Chapter 6 Season End – The Conclusion

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My primary plan was to go directly in and write Chapter 6 – The Conclusion. But since my readers will not have the background necessary to digest Chapter 6, I decided to take the time to write Chapters 1 thorough 5.  It took me some time to do this, but I also learned more stuff as I was researching for more information. It was very revealing!

 This Chapter 6 is based on the Sumerian writings on clay tablets long before the Egyptians invented the Papyrus paper. In a way we are lucky the Sumerians did not write on paper because after 10,000 or 6,000 years ago, there will be nothing for us to read. Paper would have disintegrated.

 The Sumerian writing is older than the Jewish writing and Sanskrit and Latin. Thus, I would say that the Sumerian writings should be considered as the original stories that the other cultures would have based their stories upon.

 Also, since the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible both reference southern Iraq as the beginning of Man-Kind and the Sumerian culture being the original culture also in Southern Iraq and the Bible saying from Adam (Garden of Eden) to Abraham, the Jews lived in Southern Iraq (Abraham lived in the city of Ur), then it has to be the Sumerian culture which was what the Jews experienced and anything that the Jews wrote was surely based of the Sumerian stories. This is normal.



The Investigation 

Then I checked up on the origins => “Adam and Eve” and “the Garden of Eden”. 

Garden of Eden according to the Sumerians was a peaceful and wonderful place just like it is told in the bible. Read the Sumerian writings of “Enki and Ninhursag”: 

  • The lion kills not, the wolf snatches not the lamb, 
  • Unknown is the kid-devouring wild-dog… 
  • Its old woman (says) not “I am an old woman,” 
  • Its old man (says) not “I am an old man.” 
Meaning., there was no sin in Eden, no danger in Eden…. 
The Jewish Torah has "Gan Eden", which is Hebrew for the "Garden of Eden”. (Other variations are "Gan-Beeden” or “Gan-Be’Eden” for Garden of Eden). (

  • Gan is Garden or enclosure or walled enclosure. 
  • Bee or Be’ is In.
  • And Eden is the name of the garden. 
  • The first part of verse 8, in the English Version of the Torah, says that “Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden. (
  • The Akkadian culture, also older than the Torah called Eden as Edinu, which means 'plains'. (
  • The Sumerians called the place E.Din or Edin, which means "steppe" or "plain". ( 
  • But, note carefully: Adam is still a spiritual being, “formed” of the spiritual elements of the “Adamah.” His physical body of “flesh and blood” has to be “evolved” by long processes that Science can tell us more about than the Bible thinks it necessary to. ( 
  • Remember this point that Adam has to still be evolved. That Adam is not yet complete in the Torah?

Important facts; 

  • So we have actually the Garden In Eden and not the Garden Of Eden. (Similar but different meaning) 
  • The Jewish mystical texts describe Eden as spiritual place? And not a physical place? 
  • Elohim planted a garden”. This means more than one GOD created a garden? Elohim is plural. 
  • Adam is being evolved? I’ll explain more down further. 
  • The Sumerians, Akkadians and Jews all talk about the same story.  Did GOD write the Bible or did the Christians copy the story from the Sumerians and Akkadians? And they copied it wrong?



Very important facts here! 

  • The Jewish Torah says Eden is a spiritual place. Islam says Eden is in Heaven? But the Bible translation from the Torah says Eden is on Earth? So the Bible is not following what the Jews and Islam is saying?  
  • The Jewish Torah says “Elohim planted a garden …”. Elohim is more than ONE GOD! The singular of the word for Elohim is El, Eloah or Eloha
  • The plural word Elohim corresponds to the original texts in the Torah describing Genesis, the Creation of the World and the Creation of the Humankind. 
  • The Jews also don’t believe in Jesus? 
  • The early Christian Bible was written around 300 AD probably. And in Alexandria Egypt? 
  • It looks like the Jews know that the Christians are all messed up and praying to the wrong God? Good question
  • Even though the Christians were translating directly from the Torah, they were not correctly translating or they were manipulating the stories in the Torah to create their own narrative? Good question!

 Just for fun – I found this interesting/enlightening (but far-fetched) fact about Adam’s cast-out of Eden as specified by Islam while writing this Chapter 6. 

