Chapter 8 - Enoch

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Book of Enoch

Now, I must say that this is the Smoking Gun I have been looking for. I now have a direct connection between the Sumerian texts and the Bible itself! Hardcore Christians will still discredit this Chapter, but that is OK. Also, a connection between Zeus and Poseidon to Noah!


Enoch, under the lineage of Seth, is the 7th generation after the Iraqi Adam (or Adapa).

If you read Chapter 6 then don’t get confused with the 2 Adams now.  I was really confused until I found this second Adam.

  • Adamu = First human hybrid made in Africa 300,000 years ago.  This creation is closer to the carbon dating of earliest human bones (Lucy) in southern part of Africa. (I thought this was the “Adam”) 
  • Adapa = the Adam in the Bible! Adapa was created in Southern Iraq. And the timeline of 13,000 to 49,000 years ago makes it closer to the Bible’s 6,000 years ago. Falls in-line to the story of Adam in the Bible that has Cain and Abel and Enoch and Noah and Abraham.


The early lineage of Adam’s bloodline.

So 7 generations down from Adam, we get Enoch.  Have you read the Book of Enoch?  Have you even read the complete Bible at all?

Well, The Book of Enoch was removed from the Bible at the early stage by the Greeks/Romans (after year 1611). Yet again, obfuscating the truth?

Looks like only the classic King James version and the Ethiopian Bible has the Book of Enoch and a bunch of other books. Go buy it!

Some of the missing Chapters of your Bible listed below;

1.    1 Esdras

2.    2 Esdras

3.    Tobit

4.    Judith

5.    The rest of Esther

6.    The Wisdom of Solomon

7.    Ecclesiasticus

8.    Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah

9.    The Songs of the 3 Holy children

10.  The history of Susana

11.  bel and the dragon

12.  The prayer for Manasses

13.  1 Maccabees

14.  2 Maccabees

Now, Enoch was special. Jehovah took Enoch up to the Heavens at the age of 365.  Enoch was with GOD and Enoch knew GOD. If you read the regular Bible, you will think that Enoch was dead. But if you read the Book of Enoch, you will find out that Enoch is alive and well and hanging out with GOD in heaven for years and years and years.

Enoch’s son Methuselah had Lamech at age of 187 years. And Noah was born to Lamech and Betenos when Lamech was 182 years old. Well, this is not a normal family to the least. I found abnormal situations with Adam, Cain, Enoch and Noah at the least! But I will expand on them later except for Noah. This Chapter will shine the light on Noah’s birth. (P.S. Lamech’s wife Betenos was Lamech’s first cousin. I have the family tree lower down below.) 

When Noah was born, he was a major SHOCK to Lamech! Read the Book of Enoch Chapters 104 to 108! Or see summary below;

  1. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright.
  2. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness.

Lamech freaked out!  Seriously! 

Now let’s break this down detail by detail;

  1. body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose. This is a description of a light skinned child?
  2. hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool. This is a description of either an Albino child or … OR … a very light Blond Nordic child? Also, Noah came out with a thick and full head of hair.
  3. when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun. There are two things here. Both Albinos and light Blonde Nordic child will have very light Blue eyes (color of the sky?). Then, because of the very light color eyes, you can see through to the blood vessels in the back of the Retina. So depending on how the light shines, the eyes can shine bright Red back to you and scaring you?
  4. he arose in the hands of the midwife. Newborn Babies cannot sit up straight.
  5. opened his mouth and conversed with the Lord of righteousness. Kids cannot have a conversation until age 3? And Noah was actually talking right from birth, to GOD!!!  This is a double or triple Omen! People will drop down dead from the SHOCK.


Albino vs light Blonde Nordic child?

Albino’s have Red eyes because the IRIS is too light colored or colorless. So you can see the blood vessels behind the Retina?  Light Blonde’s also to a lesser extent.  Which one is NOAH?

Albino eyes don't have melanin in the pigment epithelium or stroma. As a result the Iris is translucent on albinos (it is essentially opaque to visible light in others, including those with blue eyes). The net effect of this is that some of the light that reflects off the back of the eye, the light that makes pupils look orange in flash photos, passes through the iris. The orange light, filtered through the translucent gray iris, looks pink.

