Chapter 13b – Bloodline – European Royalty

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Strict Rules

Royalty in Europe follows some strict rules that is not maybe disclosed but you can see it at work. It also looks like they are following the Sumerian royalty rules knowingly or unknowingly? Let’s look at some of them;

Heir to the throne – Oldest son is the heir to the throne. Then it is the second oldest and third oldest etc. After that the oldest daughter is heir to the throne, and so on.

But that’s not all. The spouse must be of approved family line also.  The first choice is to marry the prince or princess of another royal family. Then it is to turn to the Duke/Duchess, Marquess/Marchioness, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess and Baron/Baroness for a spouse.


English Example

Prince Charles (now King Charles III) marries Princess Dianna (first wife). Princess Di is from the House of Spencer. Having a long-time relation with the royal family through the ages. So Princess Di is an APPROVED spouse! All the children, Prince William and Prince Harry are also APPROVED children.

King Charles III’s sister and brothers will not have a chance to the throne since the King has Prince William as next in-line.

Prince William marries Kate Middleton. The Duchess of Cambridge is descended from King Edward IV through her mother, Carole Middleton, and from King Edward III through her father, Michael Middleton. So, Kate Middleton is an APPROVED spouse! All the children are also APPROVED children. When Prince Charles became King Charles III, Prince William automatically became Prince of Wales taking over King Charles’ old title. Cool huh? Moving up the line of succession.

Prince Harry marries Megan Markle. Megan is not from the Royalty nor nobleman heritage.  So Megan is NOT an Approved spouse. Prince Harry would not have a chance to become King someday. Prince Harry and Megan Markle became the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But Megan Markle was not interested in doing all the required royal duties (charities, press events, religious events …) and the couple also spent time writing books and appearing on Netflix and Oprah attacking the Royal family, so they have been stripped of their title. (Don’t bite the hand that feeds .. LOL). Their children will never become King/Queen.

Sumerian Example

King Anu (Kronos) has two oldest sons Enki (Poseidon) and Enlil (Zeus) who are key to all the Sumerian writings I have read. Both Enki and Enlil were the “Princes of Nibiru”.

So, Enki (Poseidon) being the eldest should be first in line to the throne? Unfortunately, he is not. You see Enki’s mother is the concubine Namma (or Nammu or Urash). So Enki’s mother Namma is NOT an Approved spouse of King Anu.

Well, how about King Anu’s second son Enlil? Well good luck for Enlil, his mother is King Anu’s sister-wife Antu. The Sumerian royalty, just like the European Kings today, must keep the royal Bloodline pure.  So being away from Planet Nibiru, (I am guessing) the only people around on Earth were close family members.  The royalty will marry stepsiblings. (They seem to be aware of the risks of marrying direct siblings, however).  So, Enlil’s mother Antu is an APPROVED spouse of King Anu.

This is why the second born son Enlil (Zeus) is the first in-line to the throne after King Anu.  And this is very similar to the rules for the European Kings today.  Keep this in mind for the next chapter where you will get a big surprise!

Side Note:

Enlil (Zeus) sits on the right of Anu (Kronos); Enki (Poseidon) sits on the left side of Anu (Kronos) in the Assembly of the GODs. Keep this in mind for the future Chapters.

Side Note

"There was a nuclear war on Planet Nibiru which had killed many more men than women, King An (King Anu’s grandfather) had men take principle and secondary wives, official concubines too.  An’s dynasty set The Law of Succession: THE KING’S HEIR, A SON HE HAS WITH HIS HALF SISTER–THE PRINCIPAL WIFE–RULES WHEN THE KING DIES.

This law plagues Earth to this day." (Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 25-26; Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 98 –

So, this is why the Anunnaki aliens had multiple wives - a shortage of men. 

