Chapter 15g – The Ramayana – Love and Sacrifice

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  • While the story of the nuclear war in India with Lord Krishna involved, was written in the holy book the Mahabharata (Chapter 16g), this (Chapter 15g) story is actually from the holy book the Ramayana
  • The fascinating thing for me is of the historical and geographical details given in the book that cannot be denied. But how did they know?
  • Thus, these events must have truly happened. This is undeniable.
  • And I would say that this is truly a sad story of love. It actually made me very, very sad I have to say (.. not sure why ..). I hope my readers will enjoy reading it.

Let’s Start

The Ramayana story is about Lord Rama (or Lord Ram) who was born in the city of Ayodhya to King Dasaratha. (The story’s summary is from the Syracuse University, NY -


  • Ayodhya is a popular sacred town because I am seeing it in songs and in writings.
  • Maybe became sacred after Lord Ram?
  • Lord Ram or Rama is the Avatar of Lord Vishnu (Poseidon). (Lord Krishna is also an Avatar of Lord Vishnu)
  • Avatar” is actually a Hindu/Sanskrit word. I just learned that. Just like Jesus on Earth can be considered as an Avatar of the Son of GOD in Heaven for the Christians.
  • Lord Vishnu decided to come to earth by being born as Ram. Just like Jesus.
  • The reason Lord Vishnu wanted to be born on Earth was to combat Evil and save the humans, just like Jesus.
  • King Ravana, being the source of that Evil.
  • Special Note here is that the “Demons” as they are called, are nothing but regular people who are not in-line with the norm. And also, criminals etc. I find this the same as to what the Bible does to its characters.

So fast forwarding the story, Lord Ram grows up and as a teenager, and he battled many demons with his brother Lakshmana. (Again, the demons here are just bad people, groups etc. The Bible does the same thing.)
After battling the demons, he headed for the city Mithila to visit King Janaka

The King talked about finding a “Divine Child” in the farmland and he adopted her and called her Sita. (Well sounds like a little story of Moses now huh? Just no river this time).
He wanted the right man to marry his “Divine” daughter Sita
He wanted a man of great strength and righteousness. To prove his strength, this man would have to lift and string the ancient bow of Shiva (Zeus). No man has shown the strength to even lift this bow

It took many men to lift the bow and bring it to the King. Lord Ram looked at the bow and slowly picked the bow up with his own strength! This would probably be because Ram was an Avatar of Lord Vishnu (Poseidon) but the king did not know this.
The king rose to his feet and declared, "Sita has found her spouse! Send a messenger to Ayodhya (Ram’s parents – the King of Ayodhya) informing them of the wedding of Rama to my daughter, Sita”.

Now Lord Ram grew up into a perfect young man. He had all the noble qualities. He was patient with others' wrongs but would not do wrong himself. He enjoyed the company of elders and wise men. He was very intelligent and courageous. He was righteous and kind. He was the perfect warrior. He knew when to use violence and when not to. He was healthy, strong, and handsome. He was highly learned in the scriptures. Hmm something like Jesus, just more elaborate? 

Now Lord Ram’s father the King was old and wanted to give the throne to Ram.  Unfortunately, in a turn of events, the King had to change and give the throne to his stepbrother and Ram himself to be banished into the forest for 14 years.

The King was very heartbroken but Lord Ram being a perfect son understood and told his father, the King, not to worry and that he understands.
So Ram, Sita and his brother Lakshmana all left the city of Ayodhya.
They crossed the river Ganges and settled in a place called Chitrakoot. After 10 years the three of them then moved to another place called Panchavati.

Unfortunately, at Panchavati they came upon a she-demon (Shurpanakha). Christians and Catholics I imagine would call her a witch? Right? (... mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all? Maybe? ...)
Lord Ram refused her advances and an altercation ensued and Lakshmana cut off her ear and nose.
The she-demon took off for Lanka to see her brother King Ravana.

At Lanka the she-demon told her brother of what happened to her and also that Sita was very beautiful. King Ravana plotted to teach Lord Ram a lesson and to kidnap Sita.

Side Note here is that Sita is also Divine like Ram but she does not know of her powers

So, King Ravana jumped on his chariot and flew to Chitrakoot where the three of them (Ram, Sita and Lakshmana) were staying in the forest.
King Ravana tricked Ram and Lakshmana and drew them away from Sita and then tricked Sita and kidnapped her. Ravana grabbed Sita and flew back to Lanka in his chariot. 