So Lamech took off running, leaving his newborn child and wife at home and looked for his father Methuselah. Lamech gave Methuselah the complete run down of the baby and obviously this is not a normal look for their kind. Never seen this kind of color for their family line.

And Lamech said this to his father Methuselah: 

  1. I have begotten a strange son,
  2. diverse from and unlike man,
  3. and resembling the sons of the God of heaven; The kid looks like an Angel or GOD himself!
  4. and his nature is different, and he is not like us, The baby does not behave like a normal baby.
  5. and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, Extremely different eyes. But is it Blue or Pink?
  6. and his countenance is glorious. His face, hair, eyes all together is glorious.
  7. And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the Angels, This is not my kid! He looks like the Angels or GOD. This here proves that Humans were in constant contact with the Angels and GOD in order to quickly and surely know who the kid looks like!!!

So when the Bible says that GOD is all white, Bible is really saying just that? That GOD is really White? Lamech’s comments proves this.  We just don’t know if Noah was an Albino or a light Blonde?

Side note: In the 1500’s when the Spanish went out discovering the America’s, in Peru, the Peruvian Indians when they saw the Spanish for the first time, they immediately dropped to their knees and started worshipping the Spanish! This is because the Legends say that GOD was White! So the tales match then?

Then, Lamech asked his father Methuselah to go talk to Enoch!

Wait a minute, GOD took Enoch to heaven. How do you talk to Enoch now? Is there an iPhone device to call heaven? Gimme me it then!

Then, Enoch answers to Methuselah’s calls;

Enoch hears Methuselah’s calls: and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and I came to him. And I said unto him: ' Behold, here am I, my son, wherefore hast thou come to me?

Enoch answers Methuselah’s question: make known to thy son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son and call his name Noah.

So the Book of Enoch ends here. I then looked up the Dead Sea Scrolls that were found in eleven caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. They are approximately two thousand years old, dating from the third century BCE to the first century CE.

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Genesis Apocryphon:

Did Bat-Enosh (Betenos - Noah’s Mother) Have an Affair with a Watcher?

Another version of the story appears in the Genesis Apocryphon (1Q20), a Dead Sea Scroll that retells the stories in Genesis. It too begins with a miraculous-looking baby Noah, where Lamech makes his fear explicit to his wife:

  • Ver 1 And then I thought to myself, “The Pregnancy is from the Watchers, and the seed is from the Holy Ones and the Nephilim,”
  • Ver 2 and my mind was greatly disturbed on account of the child.
  • Ver 3 Then I, Lamech, became perturbed, and I went in to my wife Bat-Enosh…
  • Ver 12 Now when my wife, Bat-Enosh saw that my countenance was disturbed.
  • Ver 13 she curbed her passion, speaking to me and saying, “O my master, O my brother…
  • Ver 14 my youthfulness! I swear to you by the Great Holy One, by the King of Heaven…
  • Ver 15 that this seed is from you, and this pregnancy is from you, and this planting of fruit is from you!...
  • Ver 16 and not from any stranger, nor from any Watcher or from any of the Sons of Heaven… Why is the form of
  • Ver 17 your countenance so disturbed and deformed, and your spirit so downcast? …
  • Ver 18 I am speaking to you truthfully.”

In this version, Lamech’s wife Bat-Enosh sees his reaction as an accusation and responds pleadingly that the son is his and that she has never been intimate with a heavenly being. Even though Lamech’s statement was “I thought to myself, The Pregnancy is from the Watchers, and the seed is from the Holy Ones and the Nephilim?


Side note: Yet again, at this time Lamech’s wife is assuring Lamech that even though Noah looks like the Watchers, or Angels, or GOD, Noah is really his kid!

And what ever that Noah looks like, an Albino or Light Blonde, reading what Lamech said and what his wife said, the two of them were indeed indirectly describing what the Watchers, or Angels, or GOD really looks like?

And I noticed that the Book of Enoch portrays communication between the humans and the Watchers, or Angels, or GOD was more casual and more frequent.  The other Books of the Bible will show the communications to the humans happen only on super special occasions and for a very short message and the humans can barely see the Watchers, or Angels, or GOD. This is a big difference and maybe the Bible chapters were controlled when discussing communications with the Watchers, or Angels, or GOD? Which is one reason why they removed The Book of Enoch from the Bible?

