The arrival of the Conquistadors
In the last
section we learned that Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1492 and
discovered many of the Islands in the Caribbean. He found some Gold in Haiti/Dominica
(he called the island Hispaniola) where he enslaved the Indians there
and made them dig all the Gold for him to take back to Europe to give 10% to
the Spanish royalty (as agreed) and to the rich Jewish investors (now forced
converted to Catholicism) and to the Catholic Church to be blessed by GOD.
The Indians in Hispaniola mined $75 million dollars in today’s value in 20 years’
time for the Spaniards.
While back in
Europe, seeing the wonderful Gold that Columbus brought back (the Spanish
royals, rich Jews, and the Catholic Church), got excited in getting their hands
on more and even more of this Gold!
Doesn’t matter how it was gotten!
The Spanish
royals funded more ships to Columbus, the rich Jews also made their side
funding and the Church also wanting more converts (i.e., power over people)
sent priests to convert these supposedly unintelligent/primitive people!
By the way, Columbus
never realized that there were 2 giant continents (North and South
America) right next to him when he was in Cuba, and he did not get to
find Cipango (Japan).
Columbus died 15
years later in 1506 after 3 more trips and was not responsible for any of the
greater atrocities yet to happen in Mesoamerica.
Later, the Spanish
Conquistadors (“conquerors“) pressed beyond the Caribbean islands, moving west
into Mexico and south into Panama and Peru in search of Gold. Between 1519 and
1521 Hernán Cortés and a small band of men brought down the Aztec
empire in Mexico, and between 1532 and 1533 Francisco Pizarro
and his followers toppled the Inca empire in Peru.
The New World’s tricky slavery system Constitutional
Rights Foundation
The practice is
called the encomienda system.
Instead of
being a grant of land, encomienda was a grant of people! To
the Spanish Conquistadors that is.
Typically, an encomienda
included an entire village, up to several hundred men, women, and children.
Their Spanish masters could force them to mine gold, cultivate crops,
or carry goods like beasts of burden (like animals).
The masters
were supposed to pay the Indians, but the law only obligated them to give
Indians minimal clothing and food rations. During the first
decades of the Spanish occupation of the New World, hundreds of thousands of
native peoples died. Some perished from starvation, others from diseases
brought from the Old World, and some were simply worked to death.
de Las Casas was the most persistent defender of the Indians during
the early years of the Spanish conquest of America. Starting out as a
conquistador with his own encomienda, Las Casas later became a Dominican
friar who passionately spoke out against the brutal treatment of the
several books and in speeches before the Council of the Indies, Las Casas
described in graphic detail how the Spanish moved into an unconquered territory
and terrorized Indian people. In one technique, Spanish soldiers rounded up
Indian leaders, hanged them in groups with their feet barely touching
the ground, and then burned them alive. In another, soldiers let loose
large, vicious dogs to attack, tear apart, and then eat the Indians.
"Nor did this cruelty take pity on [pregnant] women," wrote Las
Casas, "whose bellies they ripped up taking out the infants to hew them
to pieces."
Las Casas
went on and on cataloging the tortures employed by the conquistadors--throwing
Indians into pits with sharpened stakes, spearing them from horseback as
they tried to escape, grilling children over a fire. The Dominican friar
finally charged that after the survivors had been enslaved or forced into
encomiendas, their Spanish masters started "killing them slowly with hard
1542, due to the constant protests of Las Casas and others, the Council of the
Indies wrote and King Charles V enacted the New Laws of the Indies for the Good
Treatment and Preservation of the Indians. The New Laws abolished Indian
slavery and also ended the encomienda system. After the current encomienda
masters died, their Indians would become vassals of the crown. They would then
owe the king tribute in goods, but not in labor.
new encomienda law produced tremendous opposition in Mesoamerica. Encomienda
holders argued that not only they but the entire Spanish colonizing effort
would fail without forced Indian labor. The viceroy of New Spain (Mexico)
suspended enforcement of the new encomienda law because so many refused to
accept it. In Peru, a violent revolt resulted in the beheading of the viceroy
in 1545, Charles V backed down and revoked the offending law. This allowed
masters to pass on their encomienda Indians to their heirs. The encomiendas
thus continued for a while, but eventually disappeared as the Indian population
declined sharply because of forced labor, disease, and intermarriage with
Spaniards. The Laws of the Indies considered the children of these mixed
marriages free and outside the encomienda system.”
