Chapter 9 – Noah and the Flood

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So continuing from Chapter 8, we move on to a now older Noah and the coming of the great flood. I also have found similar stories from Hindu, Aztec, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Greek, Book of Enoch, and Akkadian/Assyrian/Chaldean, listed below for extra credit reading.

The Jews and Christians have so little information regarding this big flood event (before, during and after) but the chapters are filled with lots of repeating words to fill up the Chapters like fillers?

Overall, most of the stories in the Mediterranean, written at different times by different cultures has similarities. One thing that surprises me is that many of the Mediterranean cultures name our GOD as the Greek main GOD for Earth – Kronos or Cronos. They used this name instead of the original Sumerian name of Anu.

In the Sumerian story you will see which GOD hated the humans and which GOD loved the humans. You will also see that the Fallen Angels were trying hard to get GOD’s forgiveness, for running after the human women, by helping Noah to build the Ark. It didn’t work though.

And I was surprised to see that GOD Enki sent his son Ninagal to Noah’s Ark to help Noah navigate the Ark to the Mt. Ararat. And the reason why they picked this location was that at almost 17,000 ft high the flood would not reach over it, thus the GODs who had traveled up to space to wait over the flood, was going to land in this area when they returned.

Oh, and GOD said “I will return soon” to the humans when they left Earth before the flood came (like in Revelations?).  The GODs did not want to tell the humans what was coming. Because everyone was supposed to die except for the people in the Ark.

There were humans in other places on Earth who survived the flood because they lived at very high elevation.

Instead of bringing all the animals into the Ark, they stored DNA samples of the animals in the Ark.

Ziusudra (ZI.UD.SUD.RA2 - Sumerian, Xisuthros - Greek)

Sumerian Story – summarized (more detailed story is available below)

All the Mediterranean (Iraq, Babylon, Iran, Syria, Lebanon) stories refer to GOD Kronos as the informant for the coming flood. And this follows the Sumerian story. King Anu (Kronos) was in the mother ship circling the Earth. And he had detailed info on when the dangerous Planet X (Planet 10) is coming by planet Earth. (I covered Planet X in Chapter 5.)

California Tech (CalTech has officially theorized the existence of this Planet X). And according to the Sumerians, Planet X comes by somewhere around every 3,600 years. This Planet X destroyed a planet where the asteroid belt now exists about 1 million years before, among other destructions that has happened. Planet X is on a very dangerous orbit that can also hit Earth. The next time Planet X comes around, it could be somewhere around year 2,900? But we’ll all be gone by then? It will be someone else’s problem by that time. LOL

The Sumerian timeline shows the flood was coming around 11,000 B.C. GOD/King Anu and the rest of the Aliens are from Planet X (Nibiru) and thus they know all about what is going to happen.
So Anu (Kronos) calls for all his people to finish up what they are doing on Earth and fly back up to the mother ship and wait out the passing of the Planet X. They all know that there will be severe destruction when their planet Nibiru comes by our Solar System and passes Earth. Mars will also be affected, any of the nine planets in our system can be affected.


There are some people going to be left behind though;

  • The hybrid humans; There’s just too many of them.  And Enlil (Zeus) really hated the humans.  In fact! Enlil (Zeus) wanted 100% of the humans to be dead! You see, Enlil is the sky GOD. Which means his responsibility was to transport the processed gold from Earth to the awaiting ships above Earth and, also to send the gold to Mars. There is a processing station and a Space Port over on Mars where the transport ship can land and pick up the gold bound for Nibiru.  The gravity on Mars Is lower than that on Earth. So, while Enlil wanted 100% of the humans dead, it is Enki (Poseidon) the creator of the humans to wants to save them. Unfortunately their father, King Anu (Kronos) also agreed with Enlil to let 100% of the humans to die.
  • The Fallen Angels and the Nephalim; Well King Anu has strict rules against any interaction between the Angels (Nibiru visitor/workers) and the humans which the Angels (Nibiru visitor/workers) disobeyed. So King Anu was very adamant that all of them die. They were not given permission to return to the ship. Funny thing is while King Anu wants all the Fallen Angels to die, his son Enki has been sowing his seeds here and there on Earth also.  “... It’s Good To Be The King?
  • The Fallen Angels/Watchers by the way were stationed at a Space Port in Lebanon and after 10s and 100s of years on Earth, they needed some women I guess and they took a chance which was a bad idea.  They did spend time petitioning Enoch, who was in "Heaven" to ask "GOD" for forgiveness when they found out that they were in trouble.
  • The rest of the Angels (workers) and the family of King Anu: They were expected to board the transport to get to the mother ship when the time was right.