  • In Islam when Adam sinned, Adam was cast out to Sri Lanka? (Eden was in Heaven.) 
  • It is believed by most of the people across the world that Prophet Adam was the first human being on Earth. However, most of the people do not know this but the first footprint of Prophet Adam can still be found in Sri Lanka
  • That footprint is extending sharply towards the sky starting from the jungle of Sri Lanka is the 7000+ feet higher of Sri Pada. moreover, it is known as the Holy Footprint
  • This peak is considered Holy by the 4 major religions on earth: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. This peak is firmly known as Adams Peak
  • When Prophet Adam was expelled out from Heaven, he was placed on the top of the mountain by Allah so the shock can be minimal, as reported. 
  • It was named the highest peak in the world because Early Arab seamen were amazed by it even though it is not the highest one in Sri Lanka. 
  • These days many people visit the mountains as a religious journey. The peak time for the religious journey is mainly from December to April. 
  • There is a small Buddhist Temple and the saman shrine which holds a massive footprint on the top of the mountain. 
  • The size of Prophet Adam’s footprint was said to be 60 cubits tall, and the footprint was 5’7’’ long by 2’6’ wide’. 
  • Since for the final migration, a bunch of butterflies travels every year on the mountaintop, but they die eventually on the mountaintop so that’s why the Adams peak is also known as Samanalakande which is translated to the ‘butterfly mountain’. 
  • According to the literature, Prophet Adam took his last breath at the foot of Mount Qubais in Makkah (Mecca). 

Reference: Atlas of the Quran – Dr. Shauqi Abu Khalili

Above - top of Adam’s Peak

Above - Adams footprint

Above – Path to the top of Adam’s Peak

And then I looked at all the classical Gods. I found that the Greek, Roman, Viking, Egyptian, Akkadian and even Hindu GODs are all the same to each other and to the original storyThe Sumerian Story

For example, the following table below shows you the main 3 GODs (trilogy/trinity) and the Father of the GODs (see Chapter 2). 

Don’t forget the Jewish Torah talks of many GODs (Elohim). Not one GOD.

  •      In ancient times there was a saying in Rome, “All Roads Lead to Rome”. This was true because the Romans built extensive roads from Rome to all the Cities and Countries that they had conquered. 
  •      In the same manner, maybe “All Religions Lead to Sumer”? Yes? No? See table below.

Since the Sumerian writing is the oldest of the list above, and that I find the other religions are using some or many of the stories in the Sumerian religion, it is logical to think that the religions evolved from the same, the Sumerian religion.

So below is the Real Meat of this Chapter 6.
Taken from the translations of the Sumerian clay tablets by; 
ZECHARIA SITCHIN –> Genesis Revisited & ZECHARIA SITCHIN -> The 12th Planet


In Chapter 5, I wrote about a 10th planet after Pluto called Nibiru. Nibiru has moon/s and a Sun but it’s entire planetary system has a very elongated orbit that brings it close to Mars and the Asteroid Belt. (Read Chapter 5)

The orbit time is difficult to say, the translations say 3,600 years but that’s too short for what I see.  We would have had some kind of stories from the Egyptians or Sumerians about the last sighting of planet Nibiru.  So, I’m purely going to guess the orbit to be more than 10,000 years range.

  • Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles).
The Nibiruans are much more advanced from us obviously since they had achieved space travel 450,000 years ago. They should be super advanced because flying a distance of 50 billion miles will take 100s of years with our current technology and still maybe a couple of hundred years at the speed of light. Only by using Warp drive (Star Trek uses Warp drive huh?) as proposed in 1994 by the Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre could the Nibiruans reach Earth in good time and age? (You must read Chapter 4)

But their planet is in trouble. Their planets’ atmosphere is degrading after so many years of civilization (and maybe pollution?), and to protect them from the harmful radiation from the sun, they need Gold to be dispersed in their atmosphere to block the harmful rays of the Sun while still allowing useful light through.

Do you think this is a fairy-tale story from ancient uneducated people? I’ll let you decide. See below for a picture of the NASA space suit the astronauts use. Pay attention to the Gold colored visor on the helmet.  It is covered with Gold to protect the astronauts eyes from the harmful radiation of the Sun. So do you think the Ancient Sumerians don’t know what they are talking about? Yes? No?

