A little side message first https://www.slideshare.net/kodibalasriram/viminas-77632965
The Hindu holy texts the Puranas says the following;
- There are 400,000 different human like (alien) races in existence in the universe.
- There are 8,000,000 different life forms in existence in the universe which include plants and animals.
Pretty wild
huh? And how in the world would the
Hindus know of this?
On the other
hand, for item# 2, after reading the Sumerian texts, I have identified several
plants and animals that are probably not originally from Earth! Also, our
favorite beverage is/are made from it/them. To be discussed in another
Vimanas (Ancient Hindu flying machines) https://airpowerasia.com/2020/08/27/vimana-the-ancient-indian-aerospace-craft-time-for-indigenisation/
Of the ancient
texts I have scanned through, the Zoroastrian, Hittite, Accadian, Babylonian,
Egyptian, Sumerian and Hindu, it is the Hindu texts that have the most amazing
amount of information on Flying Machines. The sizes, fuel used,
propulsion systems, controls, what to wear and even what to eat for example are
listed in the Hindu Holy texts.
One must
remember that these texts were written maybe 5,000 years ago and probably
orally passed through for 10,000 more years. So, the texts are written as
non-technical, and the descriptions would not match what we call the same thing
For example: Hot gases emanating from an elephant’s
trunk can be considered exhaust pipes today. There was no such name for
an exhaust pipe 5,000 to10,000 years ago?
Some of the manuscripts
dealt with Aeronautics, construction of various types of aircraft for civil
aviation and also for warfare. Designs and drawing of a helicopter-type cargo
plane, specially meant for carrying combustibles and ammunition, and a double
and triple-decked passenger aircraft carrying 400 to 500 persons were recorded.
Vimanas were
also said to be able to travel into space and underwater. And today, we have
seen videos from US Airforce planes showing UFOs flying right into the ocean.
Interesting, isn’t it?
After the
Sumerians, it looks like the Hindus could be the second civilization in the
world? It looks like it. (Yes, I have
not researched China and Japan yet!)
I have already
explained in Chapters 15b, 15c and, 15e regarding the Hindu language. Sanskrit
and Hinduism spread around the world through Europe and to the Americas.
(starting with Paleo-Sanskrit text found in France 18,000 years ago!).

Mercury Vortex Engine https://www.teamxlr8ju.com/post/mercury-vortex-engine
According to
the Hindu texts, Mercury was one of the fuels used to power the ancient flying
machines. The ancients did not use Gasoline, Jet Fuel nor Liquid
Hydrogen/Liquid Oxygen to power their aircrafts like with today. But rather the
ancients used Mercury, Xenon, Argon, Krypton, Hydrogen and different thrusters
like Ion Thrusters, Plasma Thrusters and Hall Thrusters.
The ancient flying
machines did not just burn gasses for energy and thrust, but rather they
ionized the gasses or converted the gasses to plasma and by using electromagnetic
charged plates and charged gates to discharge these ionized/plasma gasses to
create thrust for flying.
The Mercury
Vortex Engine is the forerunner of today's ion thrusters. I have 2 examples of
the Mercury engines experimented on in modern times.
Example 1
(See Chapter 3)
Shivkar Talpade - born in Mumbai in 1864. He had read the ancient Hindu manuscripts containing the Vedas and Mahabharata that described various flying machines (Vimana) and built a Vimana which flew longer than the Wright brother’s plane on the first prototype. This plane was running on Mercury and sunlight as written in the Hindu Holy texts! (Mercury easily gets activated with heat from the sunlight and Mercury is also magnetic.)
- The British felt that letting India advance was a threat (the British wanted to keep the Indians from advancing technologically?), and they came up with an excuse that Shivakar was building Mercury based explosives and they threw him in jail. They also told the Maharajah to not fund anymore experiments of Shivkars’.
- Funny thing is that the British then collected all the pieces of Shivkars’ crashed aircraft and shipped it to London, England for investigation. (So much for the Mercury explosives story huh?)
- Watch the movie “Hawaizaada” that loosely tells the story of Shivkar Talpade. It’s only $1.99 on YouTube.
