Saturday, August 19, 2023

Chapter 13e – Bloodline – Where are they?


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 *** This Chapter is my second Revelation ***

Two Bloodlines

In Chapter 13c I explained about the “Ultimate Bloodline” remember?  But then, I was discussing the Chapter with my friend in California, and I realized that there really are 2 Bloodlines not one! 

But! They are very closely related and overlapping.  It’s easy to just group them into one Bloodline. But it would be better to identify the two.

ONE: Adams’ Bloodline. This was discussed in Chapter 13c.  This Bloodline (humans with much higher amount of Anunnaki DNA compared to us) is following the first-born of Adam down the line all the way to King Solomon and further… 


TWO: Pure Anunnaki Bloodline. Remember in Chapter 13c I also mentioned that the Vizir from Planet Nibiru had informed Enki (Poseidon) and Enlil (Zeus) that being on Earth too long, their bodies will not be able to adjust to Nibiru’s gravity and orbit, thus they could die very quickly if they returned (more so for the Anunnaki children born on Earth). So, the second Bloodline is the pure Anunnaki people! Many remained on Earth but not all. Remember in Chapter 12a, Ninghizidad (Kukulkan) and the other Anunnaki left Mexico in 311 BC with the promise that they will return? 

Which is why December 21, 2012, was a very special date with movies made because the Maya calendar’s cycle ended on this day and was to cycle back to the start.  The Maya figured this was when Ninghizidad and Enki would be returning to Earth as promised.

And don’t forget the Nephilim (the Watchers), some who did not die in the flood and did not have permission from King Anu to return to the mothership? – See in the Bible, the Book of Numbers Chapter 13 verse 31-33. The survivors of the flood are all here on Earth.


So, now we understand the two Bloodlines.  They are pretty much related, but Adam’s Bloodline does not have 100% Anunnaki DNA. 

Note: GOD promising to return to Earth seems to be a similar theme with the Christians, correct?

Note: one of the passages I read mentioned that Enlil (Zeus) was getting old and was then using a walking stick?  So maybe Enlil (Zeus) and Enki (Poseidon) will be dead by now?



Egyptian DNA

Researchers from the University of Tuebingen and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, both in Germany, have decoded the genome of ancient Egyptians for the first time, with unexpected results.

The study concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East, Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans.

Modern Egyptians, by comparison, share their DNA with sub-Saharan (African) populations instead. This was a BIG SURPRISE! Ancient Egyptians are not the same as the Egyptians of today!

Interesting how the ancient Egyptian DNA is actually showing up in todays Mediterranean European DNA! This means the Ancient Egyptians are today’s Europeans? 

Note: This would not be a surprise to my stories so far.



Half of European men share King Tut's DNA

Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh (King Tut or Tutankhamun), who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father was Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III.

The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong to, indicating that they share a common ancestor.

Among the Egyptians of today this haplogroup contingent is only below 1 percent, according to iGENEA. (Egyptians today do not have King Tut’s DNA. Europeans have it.)

It was very interesting to discover that he belonged to a genetic group in Europe.” said Roman Scholz, director of the iGENEA Center.

Around 70 percent of Spanish and 60 percent of French men also belong to the genetic group of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.

So, no one in Egypt today has King Tut’s DNA.  King Tut’s DNA is in Western Europe. Like England, Holland etc… Hint…Hint! 

Note: Again, this would not be a surprise to my stories so far.

See below for a list of Western European countries possibly linked to Egyptian King/Pharaoh Tutankhamen.

Andorra, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom



King Tut (Tutankhamun)

Researchers have done MRI slice scans on King Tutankhamun’s skull and found that he has a very elongated skull.

Spinning the pharaoh's body to see his side profile, Ms Hughes noted the unusual shape of Tutankhamun's head, and said: "What you really get a sense of through this is that he's got quite a distinctive skull shape."

Dr Rando replied: "He does, this is where it is really incredible.”