Even the electronics in the satellites in space are protected with a layer of Gold foil! See second picture below.

Gold is also used by NASA in the construction of spacesuits. Because of its excellent ability to reflect infrared light while letting in visible light, astronauts’ visors have a thin layer of gold on them to protect their eyes from unfiltered sunlight.

As Good As Gold: Are Satellites Covered in Gold Foil?

So the Nibiruans set off to the planets to search for the life protecting Gold that they need badly. And Gold is very special. It cannot be made in a laboratory. It is made “… from something even more exotic: the collisions of ultra-dense objects called neutron stars...”

The Nibiruans found Gold on Mars and they setup shop on Mars to mine the Gold. 

Side Note:

NASA is wanting to go to Mars badly. Wanna bet they are definitely going to look for some evidence of ancient Gold mining? Yes they will. But they will not tell us what they will find though. (National Security risk I’m sure they will say.)

After mining all the Gold on Mars, the Nibiruans then scanned Earth for Gold and their sensors picked up evidence of Gold. So 55 Nibiruans landed in or near the Persian Gulf and settled in the southern tip of Iraq that is called Eridu or E.RI.DU (Earth Station I). In Akkadian, if you remember in my comparison table above, Eden is called Edinu. Is the Akkadian Eden (Edinu) the same as the Sumerian first Earth Base Station of GOD, called Eridu? Which is then the Christian Eden? 

This all happened 445,000 years ago.

  • If you look at the map below, you will see Eridu is at the southern tip of Iraq. 400,000 years ago, the water levels could have been higher so Eridu must have been ocean-front property?·         Also, look at the where is Ur? Very close to Eridu and where Abraham in the bible lived until he left to the land of Israel.
  • Look at the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Eridu is pretty much on the river or between the rivers. River paths would have changed multiple times in 450,000 years.  This is probably where the Garden of Eden or E.Din or Gan-Be’Din would be.
  • Sumer (Sumerian people) is clearly in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates.
  • Please note that the Nibiruans were known as Annunaki. Probably because the Head GOD who was the king/leader of the planet Nibiru was named Anu.
  • Anunnaki = People of Anu?
  • And Anu’s sons were Enlil and Enki or (Zeus and Poseidon, or Indra and Varuna). Ninhursag (Isis or Hera) his daughter. (see the GODs table above)
  • Anu assigned Enki to the Earth’s mining operations. 

Earth = Eridu = E.RI.DU – meaning “Home In the Far-away” because the Anunnaki were far away from home. Similarities for the name of Earth is also;

  • In German it is Erde, from Erda
  • in Old High German; Jordh (pronounced as Yordh)
  • in Icelandic, Jord (pronounced as Yord)
  • in Danish. Erthe
  • in Middle English, Airtha
  • in Gothic; Ereds or Aratha
  • in Aramaic, Erd
  • or Ertz in Kurdish,
  • Eretz in Hebrew.

The sea we nowadays call the Arabian Sea, the body of water that leads to the Persian Gulf, was called in antiquity the Sea of Erythrea (Sounds like Earth) and to this day, Ordu (sounds like Eridu?) means an encampment or settlement in the Persian language.


By the way Enki = Poseidon. But while we know Poseidon as the GOD of the seas, Poseidon is also responsible for Horses and Plants. You will see later below how Enki observed the natural plants and animals on Earth.


Gold Mining Operations 

(From ZECHARIA SITCHIN –> Genesis Revisited & ZECHARIA SITCHIN -> The 12th Planet

So Eridu in southern Iraq by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Eden??) (445,000 years ago) became the Annunakis’ base of operations. After some time, the Gold mining by the Persian Gulf ended and new locations are searched for. The search for new Gold deposits came up with a location in Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. 

So 416,000 years ago Enki started a new operation in Africa while his brother Enlil (Zeus) assumed responsibility to the Sumerian base of operations. Don’t forget Enki is Poseidon or Varuna

By 400,000 years ago, seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia which includes a Spaceport (in Sippar), Mission Control Center (in Nippur), and a metallurgical center (in Shuruppak) were established. The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by the Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically from Planet Nibiru. You can look up these Sumerian/Iraqi cities on Google

The Igigi by the way, were the lower-class members of the people of Nibiru. Thus, they were the people working in the Gold mines. (I would ask if the Igigi was part of a - Class system or Caste system? Any difference?