Hernán Cortés Hernán Cortés - Wikipedia
First, in 1511,
Cortés accompanied Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar to conquer the
Indians in Cuba (fighting and killing the natives of course). Cortés
was only 26 but he was made treasurer (and later secretary for Governor
Velázquez) to make sure that the Spanish Crown now gets 20% of the profits
from this expedition’s stolen Gold.
Cortés supplied Indians (encomienda/slaves)
and cattle to the Spaniards who needed labor to work the mines. Cortes also became
romantically involved with the Governor’s sister-in-law Catalina Xuárez and
finally married her.
Inside of 15
years, there were 3 expeditions to Mexico by Francisco Hernández de Córdoba
and then Juan de Grijalva before news came back that a colony had been
established on the mainland where there was a bonanza of silver and Gold.
In 1519, Velázquez
put Cortés in command of an expedition to explore and secure the
interior of Mexico for colonization. He stopped in Trinidad and Cuba,
to hire more soldiers and obtain more horses. Accompanied by about 11 ships,
500 men (including seasoned native slaves), 13 horses, and a
small number of cannons, Cortés landed on the Yucatán Peninsula (Southeast
end of Mexico) in Mayan territory. There he encountered Geronimo de
Aguilar, a Spanish Franciscan priest who had survived a
shipwreck followed by a period in captivity with the Maya, before
escaping. Aguilar had learned the Chontal Maya language and was
able to translate for Cortés.
In March 1519, Cortés
formally claimed the Yucatan land for the Spanish crown (after
fighting and killing the natives there of course). Then he proceeded to Tabasco,
Mexico where he was met with resistance and won a battle against the
natives there (more killing). He received twenty young native women from
the vanquished natives, and he converted them all to Christianity.
Cool huh? Go to someone else’s’ country and fight/kill
them with more advanced weapons and claim the land as your Kings’ land
and pick up 20 women for yourself and your top officers?
I’m sure the Catholic Church was proud of him – for converting
these natives to Christianity at the least?
I’m sure that Cortés was saying prayers to GOD before each
One of Cortés’
women was La Malinche, his future mistress and mother of his son Martín.
Malinche, who knew both the Nahuatl language and Chontal Maya
language, thus enabling Cortés to communicate with the other tribes. (Cortés
took for himself several more native women in the coming years.)
In July 1519, Cortés
and his men fought and took over the state of Veracruz (more killing of
natives in the eastern coastal state).
In Veracruz,
Cortés met with the tributaries of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma
II and asked them to arrange a meeting with the ruler. Cortés was
now in Aztec land and not Maya land.
The return of the GODs? The Earth Chronicles
Spain’s King
and Queen came to the realization that Columbus alone was not enough to find
the “City of GOLD” or the “El
Dorado” legend that they are now dreaming of. Which is why they also sent many more
explorers, ships and a small army together with Columbus on his third trip back
to the New World. (The King and Queen were also now dreaming of the “Fountain
of Youth” legend they had heard. – watch Pirates of the Caribbean: On
Stranger Tides.)
Columbus being
deeply religious convinced the Spanish King that the biblical prophesies are
coming true, and that Spain would successfully reign over Jerusalem soon. And the
River Orinoco in Venezuela that he discovered was really one of the four
rivers (Havila) in the Book of Genesis describing Eden,
where Gold is mentioned to exist by the Eden rivers! (Nice to have rumors
and legends!)
will furnish your invincible majesties with all the needed Gold; Columbus
assured his royal sponsors.”
Columbus dies in
1506 and here comes another Spanish (Francisco Hernández de Córdoba and
then Juan de Grijalva) to the Yucatan Peninsula (in South of Mexico - Maya
land). In the Yucatan Peninsula the Spanish saw a large step-pyramid, idols and
statues of animals and were also attacked with copper and obsidian tipped
arrows when they tried to get more Indian slaves. (They just won’t stop?)
Hernández later found a little Gold at another
tribal area and asked the Indians where the Gold was coming from? The Mayan
Indians there informed Hernández that the Gold was coming from the Aztec
the reason why Hernán Cortés then
sailed North (in 1519) up the coast of Mexico (with 11 ships, 600 men, and
horses and arms) and set up base in an area he called Veracruz. Hernán
Cortés was now leaving Mayan land and into Aztec land.