"He has a very, very long skull compared to most people that we would see today, who would maybe have a more rounded or more bulbous skull."

Ms Huges then noted: "There's some evidence that this extraordinary skull shape was a trait in his family.”

Note: Don't worry, I will cover elongated skulls in another Chapter later!

Egypt news: The scan showed just how elongated the back of Tut's skull was (Image: Channel 5)

Ancient Egypt: Tutankhamun's skull was long compared to those of his contemporaries (Image: GETTY/Channel 5)

Tutankhamun: His coffin was found perfectly preserved with a gilded mask covering his face (Image: GETTY)

Cornwall, England

The Ravenna Cosmography, compiled around 700 A.D. from Roman material 300 years older, lists a route running westward into Cornwall. On this route is a place called Duro-cornovio. The Latin Duro-cornovio corresponds to the British Celtic duno-Cornouio-n, which means "fortress of the Cornish people." 

There may be a connection between Duro-cornovio and the Akkadian dûr which refers to a fortress, as in Dûr-Sharrukin, meaning “Sargon's fortress." The Akkadian word means hill.

However, the original name for Cornwall was Kernow, which appears to be related to words designating royal sites at high elevations. "Kar" refers to cliffs, mountain tops, rock shelters, and locations of burnt offerings and bonfires. 

Note: The Europeans are building Castles on high elevations just like the Mexicans building their temples?

Note: The prehistoric temples in Mexico were also a place where the Anunnaki GODs stayed at when they came to visit. So, you can correlate the English castles to the Mexican temples.

Many rock shelters have been identified in the Carpathian Mountain range. The range is called Karpaty in Czech, Polish, and Slovak, and Карпати in Ukrainian, Carpați in Romanian, Karpaten in German, Kárpátok in Hungarian, Karpati in Serbian, and Карпати in Bulgarian. In Albanian, karpë means "rock."

Mining in Cornwall and Devon began in approximately 2150 BC. From that time Hebrew mining experts were present in Cornwall. In the 1st century AD, one of those experts was Joseph of Ar-Mathea, which means Yosef of the Venerable (Ar) clan of Matthew.

Don't forget that about 70% of native British men have Y-DNA R1b ancestry which is the same as King Tut.

Genetic studies have confirmed that the early Hebrew dispersed widely across the ancient world. Their earliest known places of worship were along the Nile, and they are described as having a reddish skin tone. Interestingly, an early population living in Cornwall were the Dam-oni, which means “red people.” 

The word Dam-oni is derived from two words found in the Bible: dam, a reference to blood and the color red (dammu in Ancient Akkadian), and On, a reference to the great shrine city of Heliopolis (biblical On, Gen. 41:45). The Hebrew ruler Joseph married the daughter of a high-ranking priest of On. Some of the early Hebrew are described as red or ruddyAdam, Seth, Esau, and King David.


So, here is an incredible correlation to the English people of today to be directly related to the Adam’s Bloodline and the Anunnaki Bloodline!

And the Englishmen, Adams’ Bloodline and the Anunnaki have Egyptian King Tut’s DNA

Note: Of course! The Egyptian Pharaohs are the Sumerian people (Noah's children and the Anunnaki) who built Egypt after Noah’s flood. See my Chapter 9.

Note: Remember my Chapter 13c where Saul, David and Solomon were also King/Pharaoh in Egypt?

Note: Thus the Kings in Europe are the most pure of the Adams' (Noah's children) and Anunnaki DNA!

*** The circle is coming complete Boys and Girls! ***

*** I did not expect my research to take me this deep with European DNA ***



In the Book of Mark 15:43, 46: Joseph of Arimathea”, a prominent member of the Sanhedrin who was himself looking forward to the kingdom of God, came and boldly went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’s body. After he bought some linen cloth, Joseph took him down and wrapped him in the linen. Then he laid him in a tomb cut out of the rock and rolled a stone against the entrance to the tomb.,wrapped%20him%20in%20the%20linen.