By 300,000 years ago, the Anunnaki (Igigi mainly) toiling in the gold mines mutinied. The Igigi were not happy with the working conditions. Too much work, too difficult work and too hot. GOD Enki who is responsible for the mining operations had to take down the mutiny. But GOD Enki also realized that a new labor option needs to be investigated. This mutiny of the Gold miners is also found in the Akkadian texts the Atra Hasis. 

Anu (or Kronos), the main GOD decided to send Enki (Poseidon) to Africa to oversee the mining operations and handle the issues in Africa and Enlil (Zeus) took over the base operations at Eden (Iraq).  Don’t forget the following; 

  • Anu = Kronos 
  • Enki = Poseidon (Shipment of Gold from Africa to Eden/Iraq) 
  • Enlil = Zeus (Earth Station 1 and Space Port operations and shipments to the space transport ship orbiting Earth)



And GOD creates Man 

This section is deep and this section is long. Be prepared to read it slowly. 

The option that Enki had, since the Igigi (Nibiruan workers), was revolting and not interested in working the Gold mines anymore, Enki thought about creating a new class of beings that could be preprogrammed to obey and follow the instructions of the Anunnaki, meaning created to obey Enki and his people. (To obey GOD.) 

At a gathering of the Anunnaki leadership, Enki suggested taking an Ape-Man and “Upgrading the creature just enough to be able to follow instructions and to conduct the mining operations”. 

  • The idea appealed to the assembled Anunnaki. The more they discussed it, the more clear their clamor grew for such a Primitive Worker, an Adamu (Adam), to take over the work load. But, they wondered, how can you create a being intelligent enough to use tools and to follow orders? How was the creation or “bringing forth,” of the Primitive Worker to be achieved? Was it, indeed, a feasible undertaking? 
  • A Sumerian text has immortalized the answer given by Enki to the incredulous assembled Anunnaki, who saw in the creation of an Adamu the solution to their unbearable toil: 
  • The creature whose name you uttered — Bind upon it the image of the gods
  • Translated by Zechariah Sitchin. 

Very important facts here! 

Ding Ding Ding!!! 3 key points from the Bible, 

  • Adamu for Adam and 
  • create the Adamu in the image of God! And 
  • the assembled Anunnaki = Elohim & Watchers

Enki calls upon his half-sister Ninhursag who was the Chief Medical Officer to come to Africa to discuss creating a new and more intelligent species since the existing Ape-Man did not have the intelligence to speak a language. This is now 300,000 years ago. Enki had been observing the plants and creatures in Africa (like the description for Poseidon) and he was interested in the Ape-man he saw which was a step above the other primates living at that time on Earth.

“The Ape-man was a hominid already walking erect and using sharpened stones as tools, a proto-Man — but not yet a fully evolved human”.

So when he called Ninhursag (or Ninti) to Africa, she first had the responsibility to help out with the need for medical services to the Igigi, considering the harsh conditions under which the Nibiruan miners where experiencing. And besides that, Enki wanted to talk to Ninti about cloning/Engineering the Ape-man with the Anunnaki genes to create a new species that was intelligent enough to obey and follow orders but not anymore smarter. The Akkadian Atra-Hasis text says the following; 

  • "To a creature give life, create workers! 
  • Create a Primitive Worker, 
  • that he may bear the yoke! 
  • Let him bear the yoke assigned by Enlil
  • Let The Worker carry the toil of the gods!” 

Adam and/or Adamah means Earthling and Dam by itself means blood. (So Adam is an Earthling in general. Not one particular person. And in line with the Jewish Torah.) 