Side Note: Every time you read about a flying chariot, flying horse, unicorn, elephant. dragon, phoenix etc..  You need to know that this is a flying machine! This is also true for all the stories around the WORLD including Chinese and European!

The Search Party

So now a search party was put together to find Sita. Usually, today, people organize a search party to search a radius of maybe a couple of miles?

Well, Lord Ram and Hanuman organized search parties to search from India to all-the-way to Peru!!! We are talking about a search party covering half the WORLD! Seriously!

Now I am sure my readers will say that half-the-world searching is just fantasy talk and means nothing. Normally this might be true but not in this case!! Just read below and you will see that the Ramayana text is actually describing land features of different countries. Thousands and thousands of years ago the Hindus were travelling around the world with ease?  They were not taking years to sail around the world by depending on wind and ocean currents? That is correct.

But NO! They were flying around the world in very ancient times! This text is the proof!

King Sugreeva, Hanumans’ King, was also helping out in the search. He commanded his people to first search around India. Also searching Sita’s hometown and even up to the Himalayas.

Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam 

He then commands his people to search outside of India. They encounter a golden complexion tribe who wear long hats or towering wisps (the people of Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam). 

These people with towering wisps, wearing golden crowns with light complexion and pleasant faces were the Khmer people in East Asia.

  • The actual text says: मागधाम् च महाग्रामान् पुण्ड्रान् अंगाम् तथैव च | भूमिम् च कोशकाराणाम् भूमिम् च रजत आकराम् || ४-४०-२३

  • Translation : “From Magadha, through Pundra and Anga enter the land of Koshakaara, which is literally a silkworm or one who makes scabbards or a lexicographer.
  • King Sugreeva describes the land where Silk is worn, and Silver is mined. This is present day Myanmar (Burma) where Myanmar silk is real handmade and even in neighboring countries like Thailand, silk is worn”.

Java, Sumatra, Bali

After that, the text describes 7 kingdoms which have gold and silver mines like Yava (Java), Sumatra, Bali, Indonesia etc.
Yava became Java, and simha puri ‘Lion-City‘ became the present day Singapore.

  • The actual text says: यत्नवन्तो यव द्वीपम् सप्त राज्य उपशोभितम् | सुवर्ण रूप्यकम् द्वीपम् सुवर्ण आकर मण्डितम् || ४-४०-३०
  • Translation : “You strive hard in the island of Yava (Java, Indonesia), which will be splendorous with seven kingdoms, like that even in Golden and Silver islands that are enwreathed with gold-mines, in and around Yava islands (Java, Indonesia).
  • He called the land between Myanmar (Burma) till Malaysia as Suvarna Rupyakam Dweepam. Even today countries between Myanmar-Malaysia are called Suvarnabhumi”.
  • Also, Bangkok airport is named SuvarnaBhumi International Airport. (seriously!)

  1. The Ramayana calls the land between Burma to Malaysia as SuvarnaBhumi.  It means “Golden Land”. There was plenty of Gold in the area and people wore clothing and hats with Gold on them.
  2. Suvarna Rupyakam Dweepam 
    1. Suvarna = Gold, good complexion
    2. Rupyakam = Silver. The Indian money, Rupee, is derived from the root Sanskrit word Rupyakam - meaning a silver coin.
    3. Dweepam/Dvipa = Continents. North America was called Krauncha Dvipa.
    4. The seven continents in Hindu texts according the Google AI: Jambu-dvipa, Plaksa-dvipa, Salmali-dvipa, Kusha-dvīpa, Krauncha-dvīpa, Shaka-dvīpa, and Pushkara-dvipa.
    5. So now we prove that the Hindus have travelled to every point on planet Earth 10,000 years ago or more!!!
  3. Malaysia was a name given by the British. (The British wanted to play GOD and rename many countries in the world and even carving up or out, lands also). The name of Malaysia before the British was Malaya. But Malaya comes yet again from the Hindu travelers who called Malaya as “Malai-Ur”. Where Malai = mountains and Ur is the standard Hindu/Sanskrit name for land or country. So, Malai-Ur means Land of Mountains. This is because coming from India, the distinct feature a sailor would see is the very tall mountain range inland and throughout Malaysia, from North to South.
  4. Now for Singapore. The Sultan of the southern most state of Malaysia gave his favorite vacation island as a gift to Sir Stanford Raffles in the 1800’s. The island was called “Singa-Pura”. Singa = Lion and Pura = city.  This is because the Sultan said that he has/had seen lions on that island. Now then you know why Singapore is called the Lion City!!!
  5. Do you see how much I am teaching you guys? Call me Professor! OK?