The legend states that Joseph of Arimathea became a missionary after the death of Jesus and was eventually sent to England to preach the Gospel. He took with him the Holy Grail, and his pilgrim's staff. After landing in England, he made his way to Glastonbury.,made%20his%20way%20to%20Glastonbury.

Note: This is another way to prove the Jews were moving into Europe even before Christianity began?


And the Y-DNA R1b DNA of King Tut that the Englishmen has, were also related to the Hebrew people in Egypt living along the Nile who were described as having “Reddish Skin”? And the early people living in Cornwall were the Dam-oni, which means “Red People”??? Some of the early Hebrew are described as Red or Ruddy???

So, does this mean that the Jews have been related to the Egyptian Pharaohs for 6,000 years? (My stories so far would agree with this.)

Note: Do you remember in my Chapter 6, the very name of Adam, Adama, Adamu where the “Dam” means Red and Red Clay in Jewish and Islam? See my Chapter 6.

Note: Did you see how a bunch of my Chapters are all coming together?


Just from the similarity of the name Cornwall in England to (Karpaty, Карпати, Carpați, Karpaten, Kárpátok, Карпати) in the Czech, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian, Romanian, German, Hungarian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Albanian … etc, 

I am going to say that most of Europe is the same people? Or … just all “European Royalty” and "Aristocrats" are the same?

Which is why they marry into each other’s Royal family only? To maintain the Bloodline? 


Note: Did you know that when the European countries went to war long before, that the armies do not kill the King even though the King was right there leading the armies sometimes? Looks like the Bloodline do not kill each other but let the soldiers die for sure?



Note: Do you want to know where is Adam’s Bloodline today? And where also are the Anunnaki and the Watchers (Nephalim) today, who did not go back to Nibiru?

*** Well, Now You Know!!! ***

The US Dollar has the following Egyptian symbols (see Chapter 13a); 

  1. The Egyptian Pyramid 
  2. The Egyptian “Eye of Ra” is in the US Dollars’ “All-Seeing-Eye“ and Ra is Enlil/Zeus. (Amon Ra is the Sun GOD is Enlil – Zeus).
  3. Novus Ordo Seclorum, located just below the pyramid (US Dollar), literally translates as “New World Order” or “New Order for the Ages.” This phrase in particular has supposed links to both the Illuminati and Freemasons,-According%20to%20Richard&text=Patterson%20and%20Richardson%20Dougall%2C%20Annuit,by%20the%20Roman%20poet%20Virgil.
  4. Annuit Cœptis (meaning “He favours our undertakings”) just above the pyramid (US Dollar).,-According%20to%20Richard&text=Patterson%20and%20Richardson%20Dougall%2C%20Annuit,by%20the%20Roman%20poet%20Virgil.

Take note that these US Dollar symbols are not only Egyptian, but it is Freemason symbols also!

Take note about the “New World Order” on the US Dollar.  I first heard about the “New World Order” from President George Bush Senior I believe.  It is to create a Union of all the countries of the world into one entity. And it will be ruled in the shadows by a small group of people. Guess who the small group of people will be?

Also, a reduction of maybe 30% of world population is required?

Note: Think about who really rules over the European Union of today and the Davos Convention and the Freemasons and the Illuminati? (Just look at what you have read so far!)

Note: Don’t forget the rich Jews who funded Christopher Columbus’ expeditions to the Americas who were paid easily at a minimum $20 Billion dollars’ worth of stolen Gold in my guess? Where did the ships go to deliver? !Holland! So, the first place to investigate would be Holland. (See Chapter 12e.)

US Dollar -> New World Order and the Eye of ProvidenceAll-Seeing-Eye – Eye of Ra?