Side Note

"Anu, a prince descended from King An’s youngest son (Enuru) declared he, not Alalu, should succeed King Lahma. But Alalu told Anu, Wed our children--my daughter Damkina; your son Ea; I rule and civil war we forestall. Anu agreed; he canceled the betrothal his daughter Ninmah had proclaimed with Ea.  Instead of Nimah, Ea wed Damkina." (Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon the Earth, page 249 -

So, we see here that there was a peace agreement between King Anu and his challenger to the throne King Alalu. To avoid a Civil war between the two royals, King Anu agreed to let Enki (EA or Poseidon) to marry Alalus’ daughter Damkina and that their first born will be King instead of Enlil (El or Zeus). So, the first born child and heir to the throne after King Anu was Marduk and not Enlil (Zeus). Sorry Zeus!

Marduk grows up and becomes the Chief God of Babylon. Later to take the name of Bel or Baal. Bel is in Assyrian language and Baal is in Semitic (Jewish) language. Baal in Jewish language means “Lord”.

But yet again the Bible turns Baal to a disgusting pagan God in the Bible to hold a narrative? I’ll let the reader decide.

Just like the European Kings today, the Royalty in Sumer had work to do also!  While Enki oversaw the gold mining and processing, Enlil was in-charge of gold transportation to the mother ship and also to the Planet Mars for temporary storage. (Remember NASA is already on Mars now and the Mars Rover is running around the planet, snooping around.)

Kali (Hecate in Greek), the daughter of Enki (Poseidon) was sent to Northern India to rule the land there. Lilitu (or Lilith, consort of Enki and mother of Kali) was a Laboratory Scientist and Ninhursag (or Ninti, sister of Enki) was the Chief Medical Officer in Africa who was the one who performed the gene editing to create the first human hybrids. Not to forget Kain (Cain, son of Eve) who was the King of Tenochtitlan, Mexico and later also King of city of Kish, Iraq after Adam passes away.

So, you see here that all the royal members had important work to do.  No one was sitting around and calling themselves privileged? And not like Megan Markle?

Greek and Roman Goddess Hecate vs Hindu Goddess Kali

Side Note:

Enlil (Zeus) is known by “ his light sky-blue eyes”? here is another place to get an idea of what the Anunnaki aliens look like?  Remember the description of what baby Noah looked like (see my Chapter 8)? White/Pink skin, White/Platinum Blonde hair as described in the Bible (Book of Enoch)?

By the way Enlil’s short name is EL. Enki’s short name is EA. The Bible uses El or Eloah or Elohim? Pay attention to this for future chapters.

In Poems, Enlil is described as “shepherd of the dark-headed people”. Now is the poem describing humans with dark hair or dark hair and dark skin? Other writings also describe humans as black headed.

Church of England

The Church of England, or Anglican Church, is the primary state church in England, where the concepts of church and state are linked. The Church of England is considered the original church of the Anglican Communion, which represents over 85 million people in more than 165 countries.

While the Church upholds many of the customs of Roman Catholicism, it also embraces fundamental ideas adopted during the Protestant Reformation. 

Church of England Facts

The British monarch is considered the supreme governor of the Church. Among other privileges, he or she has the authority to approve the appointment of archbishops and other church leaders.

The Church claims to be both Catholic and Reformed. It upholds teachings found in early Christian doctrines, such as the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. The Church also reveres 16th century Protestant Reformation ideas outlined in texts, such as the Thirty-Nine Articles and the Book of Common Prayer.

The Church’s bishops play a lawmaking role in Britain. Twenty-six bishops sit in the House of Lords (i.e the Parliament?) and are referred to as the “Lords Spiritual.”

Side Note:

The Church was actively involved in England’s politics (see above) while at the same time the King was actively involved in how the Church operates. They watch and control each other? To each’s benefit?

Henry VIII

Henry VIII broke ties with the Pope in the 1530s after the Catholic church wouldn’t allow him to annul his marriage to his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, who failed to produce any male heirs.

Side Note:

Aragon is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula inside of Spain that is ruled by a separate Royal family. Aragon has not been merged into Spain at that time.


Henry passed the Act of Succession and the Act of Supremacy, which essentially declared himself the supreme head of the Church of England.

After Henry’s death, Protestant reforms made their way into the church during the reign of Edward VI. But, when Edward’s half-sister, Mary, succeeded the throne in 1553, she persecuted Protestants and embraced traditional Roman Catholic ideals.