While Hernán
Cortés was met with arrows in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mayan lands), Hernán
Cortés was welcomed to Veracruz with amazing gifts of Gold! What else can Hernán
Cortés say? This is a dream come true. The Gold is coming to him for
free! But why?
Veracruz was Aztec
land and Moctezuma II was the King located in Tenochtitlan (Enoch
city) near Mexico City. The Aztec legend says the primary GOD of the land was Kukuklan/Quetzalcoatl.
And Kukuklan/Quetzalcoatl was a “White”-“Bearded”-“ Man”
-“ with Helmet”.
Cortés was the perfect match! The Indians there
have never seen a white/European person before.
“Moctezuma’s spies brought tales of “mountains
floating upon the sea” (large Spanish ships/galleons), and men with "flesh
very white...a long beard and hair to their ears," Montezuma's nerves
were shattered. Was this the legendary feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl,
who having vanished into the eastern ocean, now returned also from the east as
half-convinced himself Cortez was the returning GOD.
Smoking Gun!!!
Yet again the Sumerian texts are true! Cain built a city named
after his son Enoch (Tenochtitlan) far away from Sumer, and Enki
(Poseidon) and Ningishzidda (Grandson of Enlil/Zeus) together arrived
and were actively mining Gold in the entire Mesoamerica thousands of years
The Mexicans never lavished themselves with Gold. In fact, there was more Gold in Mesoamerica than there was Iron. And in the whole Mesoamerica, from Mexico to Guatemala to Panama and from Columbia to Peru and Bolivia, the Indians never sold or owned Gold.
- Gold was mined and saved for God when he returns as Ningishzidda had said in 311 BC before he left.
- Gold was never owned by the inhabitants.
- Gold was in the temples of God as figurines and ornaments etc.
- Gold was shaped into animals, plants, fruits etc… to be offered to God when he returned!
- Gold was used daily and weekly in the morning prayers in the temples.
Lucky for Cortés, the Aztecs had mistaken Cortés for
“God”. Because he looked like “God” (the Anunnaki) as
described in the Legends.
The gifts offered to Cortés included;
- A wheel like the sun, as big as a cartwheel, with many sorts of pictures on it. The whole thing was made of fine Gold and a wonderful thing to behold, which those who afterwards weighed it said was worth more than ten thousand dollars (or maybe 1 million dollars today?). This is the wheel that portrays the Mayan calendar which I covered in Part 1!
- Then another, even larger wheel, made of silver of great brilliancy in imitation of the moon. (Silver represented the Moon and Gold represented the Sun.)
- Also, a helmet filled to the brim with grains of gold. Remember! The Gods needed just raw Gold to be processed later.
- And a headdress made of the plumes of the rare quetzal bird (a relic still kept at Vienna's Museum für Völkerkunde). Kukuklan/Quetzalcoatl (Ninghizidda – grandson of Zeus), was known as the plumed feathered serpent hence the plumes of the rare bird Quetzal.
These were gifts, the emissaries explained, of their ruler Moctezuma II to the divine QuetzalCoatl, the Plumed Serpent God of the Aztecs.
Remember! God
QuetzalCoatl left
Mexico via Yucatán, Mexico (in 311 BC), and then sailed off eastward, vowing to
return on the day of his birth in the year 1 Reed in the big Mayan
calendar. In the Aztec calendar, the cycle of years completed itself every
fifty-two years, and therefore the year of the promised return,1 Reed,
could occur once in every fifty-two years. In the Christian calendar these were
the years 1363, 1415, 1467—and 1519.
(Ding, Ding,
Ding it was 1519 on this day!!!), precisely the year in which Cortés
appeared from the waters on the east at the gateway of the Aztec domain, (the
same thing as the Sumerian texts say) in ships so huge that looked like
floating cities!. Bearded, helmeted and white as Quetzalcoatl was,
Cortés seemed to fulfill the prophecies. (What a lucky guy!)
The gifts offered by the Aztec ruler (Moctezuma II) were not casually selected. Rather, they were rich with symbolism;
- The heap of gold grains was offered because Gold was a divine metal belonging to GOD. (Gold was the main purpose the Anunnaki came to Earth.)
