” name for Ninurta
- Ishum = Babylon
- Astabis = Hurrian
- Apollo = Greek
- Apollo = Roman
Ninurta is the son to Enlil and Enlil‘s ½ sister Ninhursag, born of the “double-seed” law of succession to kingship. Enlil’s legal royal heir to Nibiru & colonies;
- Family hierarchy Anu > Enlil > Ninurta. (Kronos > Zeus > Apollo)
Here’s a short passage of a battle that was
between Ninurta (son of Enlil/Zeus) and Zu/Anzu from the Sumerian
tablets. https://www.mesopotamiangods.com/category/ninurta/
Ninurta in his “Whirlwind Bird,” should come as close as possible to the Bird of Zu, until they are “wing to wing”. Then he should aim the missile at the “pinions” of Zu’s Whirlbird, and “let the missile fly like a lightning”.
- when the Fiery Brilliance will engulf the pinions
- his wings will vibrate like butterflies; then will Zu be vanquished…
Ninurta arrayed “seven whirlwinds which stir up the dust”, armed his chariots with the “Ill Winds” weapons and attacked Zu as suggested by his father.
- “The earth shook…the…became dark,
- the skies became black…
- the pinions of Zu were overcome…”
was captured and brought back before Enlil/Zeus in Nippur: “Lordship
again entered the Ekur the Divine Formulas were returned…”
What we learn here;
- Ninurta = Son of Enlil/Zeus
- Whirlwind = Helicopter
- Whirlwind Bird = Helicopter?
- Whirlbird = Helicopter?
- Celestial Boats = Interplanetary Spaceships
- Celestial Chariots = Interplanetary Spaceships
- Divine Formulas = some kind of important documents/manuals that Zu stole.
- Ill Winds = Ancient Missile (“Ill winds rose, and the bright daylight was turned to gloom”). https://www.mesopotamiangods.com/erra-nergal-and-ishum-ninurta/ https://www.mesopotamiangods.com/category/ninurta/
- Evil Winds = Nuclear Bomb! (I will explain in a later chapter). https://steemit.com/knowledge/@sandalphon/forbidden-knowledge-nuclear-war-in-2-000-bc
- It clearly describes flying machines in ancient times and not to mention bombs and missiles. And even a Nuclear Bomb!!!
The Sumerian writings mention Spaceports built for the transport, of the Gold they were mining, to space from the following locations;
- Sippar – in Southern Iraq (Sumer)
- Nippur - Mission Control Center in Southern Iraq (Sumer)
- Sinai Peninsula - Til.Mun, which literally means "the place of the missiles”
- Eden (E.DIN) - in Southern Iraq (Sumer)
- Mount Hermon - in Lebanon (this is where the Fallen Angels, Nephilim, “the Igigi”, were stationed)
- Mount Moriah - near Jerusalem
- Egypt - Enki's son, Thoth (Ningishzidda), built two pyramids in Egypt. The Egyptian pyramids served as beacons for landing spacecraft. (The tips of the pyramids had Gold plates on them.)
- Peru – and every other location around the world that had Gold mining operations would need a spaceport.
Enki (Poseidon) got Enlil (Zeus) to order a monument to Thoth (Ningishzidda) for building the pyramids – it was the Sphinx in Egypt.
Great Pyramid has 2.3 million stone blocks weighing 2,500 lbs. average each! Do
you think humans dragged these 2.3 million stone blocks by dragging them over
the desert? (
of the limestone blocks weigh up to 15,000 lbs. and the granite
monoliths in the interior of the Great Pyramid weigh up to 70,000 lbs.
my readers believe that humans were dragging using ropes, 70,000 lbs. stone
blocks over the desert? Are there ropes that actually
hold up for this weight? https://www.ling.upenn.edu/~jason2/papers/pyramid.htm
on the other side of the argument, (trying to be fair and balanced), one
painting on the wall of the tomb of Djehutihotep shows a crew of workers
moving a large statue, using a sledge. Maybe they did use a sled but how many feet
would a sled last before being worn down by a 1,000,000 lbs. statue? (see
below) https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2017/09/28/papyrus-reveals-from-where-the-rocks-used-to-build-the-great-pyramid-came-from/?sh=270a2983a905
4,600-year-old papyrus scroll talks about loading the stone blocks on ships and
sailing down the river Nile and then unloading off the ships. Now I wonder what the maximum weight is for a
wooden raft held together by dry reeds to transport blocks weighing 70,000 to
1,000,000 lbs.? Anyone?
mystery remains!