Japan, China and the Pacific Ring of Fire

After searching in Plaksha and Ikshu islands, which are Indonesia and Malaysia, King Sugreeva asks the team to go towards an Island where sea waves dash the shores violently.

  • The actual text says: ततः समुद्र द्वीपान् च सुभीमान् द्रष्टुम् अर्हथ | ऊर्मिमंतम् महारौद्रम् क्रोशंतम् अनिल उद्धितम् || ४-४०-३६
  • Translation : “It will be apt of you to proceed from there and see the terribly furious, tempestuous, blaring, and tide-ripped ocean called ikshu samudra, and that ocean’s islands which will be extremely ghastly”.

“Here, Anila Uddhitam or Aniloddhita is description of present day Japan, where ‘Anil’ means wind and ‘Uddhita’ means impudent.
The Island where wind is always impudent and strong waves hit the coasts is Japan.
Even today Japan faces fierce storms from all sides”.

Note: Not only was the search party flying around the world, but they were in constant communication with King Sugreeva via radio transmitters??? Right?

King Sugreeva then orders them to down towards Australia and then to New Zealand and thereafter towards South America. On the way towards Australia and New Zealand, the Ring of Fire (Demon Hayagreeva) was described which had a Map in the shape of Horse Face.

Note: This is BIG!!! How the crap did these ancient Hindus know or see that the Pacific Oceans’ tectonic plate is in the bottom of the ocean here? Even bigger is that this area is where the most active earthquakes and volcanos come from? HOW?

In ancient Japan, India was called as ‘Tenjiku‘, which means ‘Center of Heaven‘.
Through the Chinese, the Japanese got to know of the Western Paradise from which Buddha emerged, from Tianzhu (Chinese name of Tenjiku = India).


Then King Sugreeva asks them to proceed to an island called Plaksha (Fig tree) and further on to Ikshu (Sugarcane) Island. They will then confront a furious and tempestuous tide-ripped ocean and its islands. 

After this, there is another ocean named Lohita. (Lohita means ‘yellow‘ but the waters are described as a mix of yellow and red. This is most likely today’s Coral Sea of Australia. After crossing the sea, Valmiki says, one can see the tallest ever “Shalmali” (शाल्मलि) tree on an island.

The botanical name for the Sanskrit “Shalmali” is Salmalia Malabaricatralia and is also referred to as Bombax Ceiba. It is native to East Asia and Northern Australia. This must be in Fraser Island. The Bombax Ceiba species of silk-cotton trees is sometimes known as Kapok in Northern Australia and the ‘Shalmali‘ are tall trees growing up to a height of 80 feet. 

(So, the modern name of the tree Salmalia comes from the ancient Sanskrit name Shalmali from an ancient people living thousands of miles away in India?)

The Vishnu Purana texts refers to Australia as “Shalmali Dwipa”  (or Shalmali continent) due to presence of these trees.

  • Verse 4-40-40 mentions about a huge mountain like structure on this island, which was built by Viswakarma, who was a “celestial” architect, responsible for the construction of many gigantic cities and structures (probably the megaliths) around the world.
  • The actual text says: .गृहम् च वैनतेयस्य नाना रत्न विभूषितम् | तत्र कैलास संकाशम् विहितम् विश्वकर्मणा || (gRiham ca vainateyasya naanaa ratna vibhuuSitam | tatra kailaasa sa.nkaasham vihitam vishvakarmaNaa ||) Verse 4-40-40
  • Translation : On that Shalmali Island in Wine Ocean you will be seeing the mansion of Vinata’s son, namely Garuda, the Eagle-vehicle of Vishnu, which is decorated with numerous jewels, and which in sheen will be like Mt. Kailash, the abode of Shiva.
So, the Hindu King’s son Vinata lived in Australia??? Looks like it.

This mansion is again a construction of Viswakarma, the Heavenly Architect. Today, the only island one can reach after crossing Indonesia is Australia and the Gympie Pyramid is located on its west coast.

The Gympie Pyramid in Queensland, Australia

The Gympie Pyramid located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia is a terraced structure.