- The silver disk representing the moon was included because some legends held that Quetzalcoatl sailed off to return to the heavens, making the moon his abode.
- The plumed headdress and the richly adorned garments were for the returning GOD to wear.
- Golden figurines of ducks, dogs, tigers, lions, and monkeys; and a golden bow with golden arrows.
- And the solid golden disk (79 inches in diameter – 6.5 feet) was a sacred calendar depicting the cycle of fifty-two years and indicating the Year of Return. (We know that there was such a calendar because others like it, made however of stone rather than pure gold, have since been discovered).
Instead of
being grateful of receiving millions of dollars' worth of Gold as gifts, the Spaniards
now dreamed of 100 times more Gold. And even the King of Spain (now king Charles
I, grandson of Ferdinand and sovereign of other European lands as Emperor
Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire) was also dreaming of 100 times more
Gold from Mesoamerica!
All of these gifts were ordered to be melted down immediately to be used as
money in Europe. (This is sad).
Awed by the prophecy of the returning God, Moctezuma II and
all the nobles came out to greet Cortés and his
entourage upon arriving to Tenochtitlan (Enoch City in November 1519).
Only Moctezuma wore sandals; all the others were barefoot, humbling themselves
before the “White God”.
He (Moctezuma II) made the Spaniards welcome in his magnificent
palace; there was Gold everywhere; even the table-ware was made of Gold;
and they were shown a storage room filled with golden artifacts.
Using a ruse, the Spaniards seized Moctezuma II and held him in
their quarters; for his release they demanded a ransom in Gold. The
nobles thereupon sent out runners throughout the kingdom to collect the ransom;
the golden objects that were handed over were enough to fill a ship! That
sailed back to Spain. (It was however seized by the French, causing war to
break out). How much Gold was this? Million or millions of dollars
Later, a massacre of the Aztec noblemen and commanders was ordered by Cortés’ second-in-command. Moctezuma
II was killed and the Spaniards had a full fledged battle on their hands…
But after stealing all the Gold in Moctezumas’ palace, the
Spaniards realized there is no new source of Gold in Mexico at that
time. So they moved on to the other countries.
Example of gift to Cortes. A large Sun Calendar but made entirely of Gold!
How much would this cost today in solid Gold?
Headdress made of the plumes of the rare
quetzal bird (a relic still kept at Vienna's Museum für Völkerkunde). (Restored
in Vienna)
Mayan writings. Yes the Maya had tons of
writings. We never hear about it because the Catholic church burned everything
they could find.
The codex is 12 feet (3.7 m) long. It is
written in Mayan hieroglyphs and refers to an original text of some three or
four hundred years earlier, describing local history and astronomical tables.
Like all other pre-Hispanic books from Mesoamerica, the Dresden Codex takes the
form of a screen fold. The pages consist of a paper made from the pounded
inner bark of a wild species of Ficus (hu'un in Maya—a word that became
semantically equivalent to “Book”).
P.S. The last page depicts Noah’s great
Legend of El Dorado
The legend of a
king whose kingdom was so rich in Gold that he was painted each
morning with gum or oil on which Gold dust was sprinkled, covering
him from head to toe. In the evening he dipped in the lake and washed off the Gold
and oil, only to repeat the rite the next day. He reigned in a city that was in
the center of a lake, situated on an island of gold.
This legend was
reported to Francisco Pizarro by an Indian from Columbia of "a
country rich in emeralds and Gold…Their king disrobed and went aboard a raft to
the midst of a lake to make oblations to the Gods. His regal form was
overspread with fragrant oil, from sole of foot unto his highest brow, making
him resplendent at the beaming of the sun. To view the ritual many pilgrims had
been coming and making rich offerings of golden trinkets and emeralds rare…
throwing them into the sacred lake."
(This must
have been the best wishing well you can imagine. In America, at the wishing
water fountains at the Malls you can find just pennies and quarters. LOL)
While Pizarro
did not find this Golden land (El Dorado ) in Panama, he did travel on to
Columbia and down to Peru. They checked lakes in many places for evidence of Gold
thrown in the lake as offering to GOD. (after hundreds of years of
investigation by various people, some lakes did show Gold offerings.)