Example 2
(See Chapter 3) https://captajitvadakayil.in/2022/02/24/shivkur-bapuji-talpade-nobel-prize-and-racism-capt-ajit-vadakayil/
NASA, also
reading the Hindu Holy texts decided to build a Mercury engine, by German-born
NASA scientist Ernst Stuhlinger. NASA’s
Ion engines in theory may be able to reach up to 200,000 mph in space but they
have very slow acceleration.
The use of ion
propulsion systems was first demonstrated in space by the NASA Lewis “Space
Electric Rocket Test - SERT”. These thrusters used Mercury as the
reaction mass. The first was SERT I, launched July 20, 1964,
successfully proved that the technology operated as predicted in space. The
second test, SERT-II, launched on February 3, 1970, verified the
operation of two mercury ion engines for thousands of running hours.
Mercury in ancient tombs/pyramids?

- The king’s chamber coffin (above), of the Giza pyramid is NOT a coffin. It used to contain mercury, exported from India. https://captajitvadakayil.in/2022/03/01/sri-yantra-and-the-egyptian-pyramids-capt-ajit-vadakayil/
- Sea of Liquid Mercury was found underneath Mexico’s Teotihuacan pyramid. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/24/liquid-mercury-mexican-pyramid-teotihuacan
- River of Liquid Mercury is found in the tomb of China’s first Emperor. https://www.chemistryworld.com/features/flowing-rivers-of-mercury/8122.article
This shows that
Mercury was very valuable to the ancients.
Many of the history related articles that speak of the existence of
Mercury in tombs do not cover the ancient use of Mercury as fuel, so most
people do not know about its actual use.
A future
spacecraft engine planned by NASA uses mercury bombardment units powered by
solar cells (which is in line with what the Hindu Holy books mention). The
mercury propellant is vaporized (under solar power), fed into the thruster
discharge chamber, ionized, converted into plasma, and accelerated through
small charged openings to pass out of the engine at velocities between 1,200 to
3,000 kilometers per minute (44,700mph to 111,840mph).
An example below
of what the Hindu Holy book says about the working of a Mercury powered engine;
means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind
in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The
movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically
descend, move slanting forwards and backwards”. (A helicopter
can do this and also UFOs. See Chapter 3.)
No more Global
Warming! The ancient systems did not burn Gasoline/Jet Fuel!
Note: Whirlwind! Yet again, I have captured the use of the
word Whirlwind for flying machines in the Bible, the Sumerian
texts and now – the Hindu Holy books. (See Chapter 16b.) They all pretty
much use the same description, don’t they?
References to flying machines were very common in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare, and being able to fly above Earth’s atmosphere. Vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and underwater.
War Birds/Machines
What’s the deal
with building temples in the similar shape of some Vimanas (above picture)? I
don’t know yet. Need to research further.
The Vaimanika
Shastra texts translated in the early 20th century cover ancient definitions
of airplane, pilot, aerial routes, and planes.
In 1991, a book by David Hatcher Childress, ‘Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis’ covered the secrets of constructing aircraft that;
- will not break,
- will not catch fire,
- and cannot be destroyed.
- Also secret of making planes motionless (hovering),
- of making them invisible (stealth),
- the secret of retrieving photographs of the interior of enemy planes (intelligence),
- the secret of ascertaining the direction of enemy planes approach (radar),
- the secret of making persons in enemy planes lose consciousness.
- and the secret of destroying enemy planes. (missiles and lasers)
Keep in mind
that these are 5,000-year-old non-technical writings so we do not know exactly
how this is done but we surely know that the ancients actually thought of not
just “flying like a bird” (like the Italian, Galileo was thinking) but
to also manipulate flight! This is BIG!
The Hindu texts say “Vimanas are powered by some jet engines”. This seems to be true from the description of the flight behavior. The take-off and exhaust of the vehicle causes;
- Elephants ran away in panic.
- grass was thrown out because there was a lot of pressure from behind those Vimanas.
The Vimanika Shastra refers to;
- metals used in these crafts.
- There is mention of electricity and other power sources,
- of pilots and their flying clothing based on Earth flight or Space flight.
- about the food that they eat and how frequently they should eat based on Earth flight or Space flight.
It talks even about;
- the weapons that are kept on these airships.
- The flight manuals of the Vimanas are quite similar to the flight manuals you find in modern civil and military aircraft.