Artifacts that have survived including the 'Gympie Ape', which was dug up in 1966 and is thought to be a statue of the Egyptian God Thoth, who was often portrayed as an ape, and another resembling Ganesha from Indian mythology. Egyptian God Thoth is clutching the Tau or the Cross of Life. This statuette is badly weathered with age. Thoth was the god of writing and wisdom, depicted as an ape by the Egyptians until about 1000 BC when he became an Ibis-headed human bodied deity who recorded the judgment of the souls of Amenti, the after world. Thoth's symbol was the papyrus flower.

Even though modern archaeologists are trying to prove something else, artifacts like the Vedic God Ganesha and a Goddess in a Padmasana posture seated on a lotus flower have been found at Gympie, which indicates that ancient world history is way different than what we are made to believe.

Gympie pyramid site in Queensland is about 120 Km away from Fraser Island. Valmiki mentions that after one passes this gigantic structure, one will see a shore which is white and shaped like a necklace. This is probably the coast off the shores of Brisbane.

The Ramayana then mentions a Milky Ocean, a tall mountain by the name Rishaba, a silvery lake called Sudharsha, and a beautiful land inhabited by the ‘devas’, ‘apsaras‘ and ‘kinnaras‘.

This should be New Zealand (with such lakes and adjacent to Australia). Milky Ocean means the waves create bubbles which through the light, it looks like a white frothy appearance.

New Zealand

Through King Sugreeva, writer Valmiki further describes that after crossing this huge island (Shalmali Dwipa/Austalia), they would see Mount Rishabha (ऋषभ) which looks like a “White cloud with a pearly necklace of waves rippling on the shores below”.

Note: The Ancient Hindus knew that Australia was the largest Island on our planet.

Near to that, they would spot the Sudharshana Lake with “silvery lotuses which have fibrils of gold” and where “kingly swans scamper around”.

Valmiki could be referring to Mount Cook & Lake Pukaki of New Zealand, which match these descriptions.

Valmiki says that after crossing the island with these lakes, swans, and beautiful mountains, one will have to cross a soft-water ocean which will be frightening to all beings.

Note: “soft-water ocean which will be frightening to all beings” is basically the Pacific Ring of Fire, the most active earthquake and volcanic activity location on Earth. The Ancient Hindus had to be flying around because some of the descriptions are inland features!!! Now how about the underwater features like the tectonic plates of the Pacific Ring of Fire? Comments anyone?

Also, the “Soft” ocean is the “Pacific Ocean” and even Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 must have named it as Mar Pacifico in Portuguese, meaning “Peaceful Sea”, as he saw the waters still with favorable winds to sail. So, we have a historical match 10,000 years or more apart! This is important!

King Sugreeva further describes that after crossing this ocean, one would see Udaya Adri (उदय अद्रि) (“Udaya” = “Sunrise” & “Aadri” = “Mountain”) .
According to him, day breaks on earth in the Udayaadri.

Today, we consider Japan as the ‘Land of Rising Sun‘. But in fact, at every geographical point on earth, darkness will fade away and day will break at a certain point of time on every day.
Why was ‘Udayaadri (Mount Sunrise)‘ chosen as eastern point and why not some other place ?
Ramayana’s Kishkinda Kanda, verses 4-40-57 & 4-40-58 give reasons why this point is chosen.

  • verses 4-40-57 & 4-40-58: tatra yojana vistaaram ucChritam dasha yojanam |shR^i.ngam saumanasam naama jaataruupamayam dhruvam || 4-40-57

Peru - The Paracas Candelabra

The Paracas Candelabra

“The Paracas Candelabra is a giant geoglyph engraved on the side of a mountainous hill in the Paracas Peninsula, which is a desert peninsula located within the Paracas National Reserve, a protected natural area in Peru, in the Inca region.

The accepted theory is that the engraving was created around 200 BCE because of some pottery found in the area near the Candelabra.

Such remains belonged to the enigmatic Paracas culture, famous for their elongated heads, therefore the Candelabra is attributed to them and known as the “Paracas Candelabra”.

On the other hand, there are many researchers convinced that the geoglyph could be much older and not created by the Paracas, who inhabited several areas that were already occupied before them.

The figure is more than 180 meters long in height and can be seen from the sea from a distance of 12 miles.