Pizarro then decided to sail to Peru to check for
Gold. Two expeditions left from the West Coast of Panama (the Pacific Ocean) to
Peru. The expeditions returned with enough Gold to convince them that
there is Gold in Peru.
So then a
larger Spanish group arrived in Peru and met with the Inca leader Atahualpa.
Held him captive and demanded a ransom of Gold just like with Cortes
holding Moctezuma in Mexico.
Pizarro intended to release Atahualpa to
rule as a puppet king (just like U.S. politics?). but zealous lieutenants and
Church representatives, at a mock trial, sentenced Atahualpa to death
for the crime of idolatry and the murder of his half-brother, his rival for the
throne. (Too bad, another one dead by the Spanish invaders?)
In Cuzco, Peru on the other hand, the Spaniards found what they were looking for! In the Temple of the Sun - containing amazing Gold treasures.
- The interior and exterior walls of the temple, situated in the northern corner of the complex, were covered in Gold - considered the sweat of the sun - which was beaten into sheet metal plates. There were, reportedly, 700 of these half-meter square sheets, each weighing 2 kg. (So, we have 1,400 kg of Gold or $63,143 * 1,400kg = $88.4 million dollars today just for the Gold covering the walls.)
- A large field (180,000 square feet or 100 medium sized houses) of corn and life-sized models of shepherds, llamas, jaguars, guinea pigs, monkeys, birds and even butterflies and insects were all crafted in Gold. And if that wasn't enough there were also a large number of Gold and silver jars all encrusted with precious stones! (Maybe $500 million dollars or more?). All this Gold was being saved as offering to Viracocha (or Kukuklan/Quetzalcoatl in Mexico) when he returns as he has said. Please remember that Viracocha = Ningishzidda is the grandson of Enlil/Zeus.)
So maybe
totaling more than $600 million dollars of Gold from just one temple in
one city in one country? The Temple of the Sun was
completely emptied by the Spaniards and the walls completely bare today of any Gold
sheets and melted down. And don’t forget, 10% goes to the Catholic Church in
Spain for blessings from GOD and Jesus by the Pope. (Such a great religion!)
The Spanish then,
being such good Christians, built a wonderful church and convent over the Inca temple
naming it “Convent of Santo Domingo” and destroying
some parts of the native temple but not before looting the entire temple of all
the Gold, silver and precious stones. (Such good Christians they were!)
But no! This
was not enough. The Spaniards made/enslaved the Indians to mine more Gold
from the land until there is nothing to mine anymore. But at least the Indians
were now practicing Catholics so they can finally go to Heaven? (Have
to thank the Christians.)
The Convent of Santo Domingo,
built over the Temple of the Sun.
All the Gold sheets and figurines have
been looted by the Spaniards!
Representation of God - a giant mask
with zig-zag rays bursting from the head - was hung from the wall of a specially
dedicated chamber within the temple.
Example of a solid Gold Inca Sun of
Suns disk looted by the Spaniards and then melted down for the Catholic
Church, the rich Jews and the King of Spain.
Anyone want to guess how the Indians
moved this huge boulder maybe 20 or 200 miles and up the mountain? And
perfectly cut to zero gaps? Is it even possible?
I don’t see this as humanly possible.
Mega boulders cut to perfection
According to
the Sumerians, Ningishzidda (Zeus’ grandson) went to South
America (thousands of years before) and with Adad (either Zeus or
son of Zeus) built a spaceport atop the Andes mountains. Ningishzidda
showed the Earthlings, the Inca’s (descendants of Cain/Ka-in, the
South American “Indians”) how to build observatories with sight-lines to
pinpoint stars and see when Planet Nibiru approached.
The sight-lines
while drawn on the ground at the high elevations, it can only really be seen
and understood from the air. Of which, the Indians who drew this could never
really see what they were drawing? Or did they?
Ningishzidda designed tin and gold-processing plants
and planetariums in South America at Sacsahuaman, Cuzco and Machu
Picchu, as well as in Central America and the Valley of Mexico (Teotihuacan).