So, when the time got closer, Enki (Poseidon) needed to secretly tell Ziusudra (Noah) about the impending doom! But Enki made an oath with the rest of the Anunnaki people (mostly to Enlil - Zeus) to keep the story a secret from the humans and let everyone die. (Don’t forget, Enki is Noah’s daddy! From Chapter 8). Enki has to do something and soon.
So, while remembering his oath to Zeus and the rest, Enki (Poseidon) finds a way to indirectly speak to Noah from over a wall or shrubs, so as not to see eye to eye. And Poseidon only tells Noah that it is very important to build a ship and Noah will have to take his extended family in it and some animals and birds with no further detail.  I am thinking that there is no way Noah would be able to gather up all the animals of the world and to also fit them all in the Ark.



Building the Ark

  • A bunch of people helped build the Ark.  It wasn’t just Noah.
  • When I read the Book of Enoch (Chapter 66 verse 2), I see that it was the Fallen Angels and their children helping Noah build the Ark? Because they knew they were not going up to the mother ship and something is going to happen on Earth and they hoped to change the mind of Enki and to save them.
  • The Ark was completed in 5 days?
  • They used tar (bitumen) to waterproof the Ark.
  • Both Enki and his son Ninagal explained to Noah to keep the animals hidden in the Ark and away from Enlil (Zeus).
  • On the next day after completion of the Ark, Ninagal, the royal son of Enki, came to Ziusudra (Noah) as requested by Enki. Ninagal was going to help navigate the Ark during the flood.
  • Ninagal also came with a box full of DNA (or collection of sperm and egg) of living creatures of the Earth collected by Enki himself and his sister Ninmah.  Much smarter way to bring more animals in the Ark without taking up space.
  • The use of Bitumen to waterproof the Ark is very important.  They completely waterproofed every inch of the boat so that the boat would/could survive the strong and large waves like a submersible vessel could. All the doors and windows were to be shut tight once everyone was on board.
  • For nights before the calamity struck, in the heavens Nibiru as a glowing star was seen. (People on Earth could see the glowing light from the dwarf Sun of Nibiru coming with Nibiru itself.)

Then the waters came

When Planet X (Nibiru) came closer to Earth, the gravitational field from the much larger Nibiru (5 to 10 times larger?) pulled away the Ice Sheets from the North and South Poles. We’re talking about sheets the size of a country. Thus, there would be a great big Tsunami/s created that would go around the world. And the Sea levels also rising quickly. On top of it, there was heavy non-stop rains falling, also affected by the gravitational forces of Planet Nibiru. (Climate change?)

The rising waters lifted the Ark and moved it.  GOD Enki’s son Ninagal, who was in the Ark, navigated the Ark through the dangerous waters towards Mt. Ararat. This location was also where the GODs would return/land after the storms have ended. The Ark was completely sealed and was able to be completely submerged underwater at times with no water leaking through when dangerous waves hit it.

Once docked on Mt. Ararat, to check for dry land and for surviving vegetation, Noah sent the following birds. He sent forth a swallow first, then he sent forth a raven; And both to the Ark they returned. The later he sent forth a dove; With a twig from a tree to the Ark it returned!