Modern archaeologists suggest it could represent Viracocha’s Lightning Rod, the most important pre-Columbian GOD that was often represented with his lightning rod, with great resemblance to the Hindu GOD Indra, the Greek GOD Zeus, and the Phoenician GOD Baal.”

Elongated heads? Really? The article talks about the people who live in this area in Peru have elongated heads.  My Chapter 13e talks about the Egyptian Pharaoh King Tutankhamun having elongated head!!! Not really human!

King Sugreeva further says to Vanaras that, while reaching Udaya-Adri, they will see Jaat-Shila-Rupa (Golden Rock Peak), etched on which is a “golden pylon resembling a palm tree with three branches with a golden podium”.
King Sugreeva continues, “That pylon of palm tree is constructed as the easterly compass by the celestial gods, beyond which lies the Udaya Adri (or the Andes mountain range).”

Note: Celestial GODS are/were the Anunnaki!!! Now, the ancient Hindu name of the Andes mountain was Udaya Adri.

This figure is more than 180 meters long in height and can be seen from the sea from a distance of 12 miles. 

In order to carve it, its creators had to dig trenches at least 60 cm deep, finally placing rocks around the figure. 

With no real culture to tie this geoglyph to, we can’t assume with certainty who made it and especially why, since the position itself is quite enigmatic. 

It can only be seen from the sea or from above and would have had no use in ceremonial practices whatsoever.,are%20quite%20specific%20and%20real.

While todays expert has no idea what this massive carving on the side of the rock mountain in Paracas, Peru was about, the Ramayana completely describes it!

  • The actual text says: svaadu udasya uttare deshe yojanaani trayodasha | jaataruupa shilo naama sumahaan kanaka prabhaH || 4-40-50
  • Translation : On the northern province of that soft-water ocean there is a hugely enormous mountain named Jaataruupa-shila (Golden Rock Mountain), which glitters like gold and which spreads across thirteen yojanas.

  • The actual text says: tatra candra pratiikaasham pannagam dharaNii dharam | padma patra vishaalaaksham tato drakshyadha vaanaraaH || 4-40-51
  • aasiinam parvatasya agre sarva bhuuta namaskR^itam | sahasra shirasam devam ana.ntam niila vaasasam || 4-40-52
  • Translation : There you shall see then, oh, Vanaras, the lotus-petal broad-eyed thousand-hooded serpent god in black clothing, namely Ananta, sitting on the top of that mountain and sustaining the earth on his head, who will be like moon in his brilliance and whom all beings hold in reverence.

In ancient Indian texts the southern tip of South America (Chile) is ‘the head of the serpent called Ananta’, on which the earth rests (see the Ring of Fire starting at tip of South America in above figure).

  • The actual text says: trishiraaH kaa.ncanaH ketuH taalaH tasya mahaatmanaH sthaapitaH parvatasya agre viraajati sa vedikaH || 4-40-53
  • Translation : A golden pylon resembling a palm tree with three branches as its heads is established on the peak of that mountain as the insignia of that great-souled Ananta, and it will be lustrous with a golden podium.

  • The actual text says: puurvasyaam dishi nirmaaNam kR^itam tat tridasheshvaraiH |tataH param hemamayaH shriimaan udaya parvataH || 4-40-54
  • tasya koTiH divam spR^iSTvaa shata yojanam aayataa | jaataruupamayii divyaa viraajati sa vedikaa || 4-40-55
  • Translation : That pylon of palm tree is constructed as the easterly compass by celestials gods, and beyond that a completely golden mountain is there, namely the august Udaya Mountain, the Mt. Sunrise, beyond which it is all west. The pinnacles of Mt. Sunrise will be touching heavens for their height is hundred yojana-s and that divine mountain greatly glitters for it is completely golden, and it is pedestalled with suchlike glittering mountains.

Viracocha, the Creator God

The Paracas Trident of Peru, is a geo-glyph in the Andes Mountains and is regarded in the native folklore as the ‘Lightening Rod‘ of GOD Viracocha, a pre-Incan Civilization God of Peru/Bolivia.

Interestingly, Viracocha was worshiped as GOD of the Sun and Storms and he carried thunderbolts in his hands.

Paracas could be a distorted version of sanskrit word “parakash” (पराकाश) which means ‘distant view‘, as this trident could have served as a guiding beacon for ancient UFOs or the Hindu equivalent ‘Vimanas’.