Nazca Lines Tour Peru
Nazca lines; between 150 ft to 600 ft
Stolen Gold Value
today |
Location |
Description |
$75 million |
Haiti/Dominica (in 20 years) |
500,000 ducats (1 Ducat = 3.4 grams of Gold or 0.11 troy ounce) |
$4 million |
Ransom for Moctezuma Mexico – Tenochtitlan (Columbus’ first trip back to Spain) |
100,000 gulden worth |
$137 million |
Mexico – Tenochtitlan royal palace
600,000 pesos worth |
$400 million |
Ransom for Peruvian King Atahualpa |
200,000 ounces worth |
$0.9 million |
Peru - The golden throne, outfitted with a golden stool |
4,000 ounces worth |
$500 million? |
Gold figurines from temples
Stolen from hundreds of temples. Just a guess. |
$137 million |
Gold found in the river Moche – as offerings and prayers to GOD |
600,000 pesos worth |
$1.3 billion per year |
Peru – Gold mining
6,000,000 ounces mined per year |
$460 million per year |
Peru – Silver mining
20,000,000 ounces mined per year |
“Pedro de
Cieza de Leon (Book
- Chronicles of Peru), reported that in the years following the conquest, the
Spaniards “extracted” from the Inca empire annually 15,000 arrobas of Gold and
50,000 arrobas of silver; this is equivalent to over 6,000,000 ounces of gold
and over 20,000,000 ounces of silver annually! Though Cieza de Leon does
not mention over how many years such fabulous quantities had been “extracted,”
his numbers give us an idea of the quantities of precious metals that the
Spaniards were able to plunder in the Inca lands.”
The Lost Realms (Book IV), Book 4
By Zecharia Sitchin
“One Garcia
Gutierrez de Toledo found a series of mounds covering sacred treasures (trying
to hide the Gold from the Spaniards) from which over a million pesos worth of
gold was extracted between 1566 and 1592. As late as 1602, Escobar Corchuelo secured
from the huaca La Tosca objects valued at 60,000 pesos. And when the waters of the
river Moche were diverted, a treasure of Gold worth some 600,000 pesos ($137 million) was found; it
included, as the chroniclers reported, a large golden idol”. The Lost Realms
(Book IV), Book 4 By Zecharia Sitchin
Overall, I
think it is not wrong to guess that Billions and Billions of dollars of
precious metals and jewels were stolen from the Americas. The Spaniards now seeing that the Gold was
collected and kept in Temples (being saved for the GODs upon their return), all
along Mexico down to Panama, to Columbia down to Peru and Bolivia? I would
imagine the Spaniards would have ransacked each and every temple in every town
in every country in Mesoamerica. (7 Countries in Central America and 12
countries in South America).
I believe the
Spaniards would have stolen maybe 40 Billion dollars’ worth of Gold/Silver and
Jewels from Mesoamerica in the first 200 years there? Or even more if I was to
research Brazil, Argentina and Chile?
So, 10 percent
to the Catholic Church and 20 percent to the Spanish royalty and 50 percent to
the private Jewish investors? Maybe?
(This is a rough guess)
This means;
- $4 Billion to the Catholic Church
- $8 Billion to the Spanish royalty
- $20 Billion to the private Jewish investors? Or more?
This is a huge
amount of money for a very small group of people! Where is all the Gold/Silver and Jewels
today? It didn’t get distributed to the common people in Europe. These were the
richest people/organization in Europe at that time and they became even more
stupid rich after this! They are now still the richest in the world I would
When you hear
about the “Globalists” at the Davos Convention or the people who Control Countries
and Governments, these are probably the ones! They probably own the Governments
and the Corporations directly or indirectly.
Where is the
Catholic Church keeping the 4 Billion dollars’ worth of stolen Gold? (The
Pope has blessed the Spaniards for the Gold donation of course). Could
it be the super-rich gets their hands on the Catholic Church’s’ loot also?
Side Note: it was rumored that the Catholic Church (The Vatican), is
one of the owners of Americas’ Central Bank – The Federal Reserve. I
dismissed this rumor before, but now I am thinking about it again. Care to
guess who the other owners might be? I’m not telling.
Burning of Books (The burning of [Maya] books - Book burning.)