- It suggests that Vimanas were powered by several gyroscopes placed inside a sealed liquid mercury vortex.
- One of the texts talks about mercury rotating and driving some sort of a powerful propeller or fan.
It is
claimed that a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit
documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to be translated.
- Dr. Ruth Reyna who undertook the exercise, said recently that the documents contain directions for building Interstellar Spaceships!
- The method of propulsion, she said, was anti-gravitational, a system, a centrifugal force strong enough to counter gravitational pull.
- Dr. Reyna said that onboard these machines, which were called “Astras”, the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet.
Vimanas were
kept in a Vimana Griha, a kind of hanger, and were sometimes said
to be propelled by a yellowish-white liquid, which sounds more like gasoline? Probably
Vimanas had a number of different propulsion sources, including combustion
engines and even “pulsejet” engines.
It is
interesting to note that when Alexander the Great invaded India in 300
BC, his historians chronicled that at one point they were attacked by
“fiery flying shields” that dived at his army and frightened the cavalry. https://airpowerasia.com/2020/08/27/vimana-the-ancient-indian-aerospace-craft-time-for-indigenisation/
Afghanistan – Vimana found?
Is there is something funky going on in a cave in Afghanistan?
This is as I have mentioned is a funky story and is not confirmed by major News Media as-of-yet. The Pentagon does not acknowledge this event either. Many media websites that used to talk about this topic have removed their related pages.
The above picture could be the cave in which possibly a reported Vimana was found. It is said that this Vimana has supposedly caused the disappearance of eight American soldiers who were stuck in a "time-well".
The "time-well" is an electromagnetic radiation gravity field first postulated by Albert Einstein as Unified Field Theory. (We are back to Einstein again and how does he know of things we have not proven and maybe never be able to measure?)
It is said that leaders of many important countries of the world like Barak Obama, David Cameron, Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Markel visited Afghanistan soon after the event in 2010? (I don’t have the date of the disappearance of the soldiers.) https://www.funk.co.nz/blog/science/5-world-leaders-visit-afghanistan-december-2010
See Presidential visit list below in the year 2010;- 15 January 2010 - Afghanistan minister Dushanbe admits life on other planets!
- 1 May 2010 - New Zealand Prime Minister John Key (trip secret until 2015).
- 3 December 2010 - United States President Obama – Bagram visit.
- 7 December 2010 - British Prime Minister David Cameron.
- 8 December 2010 - French President Nicolas Sarkozy - Visit via India trip.
- 18 December 2010 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel – Kunduz visit.
“Your guess
is as good as mine”, on this topic.
Flying Cities
The Hindu texts talk about Flying Cities. Sounds pretty stupid right?
Well, not
really. See a good example below.
When the Maya
and Aztec people saw the Spanish Galleons sailing by the coast of Mexico in the
1500’s, they were in awe of its size and reported to the King that “Floating
Cities” have arrived! In fact, they reported to the King of Tenochtitlan
that possibly GOD (Kukulkan = Nighzidda
and Bolon Yokte = Poseidon/Varuna) had returned as promised. (See Chapter 12b)
The Spanish
Galleons carried probably several hundred sailors and thousands of pounds of cargo.
Now look at a modern-day
Cruise ship below that can carry 3,000 to 4,000 passengers and taller
than a multiple story building. The ancients would call this a floating continent
So, when we
read ancient texts saying floating cities or flying cities, we should
think through their eyes, think what they really meant. They just meant that it
was HUGE.
The Hindu Holy texts
have an incredible amount of detail, in ancient language, describing the build,
size, maneuverability and fuel used in Vimanas. I have not found any other
ancient texts that come close to the Hindus yet.
Hindus may or
may not be claiming all these flying machines to be built from the ingenuity of
the Indian race. BUT! In actuality the Vimanas were built by or for
Krishna (Poseidon), Indra (Zeus), Brahma (Kronos) etc.. who are the
Anunnaki! Yes, these are all alien technology.
The Hindu texts
do distinguish that the flying machines that have wings and tail like an airplane
and mostly built from wood were built by the Indians. Compared to the flying
machines that fly without wings (like a flying saucer) were not built by
*** End of Chapter ***
*** You
won’t believe the next chapter ***
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