After Elizabeth I took the title of Queen in 1558, however, the Church of England was revived. The Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion became important texts that outlined moral doctrine and worship principles.

Side Note:

It was this very instability, switching between the Protestant and Roman Catholic and the ensuing persecutions during the changes in King/Queen, that the Quakers moved to the USA (new world) in the 1600’s from which the story of Thanksgiving comes from.

Kings and Churches

 It looks like the Church and the Kings/Queens are/were helping each other out to maintain their power over the people.  Being that they were the two ultimate power organizations in Europe! They were helping each other to maintain their power but at the same time, if one party strays, the other will work to take them down!

Henry VIII in 1530 left the Catholic Church to start his own church the Church of England. This is a loss of power in England for the Catholic Church obviously. While Queen Mary in 1553 went back to the Catholic Church but then Queen Elizabeth I in 1558 returned to the Church of England. Confusing time huh? 

Crazy thing is during each change, the King/Queen would force the people to change also or else … something bad could happen to them.  This is the reason the Pilgrims decided to leave England for the New World in 1620. The Pilgrims were being persecuted for their religious beliefs. The Pilgrims/Puritans were English Protestants who believed that the reforms of the Church of England did not go far enough. In their view, the liturgy was still too Catholic. (Was King Henry VIII still loyal to the Catholic Church?)

The Catholic Church also depended on the King to do the dirty job (executions) for anyone who was a threat to the Church’s power. (They helped each other out)

  1. Joan of Arc – 1415 - King Henry V of England invaded France and won a series of decisive victories against the forces of King Charles VI. Joan of Arc began hearing “voices” of three Christian saints—St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret when she was about 16 regarding a surprise attack by England. Joan helped France fight England successfully several times until she was finally captured. So now Joan of Arc gets labelled as a heretic for hearing voices from dead Saints. The Church tells the victorious King of England to burn Joan at the stake for the crime of heresy. (The Church working hand in hand with the King to find a good excuse to kill Joan of Arc since she was a threat to both parties’ power.)  
  2. Maya – 1562 – Catholic Friar Diego de Landa with the help of the Spanish army collected and burned every Maya writing he could find because it was a threat to converting the Maya to Christianity. Heresy anyone? One Mayan village who hid their precious and sacred ancient writings; well, the entire village was burnt down and the villagers killed by the Spanish army as requested by the Catholic Friar. (See Chapter 12c) 
  3. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) – discovered the Earth orbited around the Sun and not the Sun around the Earth that the Church was teaching. This was a threat to the Church’s power over the people, so the Church accused Copernicus of heresy and to be burned alive also. Copernicus backed down and had all his writings destroyed by the Church. (See Chapter 5). (You cannot let the people know to question the teachings of the Church. The Church should be the Ultimate source of information for the common people. Daily News anyone?)  
  4. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) – Came to the same conclusion as Copernicus and the Church immediately threatened to kill Galilei if he did not repent. He did not. Since Galilei was famous, the Church put Galilei in house arrest for the rest of his life for heresy. (See Chapter 5). (You cannot let the people know to question the teachings of the Church) 
  5. Giordano Bruno (1600) – Also came to the same conclusion as Copernicus. Sadly, he did not live. The Church had him burned alive for heresy. Pretty cool huh? The Catholic Church? (See Chapter 12b). (You cannot let the people question the teachings of the Church) 
  6. Jesus – 0033 - Let’s not forget Jesus who was teaching the people things that was not in agreement with the Jewish Temple leaders. I think you know what happened to Jesus? HERESY! Crucified by the Roman army. In Matthew 23, Jesus chastises the Pharisees for being hypocrites in many of the things they did at the temple.  This will be a super threat to the common people to continue coming to the temple and “donating”/”tithe” money regularly. 
  7. Give to Caeser” – It’s a beautiful thing when the Christian GOD says to make sure you pay your taxes to the Government/King first before anyone else. All the European Kings would be happy to spread this really cool new religion to the people, right? (The Church will remind the people every Sunday and the King can happily collect his taxes. If anyone is executed for not paying their taxes, the people will understand that you cannot sin against GOD. The King and the Church are not blamed.)