The Trident in Hinduism represents Creation, Maintenance and Destruction. It also represents Time – Past, Present and Future.

Virochana (Sanskrit: विरोचन), in Hindu mythology, was an Asura, son of Prahlada (Sanskrit: प्रहलाद) and father of Bali. (Bali, Indonesia anyone?)

Prahlada is son of Hiranyakasipu (who was killed by Vishnu as incarnation of Narasimha – Lion faced Human).

(This explains partially why Nazca lines are treated as the Hindu King Bali’s ancient Airport.
In the Atharva Veda Virochana was mentioned as the son of Prahlada.

Note: Virochana (India/Hindu) = Viracocha (Peru/Inca). Yet again, the Hindus were everywhere? Or that the base of operations of the Anunnaki were in India for some time?

4 Tusk Elephants

Elephant with 4 tusks? Yes 4 tusk Elephants were depicted in the Hindu Ramayana texts! When Hanuman entered the palace grounds of the evil King Ravana to rescue Sita, he saw the 4 tusk elephants guarding the palace.,to%20protect%20Lanka%20from%20invaders.

Don’t believe me? Gomphotheres were early elephants that looked different from modern elephants. Gomphotheres had 4 tusks; 2 straight ones in the upper jaw and 2 straight ones in the lower jaw. (See pictures below),tusks%20were%20coated%20with%20enamel.

Hot Damn!!! 
  1. This proves the Hindu texts are Good Shit! Even pre-historic animals are correctly described here.
  2. This also dates the story of King Ravana in Lanka to more than 20,000 B.C. (The Ice Age).
  3. This proves that human activity 20,000 years ago in certain parts of the world was extremely advanced since the texts talk about flying machines and ocean sailing ships.
  4. How many ancient texts can you name that have detailed and accurate representation of events and animals going back 20,000 years and even more??? This is a challenge to my readers!
  5. The most recent glaciation period, often known simply as the “Ice Age,” reached peak conditions some 18,000 years ago before giving way to the interglacial Holocene epoch 11,700 years ago.

The Sita story

Now here comes the continuation of the sad story after a triumphant rescue.

So, the search team finally finds evidence of Sita in Lanka. (Could be today’s Sri Lanka but not guaranteed.) Lord Ram and Hanuman built a bridge made of wood and stones to connect Southern tip of India to Sri Lanka. (I covered this in Chapter 16g with evidence of the bridge seen from NASA’s satellite. What more do you need?)

When Hanuman entered the palace compound of King Ravana, he saw 4 tusk elephants guarding the palace. No kidding!

In the meantime King Ravana being desperate, made a copy of Lord Ram’s head, smeared it with blood and sand and went to Sita. King Ravana told Sita that Lord Ram has been killed and decapitated.

Sita saw this and broke down and cried and asked Lord Ram to also take her with him. But she did not give in to King Ravana’s demand to marry him.

So, after five days of waiting for Lord Ram and Hanuman’s army by the palace gates, the battle finally began.

The battle:
Each side suffered terrible losses. Blood filled the streets of Lanka. Bodies of fallen warriors were everywhere. Lord Ram and Lakshmana fought gallantly.

Hanuman was injured in a duel. Vibhishana (King Ravana’s traitor brother) showed great valor. Indrajit, Ravana's son, rained poison arrows upon Lord Ram and Lakshmana. So overwhelming was this attack, that the two brothers suffered many wounds. "I shall send both of you to the house of death," cried Indrajit.

King Ravana decided to join the battle. He climbed in his chariot and soared above Lanka in search of Lord Ram. (Flying machine?)

Lord Ram and Lakshmana, the two brothers, were bleeding heavily, but they fought on. Indrajit hurled even more powerful weapons at them. Each weapon took a new toll. 

Lord Ram and Lakshmana fell to the ground unconscious. Vibhishana prayed to the gods for their safety. "Protect Lord Ram and Lakshmana while they are hurt." Hanuman’s army was also taken down.

Eventually, Lord Ram having gained consciousness looked around and said, "The battle has been lost."

Then in a weakened voice, Jambuvan, one of the leaders of the army, said, "No, Lord Ram. There is still a way we can regain the advantage and defeat King Ravana. Tell Hanuman to go to Kailasa Mountain. There he will see a blazing hill of medicinal herbs. Have him bring these herbs back before sunrise and our army will be saved." (Opioids maybe?) Now, Mt. Kailasa is all the way north at the top end of India by the Himalayas.