“The Fire
Blunders”, written by the world-famous Uruguayan author Eduardo
Diego de Landa throws into the flames, one after the other, the books of the
inquisitor curses Satan, and the fire crackles and devours. Around the
incinerator, heretics howl with their heads down. Hung by the feet,
flayed with whips, Indians are doused with boiling wax as the fire
flares up and the books snap, as if complaining.
eight centuries of Mayan literature turn to ashes. On these long
sheets of bark paper, signs and images spoke: They told of work done and
days spent, of the dreams and the wars of a people born before Christ. With
hog-bristle brushes, the knowers of things had painted these illuminated,
illuminating books so that the grandchildren’s grandchildren should not be
blind, should know how to see themselves and see the history of their folk, so
they should know the movements of the stars, the frequency of eclipses
and the prophecies of the gods and so they could call for rains and good corn
Side Note: Power comes from control and any competing religion is a
threat to the Power. The Catholic Friar – Diego de Landa ordered the burning of
each and every Native writing that could be found.
disagreeing would be punished. Anyone fighting against the burning of the
writings was hung upside down and also burned to death. Any village trying to
hide their thousand-year-old cultural written treasures, Bishop Landa ordered
the killing of the entire village! (Such wonderful Christians, aren’t
The same thing
was happening in every country in the Americas (North and South America) to the
Maya, Aztec and Inca people. This is why there is almost no writings of the
American natives available to be read.
Only 4 codex’s (Maya writings) survived and located in Europe before the burning was ordered;
- The Madrid Codex, also known as the Tro-Cortesianus Codex
- The Dresden Codex
- The Paris Codex, also known as the Peresianus Codex
- The Grolier Codex, also known as the Grolier Fragment
This is not a
unique occurrence though. The Catholic Church also ordered the burning of books
in Europe at different points in time all over Europe if the books would be a
threat to the Catholic Church’s’ power. Even the Gnostic Christians were not
safe. (Islam did something similar on their end.)
Side Note: Control is Power and Power is
In order to gain control, all current hope must be lost in order for the people to obey the new requirements.
- Old religion/GOD must be destroyed.
- Old way of life must be destroyed.
- Old customs and traditions must be destroyed.
- Hope and Future must be destroyed.
I believe is similar to the Chaos Theory by Charles Darwin. “When
all hope is lost, the masses will succumb to their new environment”. So, the Catholic
Church was very busy destroying Inca, Maya and Aztec writings and temples. This
way the Inca, Maya and Aztec within a couple of generations will not remember
the past, traditions nor religion and instead obey their new masters!
why the Communists in the 1900’s also destroyed churches and
killed Bishops and Priests.
Mural by Juan O’Gorman, Biblioteca
Central de la UNAM , Mexico City
Burning of the Books (Maya Codex) by the
Catholic Church
Torching of Aztec books by Spanish
friars (Catholic Church)
The European
guns and cannons caused massive deaths in Mesoamerica. But there is something else that killed even
more natives though slowly, but absolutely and completely!
The diseases
from Europe that is! Measles, Chicken
Pox and Small Pox! The Americas have been isolated from the rest of the world,
so all the above sicknesses did not exist in the Americas and natural immunity and
medicine did not exist.
So, while the
natives were already losing to the Europeans with their guns, cannons and
horses, Small Pox, the most dangerous of the European diseases, started to
spread among the Mesoamerican natives.
When Cortés
kidnaped and later killed Moctezuma II
and stole all the Gold in the palace and temple that was saved for the return
of GOD, Cortés and his Spanish army unleashed the greatest killing
machine on the 200,000 residents of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) – the Smallpox
In just one
year, in 1520, 40 percent of Tenochtitlan died of Smallpox. You save
a lot of bullets don’t you, without even knowing it?
Recalling the epidemic,
one victim reported:
plague lasted for 70 days, striking everywhere in the city and killing a vast
number of our people. Sores erupted on our faces, our breasts, our bellies; we
were covered with agonizing sores from head to foot.”
A Franciscan
monk who accompanied Cortés provided this description:
the Indians did not know the remedy of the disease, they died in heaps, like
bedbugs. In many places it happened that everyone in a house died, and as it
was impossible to bury the great number of dead, they pulled down the houses
over them, so that their homes became their tombs.”
The children
and babies, being weaker, died first. Any children who survived then faced
death from starvation because both parents may have died from Smallpox also. Or
there was not enough people to grow/harvest more food.
Just like with
the Black Plague in Europe caused by diseased flea/rats in ships coming from
foreign lands, there were not enough strong people to bury the dead. Bodies were left rotting in the open.