Ninti by the way was nicknamed Mammi (and meaning “Mother of Life”). We use Mammi, mamma, mummy, amma today don’t we? So Ninti started experimenting by mixing the divine genes (blood) of GOD (Anunnaki) with the earthly genes of an Ape-woman, fertilizing the egg of an Ape-woman. In Sumerian and Akkadian texts, mud or clay is also referred to an egg. So made of dust (in the Bible) of mud or clay maybe the fertilization of the egg? 
Enki gave Ninti the following instructions:

  • Mix to a core the clay 
  • from the Basement of the Earth, 
  • just above the Abzu, (this location will be just north of Zimbabwe) 
  • and shape it into the form of a core. (egg?) 
  • I shall provide good, knowing young Anunnaki. (volunteers?) 
  • Who will bring the clay to the right condition. (fertilized egg?) 

A process involving the mixing of a godly element with an earthly one. As often as not, the godly element is described as an “essence” derived from a god’s blood, and the earthly element as “clay” or “mud.”” 

According to Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul". 

So using Dust, Clay, Mud ..  GOD created Man. In reality, Ninti was making test tube babies. See the clay tablet image from Sumer below;

The picture above shows Enki (seated) discussing the test tube with the Engineered fertilized egg that Ninti had completed. 

  • All these procedures had to be performed under strict sanitary conditions. One text even mentions how Ninti first washed her hands before she touched the “clay.” (meaning egg) 
  • The place where these procedures were carried out was a special structure called in Akkadian Bit Shimti, which, coming from the Sumerian SHI. IM.TI literally meant “house where the wind of life is breathed in”, the source no doubt, of the biblical assertion that after having fashioned the Adam from the clay, Elohim blew in his nostrils the breath of life.” 
Ninti herself volunteered to be the first surrogate mother to this experiment. The pregnancy took 10 months (yes 10 months) and it looks like they may have done a C-Section to get the Engineered/Hybrid baby out. This baby looked successful. 
So now the plan was to birth 14 Engineered/Hybrid babies. 7 males and 7 females. With the successful Genetic Engineering experiment with Ninti, 14 young Annunnaki Goddesses were recruited and as a result 14 Hybrid babies were born.

In the picture above, you see the test tube on the left and on the right side is Ninti inspecting the Engineered/Hybrid baby. The texts say that there were many failures in the cloning (pretty nasty). They worked on the cloning process for some time before a good hybrid clone was created. (This is because they were manipulating the DNA extensively to only give the Engineered/Hybrid baby the minimum intelligence necessary to do the work required in the mines.) 

Enlil (Zeus) from Sumer (at the Site of Eden) by the way, raids the mines in Africa, brings the Primitive Workers to the Eden. (Not sure why, I need to read more to find the texts that explain this event.) 

Also, given the ability to procreate, these new Hybrids, now called Homo Sapiens begins to multiply. And in Eden (Iraq) these multiplying humans were making too much commotion hence angering Enlil (Zeus). (This story will be a new Chapter)


Section Summary

  • According to Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul". 
  • According to Islamic mythology (Qur'an 23:12), God created man from clay
  • In Jewish folklore, a golem (Hebrew: גולם) is an animated anthropomorphic being that is created entirely from inanimate matter, usually clay or mud
  • According to Egyptian mythology, the god, Khnum, creates human children from clay before placing them into their mother's womb. (Ninti being the mother I guess.) (

  • Bible says GOD made man out of dust and breathed in life to him. 
    • Dust was clay or mud in Sumerian but also meant a fertilized egg
    • GOD breathed life into Adams nostrils. In Sumerian and Akkadian it was written as “house where the wind of life is breathed in”.
  • Anu = Kronos (Greek) or Kashyapa (Hindu) 
  • Enlil = Zeus or Indra 
  • Enki = Poseidon or Varuna

So what does the reader think so far?

  1. This is fake story? (Even though it is inscribed on clay before paper was invented by the Egyptians?) or
  2. This is purely entertaining? Or 
  3. Damn, I need to know more since there is so much correlation with all the religions? Or 
  4. Cannot trust a word that Zecharia Sitchin translated/wrote. (But other linguists have not contradicted Zecharia?) 
Please let me know, option 1 through 4?

