Monday, November 6, 2023

Chapter 15d – Hindu Temples and Statues

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The Hindu temple pictures shown above are of a modern temple just recently built in New Jersey and the largest temple in the USA. 

Pay attention to the floor, columns, walls, and ceilings.  Every inch of this massive temple is rich in design, patterns, and images.  Now this is a work of art.  I don’t think the Romans, nor the Greeks can hold a candle to any of the Hindu temples when it comes to quantity of patterns and images.


!!! But !!!


This is not how I remember what a Hindu temple looked like. I have only been to one temple in my life, and it just scared the crap out of me. I wondered, “Who wants to go to a place of worship that is going to give you nightmares for weeks?


See below for an example of the Goddess Kali in a Hindu temple.

Scary looking GOD don’t you think? Ewww … gonna give me nightmares.  Why would I want to go pray there?


!!! But !!!


After spending 2 years on this ancient religion journey, I have a better understanding of what’s going on.

Check out my explanation below;

1.    Hinduism is so old. Over 6,000 years old? Actually more.

2.    There are no books to read or TV or Internet to get the news from back then.

3.    When someone looks at the statue, a story needs to be portrayed to the visitor visually. This is exactly the same thing as in the Egyptian, Mexican, Hawaiian, New Zealand temples and in other places.

4.    Have you seen the early churches?  Even though the early churches are only about 1,700 years old, you can see Gargoyles on the churches.  That’s scary too! So, Christians did the similar thing.

So, what’s the story behind the Goddess Kali?

1.    Her Black color depicts that she is the destroyer of the bad GODs or Demons (as a warning to the bad GODs). This was one of her responsibilities.

2.    Her red color eyes, I am guessing is to portray danger to the Demons as Kali is hunting them down.

3.    Her multiple hands (4 or 6 or 8) usually are holding different tools and weapons showing what she would use to attack the Demons she finds. One hand usually holds the last Demon she killed. So this does not mean the GOD has many hands.

4.    Her necklace of heads shows all the Demons she has hunted down and killed so far.

5.    Her tongue sticking out? Kali was on a rampage hunting down and killing the Demons that she lost control and was hunting down the good GODs also.  In order to get her attention and to get her to stop, her husband Lord Shiva (also Shiva/Siva/Ziwa in Poland/Serbia/Mexico – see Chapter 15c and Chapter 12b) threw himself to the ground in her way to make her stop. When Goddess Kali realized that she was stepping on her husband Shiva (also in the image), she got embarrassed and stuck her tongue out.

6.    Kali, according to the Sumerian texts is the daughter of Enki/Poseidon and Lilitu/Lilith. So, Kali is pure Anunnaki and thus she should be white color. Kali is the Greek and Roman Goddess Hecate.

7.    Kali was sent to Northern India to rule over the land by her father Enki/Poseidon.

8.    Shiva on the other hand is probably the son of Enlil/Zeus. Thus, Shiva and Kali are cousins.

Interesting ancient history lesson don’t you think? So, when you look at a scary and gross looking statue of a Hindu GOD with many hands, you now know that the image is trying to tell the visitor several stories all in one image. Just like the Egyptians, Mexicans, Hawaiians and New Zealand Mauri’s etc. that I mentioned previously.


Now, just like the Christian churches have undergone changes through out time to modernize the style of the church and also, to modernize the church activities adding Saturdays, Wednesdays and even Halloween (calling it Fall Festival) etc. I would like to see the Hindu Temples also modernize into the 21st century. (First step it looks like is building the New Jersey temple.)


Greek and Roman Goddess Hecate vs Hindu Goddess Kali

Examples of scary Christian Churches

Christians may think that they are different, but they are not.
Sedlec Ossuary: While the Sedlec Ossuary is not the only bone church in the Czech Republic and Europe, it’s definitely one of the most famous due to the elaborate nature of its skeletal adornments. If you think “bone church,” then you’re probably imagining the Sedlec Ossuary.

The word “gargoyle” comes from French folklore, which held that an evil dragon, called La Gargouille, once lived in the River Seine in Paris and caused havoc by setting things on fire, sinking ships, and eating all who opposed him – basically all the things mythical dragons do.

Oh! And by the way – “All The GODs Are The Same





*** End of Chapter ***

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