Chapter 12c –Mesoamerica – Part 3

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Chapter 12c – Mesoamerica – Part 3

*** Smoking Gun from Part 2***

It is possible that the entire Mayan tribe in the Americas to be descendants of India!!! Remember the Hindu King Maya I covered in Part 2?

  • Hindu King’s name is King Maya. The Mexican tribes’ name is Maya tribe.  Same name boys and girls!
  • The largest Hindu temple in Mexico City was the temple of Lord Shiva. The Spanish destroyed it of course! (reportedly had 3000 Deva-Dasis to perform religious ceremonials.)
  • The temples at Tikal in Mexico also bore the similarity/imprint of the Hindu temple at Madura, India.
  • E. G. Squire in his American archaeological research in 1851 wrote: “It is believed a proper examination of these monuments would disclose the fact that in their interior structure as well as in their exterior form and obvious purposes these buildings correspond with great exactness to those of Hindustan and the Indian Archipelago.
  • Sir Stamford Raflles wrote, “The great Hindu temple of Borobudur, Indonesia might readily be mistaken for a Central American Temple.”
  • From child-birth to cremation and to Sati, the Astecs observed almost all Hindu rituals including the Gurukula system of education followed in India.
  • The Incas of Peru with Ayar Brahman ancestry observed the sacred thread ceremony, the ear-piercing ceremony all other Hindu rituals and rigidly observed the caste systems of India. (Oh Darn! Are the Incas also related to the Eastern Indians?)
  • It is not without reason that the Spanish author Lopez says in his book Le Races Aryans de Peru : “Every page of Peruvian poetry bears the imprint of the Hindu Ramayana and Mahabharata texts.” *** Aryans here is related to the Hindus ***.
  • Sanskrit was the sacred language of the rulers in Mesoamerica? And in Quichua the language of the Peruvians.

On May 29, 2005 a meeting was held at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where a 16-member delegation of intellectuals, academicians and scholars from six countries - mainly people of Indian origin - left Houston in Texas for the Guatemala City on May 27 to participate in the two day conference on "Hindu-Maya Cultural Similarities"


Oh Darn it!!!  I’m calling out all Indians to say hello to your Mesoamerican distant relatives!!!

(From Mexico to Columbia and all the way down to Peru, Ecuador and maybe more!)


Well, looks like the Mexicans and the whole area of Mesoamerica consists of a mixed race of Jews/Sumerians and Africans first and then Indians also? 

By the way the Mexicans spell the Hindu GOD Shiva as Siva.  (Missing the letter “H”)

Uxmal Temple in Mexico is from the Hindu word Oxmal. Which means “three times built

Note: Most of the Mesoamerican temples/pyramids I found are built over the old one at least once.

Another thing I noticed is that most of the Mexican temples (or all Mesoamerican temples) are built at the highest peaks in the area. I am not sure why yet? Easy view from the air upon arrival?

Rahu, Siva, Ganesha in Mexico - Uxmal temple – Archeology

Hindu/Sanskrit in Mexico

Note! I was just thinking – maybe the Hindu influence in Mexico is why the Mexicans are maybe the only native group in the Americas who eat spicy foods like in India?  Maybe?

  • Coriander seeds
  • Cumin Seeds and leaves
  • Chilies
  • Tumeric etc …
  • Garlic, Onion, Ginger

I just will not be able to tell if these spices went from Mexico to India or vice versa?

Since the 1900s, Mexican scholars have noted that the Nahuatl language is derived from Sanskrit. Even the word Nahua derives from the Sanskrit word for “sailor”. Don’t forget that Enoch and Nighizidda and Enki (Poseidon) all arrived to Mexico from the East to the Yucatan Peninsula - presumed to be by sea (since it was an open ocean facing the Yucatan Peninsula). But they most probably flew in.

The book ‘On Nahuatl & Sanskrit by Juan Miguel de Mor’ says;

One of those intellectuals, the foremost in this regard, established interesting comparisons between Sanskrit and the language spoken throughout the Aztec Empire before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors and which is still spoken in various parts of Mexico is Nahuatl.

