Chapter 15l – The Aryan Associations – The Tilak

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·        I started this chapter to show how the Hindu/Aryan forehead markings were actually associations to the temple that the person attended. Just like today with different professions.

·        And I wanted to show that this is not an India thing. I found good examples of Greek and Roman paintings that show the same thing. So, it proves that Europe was indeed Hindu/Aryan.

·        But I did not expect to find other paintings, pottery with the Ramayana story in Italy?  Wow.

·        And eventually I came to an exciting conclusion of what the Catholic Church really is. And who the Christians really worship!!!

·        My conclusion is at the end of this chapter. 


The Tilak (Forehead Symbols)

An identification system implemented to easily show which GOD (Anunnaki) was being followed.

Today, the same system is also being used. Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses, Police, Army, Navy, Air Force etc. From a distance, you can tell what job or association the person is related to. Makes things easy to know. (see above)


It’s only recently that I started to understand this. The Hindus have very specific symbols for each different GOD. (Shiva, Krishna, Indra, Vishnu, Rama, Hanuman, etc.)


!!!BUT!!! Don’t think this is an “India” thing. And don’t think this is a “Hindu” thing.

Remember! Hinduism is from the Aryans.  And the Aryans were all over Europe.


The only difference is that the wonderful Catholic Church worked very hard to eliminate all possible evidence of Hinduism in Europe!


What’s the proof? See the pictures below.

Painting of young Lord Krishna found in Corinth, Greece – 200 A.D.

Yes! The Greeks did revere Lord Krishna and this rare painting proves it. See it in the museum of Corinth, Greece. I will have more on Krishna and Greece in the future Chapter.

U shaped mark on forehead (Tilak) -Painting of Pompey the Great (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (official nomenclature CN·POMPEIVS·CN·F·SEX·N·MAGNVS; 29 September 106 BC – 28 September 48 BC) 

Again, the symbol you see is the Krishna symbol on the forehead of a high-ranking Roman official.

Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus known in English as Pompey or Pompey the Great, was a general and statesman of the Roman Republic.


This proves that the Romans were also truly Hindus!

Ancient Greek painting of a local man with U-Shaped tilak (on forehead) and similar dress like Hindu Yogi/Guru.

U-shaped Tilak is Krishna. Yet again!

Hindu GOD Lord Rama’s mother Kaushalya with two stepmothers Kaikai and Sumitra sharing the divine fertility potion to beget illustrious sons as described in the Ramayana (written by Sage Valmiki). Paintings found from ancient Italy.

Paintings of Lord Rama, Brother Lakshman and wife Sita paintings found in Italy during excavation Photo:

“Found during excavations” is VERY – VERY important! 

There were so many Hindu artifacts found buried in the ground in Rome and uncovered when the Romans were getting ready to build a church!


This means 2 things;

1.    The Romans were Aryan/Hindus before and

2.    The Romans/Catholic Church were building churches on the site of destroyed Aryan/Hindu Temples!!! The temples that they destroyed!

Lord Rama’s son Luv and Kush capturing ‘Ashvamedha’ Horse of Lord Rama. Locally (in Rome) they were known as Remus and Romulus as Ram’s sons. Painting found in Italy confirms Hindu history in that region Photo:

Lord Rama’s son Luv         = Remus in Rome

Lord Rama’s son Kush      = Romulus in Rome

Ramayana scripture (Lord Rama’s biography) painting of King Sugriva, wife Tara and Brother King Bali found in Eastern Europe excavation Photo:

Shiva Linga found at Vatican City (also called as Vatika in Hindu scriptures). Picture is at Gregorian Etruscan Museum, Vatican City. Photo:

·         Vatican is a Hindu word (Vatika)!!! Please remind the Pope this fact!

·         Manuscript is a Hindu word (Manusmriti)

·         Book of Psalms is a Hindu word (Sam) - the 2nd part of the Holy Book, Samved, containing hymns and songs just like the Christian book of Psalms.



See the Aryan/Hindu Shiva Lingam projected into the center of Vatican City!!! (see below),centre%20before%20Christianity%20took%20roots.

The picture above shows the possibility of a Shiva Lingam in broad daylight! The obelisk (Egyptian obelisk) in the middle, representing the Shiva Lingam and the round courtyard being the base of the Shiva Lingam?

This is a possibility and the very nerve of the Roman Catholics to blatantly reference the Hindu religion right smack in the Headquarters of the Christian religion? Maybe?



Europe was once Hindu/Aryan. But even worse –

·         I am seeing that the Catholic Church is actually a Hindu/Aryan Church!!!

·         The Kings of all Europe were Aryans!!!

·         The Church and the Kings worked hand-in-hand to control the people of Europe.

·         Wait till I decipher who is the Supreme GOD, EL, Eloa, Elohim and YHWH …

I think I have done all I can to prove that Europe was Aryan/Hindu!!!

Stick a fork in it! I am done!



*** End of Chapter ***


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