I think I have given enough examples of the Church working with the King/Queen to kill off any competition to their power and then to control the people?

Oh! And it looks like the Catholics loved to burn people alive – in the name of GOD of course?

Joan of Arc burned to death by the Catholic Church and King

Giordano Bruno sinned by saying the Earth orbits around the Sun

Spanish Catholics burning Mayans alive including children and feeding to their dogs – See the Spaniards holding the baby to slam its head against the wall. No big deal, the Romans did the same to the Israelites 2,000 years ago. Gotta love the Catholics!

Royal Intermixing

While the Kings and Queens have to marry an approved spouse from the list of Duke/Duchess, Marquess/Marchioness, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess and Baron/Baroness, they also married the royalty of the other European countries. Keeping the Bloodline pure was important maybe?

Take the late Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

Prince Philip’s

  • ·         Father = Greek/Russian
  • ·         Mother = German/German
  • ·         Grandfather = Danish/Greek (on Father’s side)
  • ·         Grandmother = Russian/ Russian (on Father’s side)
  • ·         Grandfather = German/German (on Mother’s side)
  • ·         Grandmother = English/German (on Mother’s side)


Queen Elizabeth’s

  • ·         Father = English/ English
  • ·         Mother = English/English
  • ·         Grandfather = English/German (on Father’s side)
  • ·         Grandmother = Danish/ English (on Father’s side)
  • ·         Grandfather = English/German (on Mother’s side)
  • ·         Grandmother = English/German (on Mother’s side)

As you can see above, just Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip alone (looking up 3 generations before), you can see that King Charles at the least is English/Russian/Danish/Greek/German?

Now go back 800 years and see how many inter-European mixed marriages there are just for the Queen’s ancestors? It looks like European royalty and nobleman are all racially mixed up.  And don’t forget the Jewish aristocracy who has changed their names are also mixed in?


Not only do the Royalty follow this rule but the super-rich also. I know someone whose family owns a top Law Firm in Boston and she (Jewish/German), was given one choice of who to marry; The son of a competing top Law Firm. They have Penthouses in Boston, NY, Miami and vacation houses in Colorado and in the Swiss Alps. $10,000 paintings around the living room. Are they are keeping their bloodline together?


The people who own the DeBeers Diamond company? The Rockefellers, JP Morgans, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, etc.?  Their children marry each other’s sons/daughters!


Don’t forget the US Federal Reserve and its 5% interest on the now $32 Trillion dollars of interest payments? Which families do you think are collecting $1,600,000,000 of interest cash yearly from the US government?  

At the minimum the following list of people could be some of the ones (directly or indirectly) picking up the payments on the interest on $32 trillion loan annually.( -  Read the Book - The Creature from Jekyll Island) 

  1. Nelson W. Aldrich, Republican "whip" in the Senate, Chairman of the National Monetary Commission, business associate of J.P. Morgan, father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; 
  2. Abraham Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury; 
  3. Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, the most powerful of the banks at that time, representing William Rockefeller and the international investment banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company
  4. Henry P. Davison, senior partner of the J.P Morgan Company; 
  5. Charles D. Norton, president of J.P. Morgan's First National Bank of New York; 
  6. Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan's Bankers Trust Company; and 
  7. Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France, and brother to Max Warburg who was head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands.


So, it looks like the European Royalty has strict rules they follow to protect their bloodline. It is a threat to allow another person without this bloodline to enter their family circle.

And since the Royalty has no problem marrying royalty from other “European” countries, I question if all these people are really of the same Bloodline from day one 2,000 years ago or earlier? And they know it? It would make sense.

Not only does the Royalty keep with their bloodline, but the Billionaire families also do the same? Now I would question if this were similar to the Indian/Hindu caste system?

Caste system? Or Class system of the rich? The ancient Caste/Class system from probably the Sumerians?



*** Next Chapter – The ULTIMATE Bloodline ***

*** This will be my first Revelation ***



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