  • Lamech’s wife = Bat-Enosh/Betenos (Ashmua)
  • Wife’s father = Barakil (Elishaa)
  • The Book of Jasher = “And Lamech was one hundred and eighty years old when he took Ashmua, the daughter of Elishaa the son of Enoch his uncle, and she conceived.” -Jashur 4:11. “And the wife of Lamech conceived and bare him a son at that time, at the revolution of the year”. “And Methuselah called his name Noah”.

***  Up to now you have read what was in the Bible (Book of Enoch) ***

*** Now lets see what the Sumerians wrote about Lamech (Lu-Mach) and his son Noah (Ziusudra) and Noah’s mother (Batanash/Betenos) ***

Now for the similarities between the Bible and the Sumerian text!!!

  1. Lamech = Lumach (Lu-Mach – Noah’s father)
  2. Betenos = Batanash (Noah’s mother)
  3. Methuselah = Matushal (Lamech’s father)
  4. Noah’s look = White as the snow his skin was, the color of wool was his hair,
  5. Noah’s look = Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance were his eyes shining.
  6. Lamech did not know about the pregnancy.
  7. Lamech was not present during the birth.

The above is pretty much EXACTLY the same between the Bible and the Sumerian texts.

I call this the SMOKING GUN!

So what happened? The full story is lower down, taken from the Lost Book of Enki (translations from Sumerian cuneiform texts)

Or read my summary below if you want a quick answer! (You’ll notice how the Greek Gods Poseidon and Zeus loved to fornicate with the humans. I thought only Zeus was the guilty party but so far, I’m only finding Poseidon? And looks like GOD brought the great flood to supposedly punish/kill the Watchers/Nephilim and the hybrid Giants which are the half Human/Half GOD). But Poseidon was busy all to himself?

              GOD Enki (Poseidon) had met Lamech’s wife Betenos and he had a fancy for her.

               So GOD Enki made a plan to send Lamech farwaway to Shurubak (or Shurupak) to learn about city planning and city building under his son Marduk. (Shurubak is maybe NorthWest of Edin)

               Then Enki suggests sending Lamech’s wife to his sisters’ (Ninti’s or Hera’s) place to keep her safe from some protests going on in her town by the Watcher’s (the Igigi).

               Then of course one day Enki (Poseidon) goes to visit his sister Ninti. And Enki spent time checking out Lamech’s wife and planning the right opportunity.

               Well GOD Enki got his opportunity and he had his way with Lamech’s wife. After many months, her belly starts to show.  And in 9 or 10 months’ she gives birth to a baby boy. 

               A message was sent to Lamech who was working in Shurubak to come back – you have a son.

               When Lamech comes back he sees a white, blonde baby like I have mentioned in the previous section from the Book of Enoch;

o   White as the snow his skin was, the color of wool was his hair,

o   Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance were his eyes shining.

               And Enoch runs to his father Methuselah. Methuselah confronts Betenos. And Betenos denies that the baby is from the Angels or GOD.

This is pretty much the same as the Bibles’ Book of Enoch!!!

And this is where I can cross link the Jews/Christians/and Greek/Romans to the Sumerians!!! (All three groups)

!!! This is the SMOKING GUN !!!

!!! This is only the first SMOKING GUN) !!!

Also, I think I have figured out the Book of Revelations

Here’s the full details of the story I listed above

  • In the Edin Lu-Mach (Lamech) was the workmaster, quotas to enforce was his duty,
  • The Earthlings' rations to reduce was his task.
  • His spouse was Batanash (Lamech’s wife/Betenos), the daughter of Lu-Mach's father's brother she was.
  • Of a beauty outstanding she was, by her beauty was Enki charmed.
  • Enki to his son Marduk a word did send: To your domain Lu-Mach (Lamech) do summon,