So Ziusudra (Noah) felt it was the right time to leave the Ark. Now some of the other texts describe the Ark landing on another mountain but it was still in Armenia and close to the Iraqi/Turkish border. (Ex. The Gordiaean mountains)

Later, news came about that Mars also suffered a calamity where the planet Nibiru’s gravitational field sucked out the water on Mars. So, Mars is what it is today, a dry and waterless planet.

Later on, Enlil (Zeus) and his team came down from "Heaven" to earth and at around the location of the Ark. When Zeus saw Noah and his family still alive, Zeus flew into a rage and lunged at Enki (Poseidon). “All earthling were supposed to be killed!!” Zeus said. Enki (Poseidon) answered back saying “He is not just any mortal, He is my sonEnki said this while pointing at Ziusudra (Noah).

After some time, I guess Zeus calmed down and made a promise to Noah to not allow mankind to be wiped out again. Zeus took Noah and his wife’s hands and blessed them. And Zeus said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and the Earth replenish!”. Zeus at this time gave Noah and his wife immortality. (Now immortality to humans is really a normal lifespan for the GODS.  They live a couple of hundred thousand Earth years. Because their Planet orbits around our Solar System once every 3,600 years.  So 10 years old on Nibiru is 36,000 years on Earth? Exactly how Zeus did this? The scripts did not say.)

So now Noah planned out to which direction his sons were to go to and create settlements;

  1. Ham’s descendants were the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Philistines, Mizraim, and Put.
  2. His brother Shem was the ancestor of the Elamites, Asshur, Aramites, Lud, and Joktan.
  3. His other brother Japheth was the ancestor of Madai, Ashkenaz, Kittim, Togarmah, Gomer and Javan.

a.    Mizraim became the Egyptians.

b.    Joktan became the Arabians.

c.     Elam became the Persians.

d.    Madai becames the Medes.

e.    Asshur became the Assyrians.

f.      Aram became Syria.

g.    Ashkenaz became the Scythians.

h.    Kittim became Cyrus.

i.      Lud became Lydia.

j.      Javan became the Greeks.

SideNote: In Genesis Chapter 6 v1 of the Jewish Bible and the King James version, it says that Elohim blesses Noah and his sons. But all the Christian Bibles say GOD blesses Noah and his sons. "Elohim" means more than one GOD.
Remember that Elohim is plural (ie. more than one GOD). The Jewish Bible later on, avoided saying more than one GOD and the Christian Bible avoided saying more than one GOD all throughout the Bible. Why? So it looks like everyone during that time knew of more than one GOD. And so, the Sumerian stories are truly correct!
Noah also sent his sons to Asia and to North and South America. I have read that some of the Native Americans did not perish in the Flood.  (The ones maybe like in Peru where they lived high up in the mountains past 6,000 ft the flood did not reach? And remember the Peruvians referred to the Spanish visitors in 1511 as GOD when the saw the Spanish for the first time?)

End of Story

See below for the comparisons to other Flood stories from around the world!


Below is the activity that Noah conducted in building the Ark. The Bible does not cover any of the activities in building the Ark.

  • Timbers of boat-wood the elders were hauling, the little ones bitumen (Tar) from the marshes carried.
  • As woodworkers the planks together hammered, Ziusudra in a cauldron the bitumen (Tar) melted.
  • With bitumen the boat he waterproofed inside and out,
  • As in the drawing upon the tablet the boat on the fifth day was completed.
  • Eager to see Ziusudra depart, the townspeople to the boat food and water brought,
  • From their own mouths’ sustenance, they took; to appease Enlil they were in a hurry!