Next season Chapters that I am thinking to write from the Sumerian texts;

  1. Multiple Ice-age that the Sumerians recorded. 
    • Yes! climate change while not good, it is unfortunately a normal happening for our planet. 
  2. Elevation of humans by the GODs eventually to leadership positions including Kingships in Sumer/Mesopotamia. (And also in Egypt) 
    • Maybe there was a reason why the early rulers of Egypt and Mesopotamia and India claimed that they were GODs? (Because they were?) 
    • Review of the Sumerian Kingship list and the ancient timeline. 
  3. Shape of skulls of the first Egyptian Pharaohs vs the latter Pharaohs? 
  4. The great flood and what caused it? 
  5. Indian ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and Dwarka.  
    • Is the ancient collapsed city of Dwarka the Atlantis that the Greek Homer wrote about. 
    • And why was there a major war by the GODs there? 
    • Is the glass sands of the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro caused by an Atomic blast? 
  6. Hindus flying the ancient space crafts built by the GODs or the Hindu learned to build themselves? 
  7. Advanced mathematics 6,000 years ago and older? 
  8. Operation LightHouse at the Antartica and commercial Pilots sightings of UFOs 
  9. UFOs over the White House.

    Previous Chapters

    Chapter 1  -  Bible Story



    Chapter 2  -  Review of the classical GODs



    Chapter 3  -  The Vatican, NASA and Shivkar Talpade



    Chapter 4  -  Photographic memory, Tesla, Einstein and Srinivasa Ramanujan



    Chapter 5  -  NASA, Asteroid Belt, Pluto and Planet X


    Chapter 6 – Season 1 End



    Chapter 7 - Happy Easter


    Extra Credit Reading


    What you see in the image above is ancient writings from 3 locations (Mesopotamia/Sumer, Egypt and China) with 3 progressions in time. There are similarities surprisingly in China? The Egypt one looks different from the ones in the Pyramid though.

    Most people are familiar with the concept of hieroglyphs, a series of pictographic symbols that convey meaning; however, the ancient Egyptians are also credited with developing the first phonetic alphabet. These 24 uniliteral signs represent a particular sound rather than an entire word. This phonetic alphabet would become the basis or inspiration behind all global alphabets as they passed it on through trade to the neighboring Phoenicians, who spread it throughout the Near East and Greece.

    Ancient Egyptians were the first people to use paper-like material. Invented in 3000 BC, it is made from papyrus, a plant that grows on the banks of the Nile. The stalks are cut into long strips which are then woven and glued together using the plant’s natural sap as an adhesive. Spreading throughout the Mediterranean, papyrus became a prominent export for the ancient Egyptians. China would eventually invent paper as we know it today in 100 BC, but the importance of papyrus cannot be overstated as it provided the first real alternative to stone carving. The term “paper” derives from the word “papyrus”.


    Sumerian, Akkadian ancient writings (Above).



    Very interesting, the progression of writing in Sumer from 4,500 BC to 500 BC. Take a look (above) at how each word’s shape changes through time.

    Have you heard of the Rosetta Stone see the Rosetta Stone pictured above from the British museum. By the 19th century no one in Egypt could read the hieroglyphics on the walls of the Pyramid. Napoleon’s army found this stone in 1799 but didn’t decipher it. Then in the early 19th century, French scholar Jean-François Champollion realized that the stone had Greek and Egyptian writings and was able to use the stone to then read/translate what was written on the walls of the Pyramids and Temples in Egypt. Amazing huh?  The Egyptians needed a Frenchman to read their own ancient writings?

    Soldiers in Napoleon's army discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1799 while digging the foundations of an addition to a fort near the town of el-Rashid (Rosetta). On Napoleon's defeat, the stone became the property of the British under the terms of the Treaty of Alexandria (1801) along with other antiquities that the French had found.

    The Rosetta Stone has been exhibited in the British Museum since 1802, with only one break. Towards the end of the First World War, in 1917, when the Museum was concerned about heavy bombing in London, they moved it to safety along with other, portable, 'important' objects. The Rosetta Stone spent the next two years in a station on the Postal Tube Railway 50 feet below the ground at Holborn.

    In the same manner, the Mesopotamian/Sumerian writings were translated with the help of Rosetta-Stone like writings in Turkey (below) with 3 languages and another one cipher was found in Iran that had Akkadian and Sumerian writings.

     Cuneiform inscription of Xerxes, Van, Turkey. It is a trilingual inscription, written in Old Persian, Babylonian, and Elamite (from left to right). (John Hill/ CC BY SA 3.0 )


    The End – Until the next season begins!!


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