After the flood there were four Anunnaki space facilities left;
- The Baalbek Landing Place
- the Egypt pyramids
- the new Sinai Peninsula spaceport
- and a new Mission Control Center (Mount Moriah)
The new Mission
Control Center was established on Mount Moriah located at the
city of Ur-Shulim. This site for the new Mission Control Center would be
called in the future – Jerusalem. Three mounts served as the site of the
new Mission Control Center: Mount Zephim (Mount of Observers) Mount
Zion (Mount of the Signal) and Mount Moriah (Mount of
Mount Moriah (Mount of Directing). A platform was
constructed on Mount Moriah similar to the platform at the Baalbek
Landing Place. Like the platform at Baalbek, the platform at Jerusalem
still exists today.
Like Baalbek,
the platform at Jerusalem rests atop colossal stone blocks that humans
could not have moved, raised, or put in place.
An excerpt from the activity of the Anunnaki after the Great Flood. Full text of "The Lost Book Of Enki" (archive.org)
the Celestial Boats and from the Whirlwinds the Anunnaki the
landscapes surveyed. All that in the Olden Times in the Edin (Iraq) and
the Abzu (Africa) had existed under the mud was buried!
Note: The Whirlwinds usually carried
just a couple of people, so I am going to guess that the Celestial Boats
were much bigger flying ships.
Nibru-ki, Shurubak, Sippar (all Iraqi cities), all were
gone, completely vanished. But in the Cedar Mountains the great stone
platform (landing area) in the sunlight glistened. The Landing Place, in
the Olden Times established, was still standing!
after another the Whirlwinds upon the platform landed; The platform was
intact; at the launch comer the huge stone blocks held firm. Clearing debris
and tree branches away, the first to land to the Chariots signaled. One
after the other the Celestial Chariots came; upon the platform
they touched down.
to Marduk on Lahmu (Mars) and Nannar on the Moon
words were sent, And they too to Earth returned, upon the Landing
Place they came down.
the Anunnaki and Igigi who were thus gathered by Enlil to assembly (Assembly
of the GODs as referenced in the Bible) were called. The Deluge we have
survived, but the Earth is devastated! So did Enlil to them say. All
ways to recover we must assess, be it on Earth, be it elsewhere!
(Mars) by the passage of Nibiru was devastated! So did Marduk
relate: Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters thereafter evaporated, a
place of dust storms it is!
Note: We learn here that Mars used to
have water but the passing of the Planet Nibiru which is what caused the
Great Flood on Earth also caused Mars to lose its water.
Moon by itself life cannot sustain, only with Eagle masks is
staying enabled!
Note: Eagle masks means space suits with oxygen
diorite chests with seals were fastened, the seals with a copper key they made
open. Inside the chests, in crystal vessels, the seeds of Nibiru's grain
were there!
Note: This is important! “Seeds
of Nibiru”, means that some or many of the plants on
Earth today are originally not of Earth but was brought to Earth
by the Anunnaki.
outside, to Ninurta Enlil the seeds gave, to him he was thus
saying: Go, the mountainside terrace, let the grains of Nibiru once
again bread provide!
cover this in another chapter.
the Cedar Mountains, on other mountains too, Ninurta waterfalls dammed,
Terraces constructed, the eldest son of Ziusudra (Noah) to raise crops
he taught. To Ishkur, his youngest, Enlil another task assigned:
the waters have receded, go and remaining fruit-bearing trees find! To him as
fruit cultivator Ziusudra's (Noah) youngest son was assigned: The
first fruit they found, the vine that by Ninmah was brought it was;
Note: Again, this is TERRAFORMING!
its juice, as Anunnaki’s elixir renowned, Ziusudra (Noah) took a
sip. By one sip, then another and another, Ziusudra (Noah) was
overpowered, like a drunkard he fell asleep!
Note: Looks
like Grapes are not from Earth but from Nibiru! (Another Chapter on Terraforming is coming.)
Note: Just
as mentioned in the previous Chapters, the Sumerians are now focusing their
attention to Egypt and Israel as their main operations. (And from Lebanon to
Next parts will cover the following areas;
- Israel/Mediterranean
- Mexico
- China
- Japan
- India
End of Part 1 ***
The fun stuff comes in the next Chapter ***
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