  • Four-legged animals into the boat were also driven, birds from the field by themselves flew in.
  • Into the boat Ziusudra his spouse and sons made embark, their wives and children also came.
  • Any who to the abode of the lord Enki wish to go, let them too aboard come!
  • So did Ziusudra to the gathered people announce.
  • Envisioning Enki’s abundance, only some of the craftsmen the call heeded.
  • On the sixth day Ninagal, Lord of the Great Waters, to the boat came,
  • A son of Enki he was, to be the boat's navigator he was selected.
  • A box of cedarwood in his hands he held, by his side in the boat he kept it;
  • The life essences and life eggs of living creatures it contains, by the lord Enki and Ninmah collected.
  • From the wrath of Enlil to be hidden, to life resurrect if Earth be willing!
  • So did Ninagal to Ziusudra explain; thus were all beasts by their twos in the boat hidden.

So the storms begin in the Sumerian story;

  • By Nibiru's unseen netforce it was pulled away, into the south sea crashing.
  • One sheet of ice into another icesheet was smashing,
  • The White land's surface like a broken eggshell was crumbling.
  • All at once a tidal wave arose, the very skies was the wall of waters reaching.
  • A storm, its ferocity never before seen, at the Earth's bottom began to howl,
  • Its winds the wall of water were driving, the tidal wave northward was spreading;
  • Northward was the wall of waters onrushing, the Abzu lands it was reaching.
  • Therefrom toward the settled lands it traveled, the Edin it overwhelmed.
  • When the tidal wave, the wall of waters, Shurubak reached,

  • The boat of Ziusudra (Noah) the tidal wave from its moorings lifted,
  • Tossed it about, like a watery abyss the boat it swallowed.
  • Though completely submerged, the boat held firm, not a drop of water into it did enter.
  • 225
  • After the forty days Ziusudra the boat's hatch opened, his whereabouts to survey.
  • A bright day it was, a gentle breeze was blowing;
  • All alone, with no other sign of life, the boat upon a vast sea was lolling.
  • Mankind, all living things, off the Earth's face are wiped out,
  • No one except us few survived, but there is no dry land to set a foot upon!
  • So did Ziusudra to his kinfolk say as he sat down and lamented.
  • At that time Ninagal, by Enki appointed, the boat toward the twin peaks of Arrata directed,
  • A sail for her he shaped, toward the Mount of Salvation he the boat guided.
  • Impatient Ziusudra was; birds that were on board he released
  • To check for dry land, for surviving vegetation to verify he sent them.
  • He sent forth a swallow, he sent forth a raven; both to the boat returned.
  • He sent forth a dove; with a twig from a tree to the boat it returned!


Summary: God comes to Noah and tells Noah there is a great flood coming that will kill every thing on earth for the sins of the Humans and the fallen Angels who mated with humans and the Giants, the children of the unholy union. Noah was to build an Ark and to take two of every animal.
So Noah built the Ark while people watched and thought he was nuts. Noah loaded the Ark with two of every animal of the earth? (How would Noah get the American Grizzly Bear, Polar Bear, Panther, Boa Constrictor, Indian Elephant, Chinese Panda Bear and all the different birds?  It would not be possible to get them all and then keep them from killing the others?)

Then the rains came and floated the Ark while the sinners all died and also all the animals. After 40 days the Ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat. Noah sent out Doves and also a Raven to find out if enough waters had receded before deciding to come out of the Ark.
And thus Noah came out with his family and all the animals. (How did Noah get all the animals to return to all the different countries of the world?)
Noah’s sons then spread out to the ends of the world to repopulate the world.


According to Indian flood mythology, the man Manu was the sole survivor of the great flood, combining the characteristics of the Hebrew Bible figures of Noah and Adam, the first man.

The Shatapatha Brahmana recounts how Manu was warned by a fish, to whom he had done a kindness, that a flood would destroy the whole of humanity. He therefore built a boat, as the fish advised.

When the flood came, he tied this boat to the fish’s horn and was safely steered to a resting place on a mountaintop. When the flood receded, Manu, the sole human survivor, performed a sacrifice, pouring oblations of butter and sour milk into the waters.  Flood myth | Definition, Accounts, & Mythologies | Britannica

After a year, there was born from the waters a woman who announced herself as “the daughter of Manu.” These two then became the ancestors of a new human race to replenish the earth. In the Mahabharata (“Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty”), the fish is identified with the god Brahma, while in the Puranas (“Ancient Lore”) it is Matsya, the fish incarnation of Lord Vishnu.