Verse 203 

  • How by Earthlings a city to build there him teach!
  • And when Lu-Mach (Lamech) to the domain of Marduk (Enki’s son) was summoned,
  • To the household of Ninmah (Enki’s sister), in Shurubak, the Haven City, his spouse Batanash (Lamech’s wife/Betenos) he (Lamech) brought,
  • From the angry Earthling masses protected and safe to be.
  • Thereafter Enki his sister Ninmah in Shurubak was quick to visit.
  • On the roof of a dwelling when Batanash (Lamech’s wife) was bathing
  • Enki by her loins took hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured.
  • With a child Batanash was, her belly was truly swelling;
  • To Lu-Mach from Shurubak word was sent: To the Edin return, a son you have!
  • To the Edin, to Shurubak, Lu-Mach returned, to him Batanash the son showed.
  • White as the snow his skin was, the color of wool was his hair,
  • Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance were his eyes shining.
  • Basically a blue eyed light Blonde?
  • Amazed and frightened was Lu-Mach; to his father Matushal he hurried.
  • A son unlike an Earthling to Batanash was born, by this birth greatly puzzled I am!
  • Matushal to Batanash came, the newborn boy he saw, by his likeness amazed he was.
  • Is one of the Igigi (the Watchers) the boy's father? Of Batanash, Matushal the truth demanded;
  • To Lu-Mach your spouse whether this boy his son is, the truth reveal!
  • None of the Igigi (the Watchers) is the boy's father, of this upon my life I swear! So did Batanash him answer .
  • To his son Lu-Mach, Matushal then turned, a calming arm on his shoulders he put
  • A mystery the boy is, but in his oddness an omen to you is revealed, 

Verse 204

  • Unique he is, for a task unique by destiny he was chosen.
  • What that task is, I know not; in time appropriate, known it shall become!
  • So was Matushal to his son Lu-Mach saying; to what on Earth was transpiring, he was alluding:
  • In those days the sufferings on Earth were increasing,
  • The days colder grew, the skies their rains were holding back,
  • Fields their crops diminished, in the sheepfolds ewe lambs were few.

  • Let the son to you born, unusual as he is, an omen be that a respite is coming! (is this regarding the coming of the great flood?)
  • So did Matushal to his son Lu-Mach say. Let Respite be his name!
  • To Matushal and Lu-Mach, Batanash her son's secret did not reveal;
  • Ziusudra (the childs’ name - Noah), He of Long Bright Lifedays, she called him; in Shurubak he was raised.
  • Ninmah (Enki’s sister) on the child her protection and affection bestowed.
  • Of much understanding he was endowed, with knowledge he was by her provided.
  • Enki the child greatly adored, to read the writings of Adapa (Adam) him he taught,
  • The priestly rites how to observe and perform the boy as a young man learned.
  • In the one hundred and tenth Shar was Ziusudra born, (one Shar is 3,602 years long)
  • In Shurubak he grew up and espoused Emzara (wife of Noah), and she bore him three sons. 

GOD Enki and his sister Ninmah loved Noah very much and spent a lot of time with Noah. GOD Enki took Noah under his wings and taught Noah many things that only the GODs knew about such as science and mathematics and the planets.

(Only GOD Enki and Lamech’s wife knew of the secret.)


Do you notice something interesting about the Angels names and the Watchers/Nephalim names in the Bible?

Angels: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Sariel, Raguel, and Remiel

Fallen Angels: Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijel, Asael, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel.

All their names in the Bible end with “…el”. This is the naming convention of the Sumerians! “…el” or “…El” is related to GOD. So the names are related to the Angels of GOD in Jewish texts.

Remember that in the Jewish Torah, GOD is El or Eloa or Elohim. Get it?

·         Just like Poseidon = EN.KI.  Where EN is related to royalty.  And KI is earth’s land and sea. Which is what Enki was responsible for and Enki was royalty. (In Sumerian texts.)

·         Or like ZEUS = EN.LIL. Where LIL is Air and Space. Which is what Enlil was responsible for. And Enlil was royalty. (In Sumerian texts.)

So, I just showed you how the bible is taking stories and names from the Sumerians again.

!!! Another SMOKING GUN !!!
!!! Warning, most of the Anunnaki left Earth around 311 BC but some may have remained !!!

Stay tuned for the real story of Noah and the Flood!


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