The Spanish
travelled all over Central and South America looking to steal more Gold and to
enslave more natives. In doing so, the Spanish spread their diseases throughout
the entire Mesoamerica!
In all, 90%
of natives died from this epidemic.
Including the natives in North America and the Caribbean Islands. That’s
huge! 9 out of 10 people were dead! With so much native Mesoamericans dying,
the Spaniards then had to consider getting slaves from Africa instead!
Note: Population in Mexico dropped from 25
million people before 1521, to 1.2 million a hundred years later! This
is huge.
Also, think
about biological warfare in the coming future. Covid19 was made in the Wuhan
Lab and is from the Coronavirus family. Also,
SARS and MERS are Coronavirus’ too! Each version of the virus is getting
A quick lesson
in Inflation. So now that everyone was filthy rich from the stolen Gold
and Silver in Mesoamerica, the Spaniards (Generals, Governors, Administrators
and European workers, excluding the native slave labor of course) was also
keeping and/or being paid with some of this stolen property, Gold.
They have to
spend some money to spend their time in the Americas. They bought lots of wine
(surely), clothing and other necessities with abandon. Guess what happens when people have too much
free money? INFLATION happens that is.
A bottle of
wine became 60 gold coins/pesos, 100 gold coins/pesos for a cloak and would you
believe it 10,000 gold coins/pesos for a horse! (Since horse is a very scarce
commodity but people have money to buy it anyway).
The lesson? In
2020-2021 during the Covid19 pandemic, the US government was paying $600
dollars a week to tell people to stay home. So, $600 a week is $15 per hour but
most of the people were making minimum wage of $7 per hour. So, this was a pay
raise to stay at home and do nothing and so they did.
you remember the Democrats (Bernie Sanders/Ocasio Cortez) were saying that the
minimum wage needed to be changed to $15 per hour? But they did not have enough
buy-in to force the change? Giving the $400 per week free cash would mean that
people would not be interested in coming back to work for anything less than
$15 per hour. These are some of the tricks the government uses to make a change
without getting blamed for doing it. And the government plays this type of
trick every day!
Also, the
government said people cannot be kicked out of the apartments if they did not
have a job, so they also did not pay rent. So now that they are unemployed,
they also got free Medicare and free food! (Public schools, though they were
closed also prepared breakfast and lunch boxes for the parents to pick up for
their kids. Why?). Total all this up and you get maybe a total benefit of
$44,000 when $7 per hour only pays $14,560!!! Any fool will sit at home and do
nothing!!! And that’s what happened.
But No! They
didn’t sit at home and do nothing! They
were partying, so purchase of alcohol when some alcohol factories were
shutdown. They were ordering anything and everything they can online. Food delivery, Amazon, Target, Walmart etc..
etc.. There were more orders than there were U.S. factory products available.
Also, workers at the L.A. Port were not working, so there was a massive backup
of ships in the ocean for orders coming from China and the Chinese factories
were also facing shutdowns.
What do you get
from all of this? INFLATION.
Prices of everything shot up immediately in 2020-2021.
So, did you
learn at least 2 things today? I hope you learned more than just 2 things.
End Note
The Catholic
church wanted to convert all these primitive and heathen Mesoamerican natives
to Christianity to worship the one true God!
But … lets work this out step by step!
- These native Mesoamericans (Maya, Aztec, Inca) worshiped the Sumerian God.
- The Christians worship the Jewish God.
- The Jews worship Abrahams’ God. Because Abraham is the father of Israel. (And of Islam?)
- But Abraham was born and raised in Sumer (city of Ur), before he left Ur at age 75 to start the Jewish state - Israel.
- So, Abraham while living in Ur, he worshiped the same Sumerian God as the Mesoamerican natives!!!
- So, coming into a full circle, the Christians worship the same God as the Mesoamerican natives???
Did you get
that? Mesoamericans, Jews, and Christians all worship the SAME GOD!!!
Just different names.
(And even
before Christianity came to be; The Greeks, Romans, Nordic tribes, Egyptians
and Hindus all worship the Sumerian God also!!!)
All Roads Lead to the Sumerians Yet Again ***
End of Part 5 ***
*** To
Be Continued ***
My sign-off in
Egyptian script
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