Hanuman rose above the earth and flew off with great speed. (Flying machine, right?). The herbs restored the fallen army and the fight continued. 

King Ravana’s son Indrajit was killed. In anger, King Ravana rose up to the skies and fired an even greater weapon at Lord Ram but Lord Ram was able to destroy it.

Then Lord Ram reached for his most powerful weapon, the Brahma-missile, to be used only when all else had failed (I also covered this weapon in Chapter 16g). He took it to his hands. As he did so, the earth shook. All the warriors covered their eyes and fell to the earth. Lord Rama stood poised. He aimed the weapon at the on-rushing Ravana. He fired. The missile struck Ravana's chest and exploded. Ravana fell dead. "Victory to Rama!" shouted his men.

The GODs praised Lord Ram. The earth became steady once more. The wind blew softly. The sun shone brighter than ever. Vibhishana knelt at the body of his dead brother and burst into tears. "Why didn't you listen to my words? Why were you so overcome with Sita and power?"

Lord Ram touched Vibhishana's shoulder and said, "Our ancients say that you should not mourn a mighty fallen warrior on the battlefield. Victory is the monopoly of none. Weep not for one who is no more. Rise, for we still have work to do."

Lord Ram entered the palace and Sita bowed at his feet. He felt both love and sorrow for his wife. "We shall return to Ayodhya," he said.

Note: that in Chapter 16g I showed evidence of sand turned to glass in Sri Lanka which can only happen from an Atomic bomb explosion!!!

Back in Ayodhya there is a big problem

Once back in Ayodhya, Lord Ram seemed troubled. Many people in the city expressed doubt about Sita's faithfulness while in Lanka. One day a messenger came to Lord Ram and said, "I fear that the people of our kingdom have lost faith in your wife's virtue. King Ravana, they say, made her unfit to be your queen. Even the lowest men whisper, 'How can Lord Ram forget that Sita lived with another man?"

Lord Ram stood at the window of his room and looked out upon Ayodhya. Sorrow filled his heart. Lakshmana came to see his brother. Lord Ram turned to him and asked, "What is a king? Kings cannot be blamed or ridiculed. They are above all other men. They are beyond doubt."

"I know of what you speak of, " his brother replied. "I have heard the ugly rumors and lies."

"I have tried to think of a way to deal with this problem. I cannot rule Ayodhya and not have my people respect my queen. Therefore, with great sorrow and resolve, I have made a decision. Before dawn tomorrow you and Sumantra will take Sita back to the forest. Leave her there and return."

"But she will die."

"This is the nature of the world," Lord Ram said. "This is what I must do."

Lakshmana said sadly, "The dharma law is difficult to know and sometimes more difficult to follow. This act is wrong. There is no way that Sita would ever have disobeyed you or done what the people say. I know this in my heart."

"Do as I say, my brother."

Before sunrise, Ayodhya was shrouded in dense fog. It seemed as if the sun refused to show itself this fateful day. Sumantra, Lakshmana and Sita crossed the river in a small fishing boat. Lakshmana sat at Sita's side. Sita could see him crying. "What is wrong?" she asked.

"My brother, your husband has listened too long and too well to the words of the people of Ayodhya. They say you were unfaithful to Lord Ram. And to avoid any more disgrace, our king has ask me to escort you back to the forest."

Sita turned to Sumantra. "Do not look for reason here," he said. "This act is beyond men's knowing. Lord Ram will live alone from this day forth."

"Why must this be so?" cried Sita.

Sumantra continued: "All the universe is a sign to be read rightly. War and peace, love and separation are hidden gateways we must pass to get to other worlds. Let us not grow old thinking that truth is what most people see or say it is. Sita, you will get back to Lord Ram only by entering this forest. This world is like a breath on a mirror. It does not last. Have patience."

Sumantra and Lakshmana returned Sita to the forest. Sita smiled and said, "Good-bye, Sumantra. You have touched my heart with your wise words and given me new hope. Good-bye Lakshmana, my brother-in-law. Be well."

Sita stood on the river bank as Sumantra and Lakshmana's boat crossed the glistening river. Then she heard the soft voice of the river goddess say, "Let life go, Sita. Do not outlive life. Come home. Come home. Dive into me."

Sita was about to step into the river when she heard the voice of an old man. "Do not enter the river," he said.