Doctor Gumersindo Mendoza in 1878 published his book Estudio Comparavo entre el Sánscrito y el Náguatl (Comparative study between Sanskrit and Nahuatl) in Mexico. In eight tables or charts, Mendoza compares one hundred and seventeen Sanskrit words with an equal number of words in Nahuatl

Mendoza states in his study – suffices to be able to see clearly that the two languages recognize the same basis the same stem of the human species : 

  • The first – he refers to Sanskrit – carried to the highest degree of perfection from time immemorial; 
  • The second, when the conquerors reached this land, was still in a state called by philologists the state of agglutination or that of semi-flexion. 
  • Kuharat in Sanskrit, is the name of a serpent. It is compared by Mendoza to koatl or kohuatl , ” snake ” in Nahua.
  • Ikshana, “a look, view, aspect, sight” in Sanskrit ; ixco-ixtth face, countenance, by extention : eye ”
  • Mekala , the name of the river in India, is compared to Mexcala , the Nahuatl name of a river in the state of Guerrero in Mexico.
  • Makha, ” a sacrifice, sacrificial oblation ” ; tlamacazki ” priest, minister of the cult, from the root maka ” in Nahuatl.
  • Toya, ” water ”  in Sanskrit ; toyaua , ” to spill, the spreading of water ” in Nahuatl.
  • Appa for father in Hindu vs Appan in Mayan.

See!  So many similar words between Sanskrit and Nahuatl languages!

Smoking Gun: The Mayas are actually referred to in The Mahabharata, (one of the main Hindu scriptures), as a tribe having left the Indian subcontinent.

There are sources who have revealed those people to be the same as the Nagas (serpent), one of the oldest Indian tribes recorded. Those Nagas seem to have been a people, later called Danavas, with a capital Nagapur. They are referred to in another main Hindu-scripture, the Ramayana, as belonging to a Naga-Maya tribe, who is said to have transmitted their culture towards Babylonia, Egypt and Greece.” 

Naga is the Sanskrit word for serpent or snake. The feathered serpent represents the Mayan God Kukulcan or Quetzacoatl, a Christ/Krishna-like figure. In those days the ancient serpent religion referred to the Serpents of Wisdom. Mercury or Hermes (Narada) – his symbol is the caduceus : two serpents entwined around a staff.

The Tamil (India) Connection.
“The four principal groups in ancient India were;

  • the Asuras (Assyrians or Indus Valley people),
  • Panis (Phoenicians),
  • Yakhus or Yakshas (subjects of Kubera, god of gold and treasure a.k.a. Nagas) and
  • Mayas. We know them today as the Dravidians (Tamils, Malayalam, etc.)

Virochana (Hindu) vs Viracocha or Wiracocha (Peru, Bolivia – Inca)

The entire Mesoamerica has a “Creator GOD” (creator of man), called Viracocha.  He was tall, white bearded GOD wearing a robe and holding a staff. This is the same description as Mexicos’ Bolon Yokte which is Enki (Poseidon).

Virochana by the way is known in India as the GOD of the underworld. I was expecting to see correlation to Enki the Creator GOD. But one thing about the Hindu GOD stories is that the Hindu GODs will reincarnate again and again in other names.  So, I don’t really have the time to trace Virochana all the way back in time. There are stories of Virochana and Indra (Zeus) corresponding with each other. So there is relevancy in the correlation of Mesoamerica’s Viracocha and the main GODs of Sumer and India.

Hindu board game Pachisi vs Mexican Parcheesi (Patilli)

Indian Board Game - Pachisi

Mexican Board Game Parcheesi

One of India’s oldest board games - the Pachisi - seems to have an almost similar counterpart in early American civilization - Parcheesi. The people of Mexico enjoy the game till today, the nomenclature has morphed to Patilli.

Cotton and Textiles

If we look at the history of ancient India and the Mayans, there is a remarkable similarity in their spindles. The 5000-year-old Indian tradition of weaving fine quality cotton yarns and textiles and the superior weaving skill of the Mayans seem matched.

Highly Advanced Sciences

We now know that the Maya developed a number of highly advanced sciences, highlighted by their spectacular knowledge of astronomy; they were skilled engineers, and had a mathematics which could calculate dates billions of years in the past and far into the future. It’s estimated that when Friar Diego de Landa discovered texts in buildings and in use by the surviving people, he burned them! and destroyed libraries, technical manuals and the history of one of the most advanced cultures on our planet, leaving us wondering at the history of the Maya. 

  • Yes, I covered this in Part 2 – The wonderful stinking Catholics and Catholic Priests  destroying cultures and killing entire towns for non-compliance in the name of Jesus? And the Pope blessing the Spaniards for giving/donating stolen blood stained Gold to the wonderful church!  What did the church do with this Gold? Where is it?
  • I’ll mention in Part 4 the value of all the Gold looted from the Americas!

In 1913, Sylvanas Morley, an American archaeologist working with the Carnegie Institute, received permission by the Mexican government to excavate the main Acropolis at Chichen Itza, Mexico. One of these buildings was the El Caracol, in which he discovered an astronomical observatory for charting the heavens. This could be one of the earliest Planetary Observatory in the world and maybe thousands of years before anything else was made (..which is in our time)!