The Aztec believed that four worlds had existed before the present universe.

Those worlds, or “suns,” had been destroyed by catastrophes, and humankind had been entirely wiped out at the end of each sun.

The fourth sun, Nahui-Atl, “Four-Water,” ended in a gigantic flood that lasted 52 years. Only one man and one woman survived, sheltered in a huge cypress, but they were later turned to dogs. (Ouch! this story doesn’t sound too good?) Flood myth | Definition, Accounts, & Mythologies | Britannica


The gods determined to destroy humankind with a flood. Enki (Akkadian: Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, (Noah) a man well known for his humility and obedience.

Ziusudra did as Enki (Poseidon) commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood.

Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu - Kronos) and Enlil (Zeus), and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra (Noah) was given immortality. Flood myth | Definition, Accounts, & Mythologies | Britannica




In the related Babylonian Gilgamesh epic, Utnapishtim (Noah) and his wife are the survivors of the mythological flood, having preserved human and animal life in the great boat he built. The couple were then deified by the god Enlil (Zeus) as a reward for heeding the divine instruction to build an ark. Flood myth | Definition, Accounts, & Mythologies | Britannica




Deucalion, the son of Prometheus (the creator of humankind – same as Enki?) is the equivalent of Noah.

When Zeus, the king of the gods, resolved to destroy all humanity by a flood, Deucalion constructed an ark in which, according to one version, he and his wife rode out the flood and landed on Mount Parnassus. Flood myth | Definition, Accounts, & Mythologies | Britannica



Book of Enoch

Chapter 66

Ver 1. And in those days the word of God came unto me, and He said unto me: 'Noah, thy lot has come up before Me, a lot without blame, a lot of love and uprightness.

Ver 2. And now the angels are making a wooden (building), and when they have completed that task I will place My hand upon it and preserve it, and there shall come forth from it the seed of life, and a change shall set in so that the earth will not remain without inhabitant.

Ver 3. And I will make fast thy seed before me for ever and ever, and I will spread abroad those who dwell with thee: it shall not be unfruitful on the face of the earth, but it shall be blessed and multiply on the earth in the name of the Lord.'

Keynote: The Angels built the Ark for Noah?? The regular Bible says Noah built the Ark? But this paragraph matches the Sumerian writings.



Rabbinic Midrash (Legends of the Jews 3)

The depravity of mankind, which began to show itself in the time of Enosh, had increased monstrously in the time of his grandson Jared, by reason of the fallen angels.

When the angels saw the beautiful, attractive daughters of men, they lusted after them, and spoke: "We will choose wives for ourselves only from among the daughters of men and beget children with them.".

Their chief Shemhazai said, "I fear me, ye will not put this plan of yours into execution, and I alone shall have to suffer the consequences of a great sin."

Then they answered him, and said: "We will all swear an oath, and we will bind ourselves, separately and together, not to abandon the plan, but to carry it through to the end.".

Two hundred angels descended to the summit of Mount Hermon, which owes its name to this very occurrence, because they bound themselves there to fulfil their purpose, on the penalty of Herem, anathema. Under the leadership of twenty captains they defiled themselves with the daughters of men, unto whom they taught charms, conjuring formulas, how to cut roots, and the efficacy of plants. The issue from these mixed marriages was a race of giants, three thousand ells tall, who consumed the possessions of men. When all had vanished, and they could obtain nothing more from them, the giants turned against men and devoured many of them, and the remnant of men began to trespass against the birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, eating their flesh and drinking their blood.

Keynote: Mount Hermon is in Lebanon bordering Syria.  And Lebanon according to the Sumerian texts was another Spaceport.





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