Sita looked at the shaggy old man and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Valmiki, a poet and a hermit. I live in this forest. Make my home yours." He led Sita to his home in the forest. There Sita gave birth to Lord Ram’s twins sons, Kusa and Lava. For the next twelve years she and her sons lived with Valmiki. During that time, Valmiki composed a poem called the "Ramayana". When he finished it, he taught the poem to the boys line-by-line. He taught them how to sing the poem while playing the flute and drum. The boys learned well.

In Ayodhya, Lord Ram decided to hold a great public festival. He invited everyone in the kingdom to take part. There would be music, storytelling and singing. Kusa and Lava came to Ayodhya to recite what Valmiki called the earth's “first poem”.

On the first day of the festival, the boys began singing the story. Lord Ram heard about this wonderful poem and came to see it performed. After hearing only a few lines, Lord Ram asked, "What is this beautiful song called?"

"Ramayana," said Kusa.

Lord Ram looked at the twins. His heart ached with emotion. "These are my sons!" he declared.

He sent a messenger to find Sita and convince her to return to Ayodhya. The next day Sita returned. She was dressed in bright gold and scarlet. Lord Ram was overjoyed. Sita approached Lord Ram and said, "Let me prove my innocence before you once and for all."

"I give you permission," Lord Ram replied.

Then Sita took a step back and said, "Mother earth, if I have been faithful to my husband, take me home." The earth rumbled. The ground rolled and moved beneath Sita. With a great noise the ground opened and took Sita back. The earth shook again and closed.

For that moment, everywhere in the whole universe, there was harmony. "I will never see Sita again as long as I live on earth," Lord Ram said. "It is a brief life given to us." Lord Ram ruled Ayodhya for a thousand years.

One day Lord Ram he thought, "Where is my life? And where am I? I want to go home now. I was born of the god, Vishnu, and it is time for me to return to him."

Lord Ram left the palace and entered the crowded street of Ayodhya. Everyone stood quietly as their king passed. Lord Ram continued walking until he reached the banks of the Sarayu. He touched its water with his feet. All the GODs looked down on him. Even Brahma, the creator, came in person to see Lord Ram. He spoke to Lord Ram: "Come, O Vishnu, join your brothers, Lakshmana, Satrughna, and Bharata. Return to Vishnu. Return to heaven."

With Brahma's words, Lord Ram smiled and stepped into the river. All of Lord Ram’s followers entered the river after him and all went to heaven. Lord Ram was home. The Ramayana was loved and praised by all. The GODs were pleased. Lava and Kusa traveled throughout India singing Valmiki's glorious poem about their father.

This poem by Lord Ram’s twin boys, Kusa and Lava, called “The Ramayana” is the story you just read! It is a sad story for me. This poem was written by Valmiki who took in Sita and the twins when Sita was banished to the forest.


  1. China and Japan considered India as the Center of Heaven.
  2. The Hindus were obviously flying around the world because sail ships were completely dependent on wind and wind flow changes direction every 6 months. It would take multitude of years to cover the different regions continually.
  3. King Sugreeva was in constant communication with the search party as they travelled around the world. Radio communications anyone?
  4. The existence of the 4 tusk elephants tells us this event must have happened before or during the Ice Age. 
  5. How can they know about the Pacific Ring of Fire at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? This ocean is 13,000 ft deep. They cannot dive deeper than 100 feet?
  6. They knew the landmark details of each country?
  7. Prehistoric statues of God Ganesha and a Goddess in a Padmasana posture seated on a lotus flower have been found at Gympie, Australia. Thus, it might be that Gympie, Australia was a popular Hindu landmark in the super ancient times? Again, I see that the Ramayana could be a true happening!!! 
  8. The British thought they were the first ones to discover Australia? Wrong!
  9. The Nazca lines in Peru are treated as King Bali’s ancient Airport? And Bali, Indonesia is named after king Bali? Why not? He was flying around the world anyway!
  10. It is time to rethink what the history books teach you!
  11. Did you at least learn one new thing today? I think it’s more than one thing. Would love your answer.

Damn! The Ancient people (Hindus) knew all about our entire planet thousands of years ago! And then we forgot everything and had to rediscover it all in the 1600, 1700, 1800s? And the Europeans pride themselves on their discoveries?

The Hindus had the help from the Anunnaki (the real Aryans!) and with their flying machines!!!

*** End of Chapter ***


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