Time obsessed the Maya. They recorded the cycles of Venus, which repeats its 'wanderings' across the heavens every 584 days. They measured the length of the solar year to 365.242000 days, very close to the true value of 365.242198 days. This they called the Vague Year.

Most modern math uses the base 10 decimal system, one digit for each finger and thumb. The Maya used a base 20, employing both fingers and toes. Unial, the word for their 20-day month, is derived from Unic, which meant "human being." (see my Part 1 of Mesoamerica)

To measure longer time periods, Maya mathematicians invented the Long Count, which they expressed as a series of five numbers. For example, represented August 13, 3114 B.C. This was 'zero day,' when, they believed, the world began.  (Or rather this is when Enki (Poseidon) or KuKulkan (Ninghizidda) arrived in Mexico?).

Observing Space and Time

The El Caracol observatory stands on a massive 75 by 57-meter (246 by 246-foot) platform, engineered to support the tower and counter balance any movements in the Earth. To date, no surface penetrating radar has been used to detect what lies inside the platform, but it appears that a drainage system was incorporated to keep water from accumulating on the surface. The terrace, which connects the observatory to the platform, measures 26 by 30 meters (85 by 98 feet), and contains engineering features that function in a surprisingly efficient manner as a viewing mechanism. Two flights of stairs lead to the highly complex cylindrical structure that sits on a round base 18 meters (59) in diameter and which is covered in Puuc-style friezes with projecting cornices.

Note: All these buildings including the Pyramids in Mexico were brightly painted.  But after 3,000 years or 20,000 years, all the paint has faded. Pretty much the same situation as the Egyptian Pyramids.

Observatory or El Caracol, Chichen Itza'

Mexica-Nahuatl timetable

The Mexica-Nahuatl timetable correlates events with a scientific and historical accuracy that ought to make everyone stop and wonder.

It dates the deluge (Noahs’ flood), at the end of the First Sun, to 13,133 years before the time of writing the codex; i.e., to about 11,600 B.C.

Now, in the book The 12th Planet it has been concluded that a global deluge had indeed engulfed the Earth circa 11,000 B.C.

Smoking Gun: The Aztecs calendar calls out the Great Flood within the same time as the Sumerians in Iraq also say when it happened. 

Clues from a 11,600-year-old lady

Smoking Gun: I guess this is proof that Indians moved to Mesoamerica! Also, proof that the stories of Cain and Nighizidda and Enki (Poseidon) bringing workers to Mesoamerica and to populate Mesoamerica before Noahs’ Flood is true?

In recent years, a discovery from the Quintana Roo cave of Mexico revealed the intact skeleton of a woman who probably had lived there about 11,600 years ago. Known as the Las Palmas Woman, the skeleton has features which clearly suggest that she is of a South East Asian origin.

Her features are similar to those in Southeast Asia which indicates that the migrations that populated Americas did not come only from northern Asia but also from the central and southern regions.”

Ancient history traces the travel from the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia to the Americas, which seems to have happened over 11,500 years ago. The history of ancient India amply demonstrates that Indians were master navigators with huge ships and they travelled the high seas frequently.

Pyramid Tombs

Just like the Egyptians, the Mexican Pyramids also had tombs for the rulers. One thing I noticed is that the tombs seem to contain only mummified human Kings/Pharaohs or maybe also half-human Kings/Pharaohs buried below it.

It looks like the pure Annunaki Kings/Pharaohs are probably taken back to Planet Nibiru for burial upon their death.

The Mesoamerican pyramids were similar to the Egyptian pyramids where it contains secret burial chambers and other secret rooms that contain jewels etc.

Pakal/Pacal or Pacal the Great (March 24, 603 – August 29, 683)

Above is the breakdown of the temple where King Pakal was buried. The Temple of the Inscriptions (Classic Maya: Bʼolon Yej Teʼ Naah (Mayan pronunciation: [ɓolon jex teʔ naːh]) "House of the Nine Sharpened Spears") is the largest Mesoamerican stepped pyramid structure at the pre-Columbian Maya civilization site of Palenque, located in the modern-day state of Chiapas, Mexico.

Pakal’s burial pyramid/temple

Pakal’s burial pyramid/temple (Yet again, at the highest point in the area)

The hidden stairway found after 200 years and the sarcophagus of King Pakal.


The cover of King Pakal’s tomb is 5 tons in weight! But what is more interesting! Is the inscription on the cover of his tomb!!!


If you look past the busy graphics, you will see a man in a constricted space, with his hands on some controls/steering, looking through a window or periscope and the exhaust of the vehicle far behind him.

Looks like an image of King Pakal navigating to the heavens in a spaceship!

Mayan legend describes King Pakal as astronaut/time traveler.

3D interpretation of King Pakal’s tomb cover.



*** End of Part 3 ***

*** To Be Continued ***


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