French -> The Eye of Providence appeared at the top of Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier’s 1789 depiction of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

The divine eye in Pontormo’s Supper at Emmaus (1525)

Key Note: While I have been writing about Sumerians all this time, but after Noah's Flood, the main activities moved from Sumer to Egypt (10,000 years ago). Thus, everything happening today in our lives is related to EGYPT! Which is why none of my readers have even heard of Sumer other than the "Garden of Eden". 

Important! The connection here (as I see it) is Sumerian -> Anunnaki -> Adams’ Bloodline -> Egypt -> Europe -> European Royalty & Noblemen -> Freemason/Illuminati

Do you still need to know who is controlling your governments and your lives? 
(We are their Sheep)

*** End of Chapter ***
*** Next Chapter is going to be FUN ***

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Chapter 13d – Vatican says Aliens don’t need redemption

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Vatican astronomer says if aliens exist, they may not need redemption

This announcement was actually released on May 22, 2008

VATICAN CITY – If aliens exist, they may be a different life form that does not need Christ’s redemption, the Vatican’s chief astronomer said.

Jesuit Father Jose Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory, said Christians should consider alien life as an “extraterrestrial brother” and a part of God’s creation.

Father Funes, an Argentine named to his position by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006, made the remarks in an interview published May 13 by the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

Father Funes said it was difficult to exclude the possibility that other intelligent life exists in the universe, and he noted that one field of astronomy is now actively seeking “biomarkers” in spectrum analysis of other stars and planets.

They (the Aliens) might have remained in full friendship with their creator, (This is my story!!! Wait another year or two and the Catholic Church will tell you what I have been saying -> the Aliens are GOD!!! Just wait.)

“The Bible is not fundamentally a work of science,” he said. “It is a letter of love that God has written to his people, in a language that was used 2,000-3,000 years ago. Obviously, at that time a concept like the big bang was totally extraneous.” DUH! What have I been saying guys???


I know now that I am not going to HELL anymore! Yes!

Why do you think that the Catholic Church built at least two (maybe three) multi-million-dollar Space Observatories? Looking for Aliens! (See Chapter 3!!!)

Just like Government laws change and everyone can now get high on weed without going to jail, I can talk about Aliens now. YES! I can safely talk about Aliens with the approval from GOD himself!  LOL

The Catholic Church killed or warned of being killed to Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Giordano Bruno (1600) for correctly observing that the Earth orbited around the Sun and not the other way around. Don’t need to kill anyone anymore.

The Catholic Church does not need to burn books anymore? Maybe?

The Catholic Church is saying that The Bible is not fundamentally a work of science”. This is BIG! This is HUGE! So how much of the Bible is real and how much is FAKE?  Hmm…. ?

Please say hello to your “extraterrestrial brothers” and a part of God’s creation.

Get ready Boys and Girls!!! The time is getting closer to the Great Revelation!!! 

(By the Catholic Church and the Governments of Earth.)


*** COMMENTS? ***

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Chapter 13c – Bloodline – The Ultimate

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*** This Chapter is my first Revelation ***

*** The Ultimate Bloodline ***

After almost 2 years of casually reading through some of the Sumerian writings, Akkadian, Mayan, Hindu, Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible something came up clear in my mind!  I am starting to see the big picture. Still not the whole picture though.

And all this started to become visible during and after writing my Season 1 End – The Creation of Adam (Hybrid Humans).

This topic of the Bloodline is one of the hidden messages of the Bible that really was not explicitly mentioned.

Let’s see ..

The Bible says that the Jews (Israel) is his “Chosen People”. That the Jews have followed/worshipped the One true GOD! Everyone else is a Gentile or Heathen?

But! Then again, the examples from the bible below show “GOD has chosen you” and not that Israel has chosen GOD. (I can see in the Sumerian texts of the Anunnaki choosing the Bloodline of Adam through his first-born sons!) Below is the Bible examples;

  • Deuteronomy 14:2 - For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
  • 2 Samuel 7:23-24 - And what one nation on the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself …
  • 1 Kings 10:9 - Blessed be the Lord your God who delighted in you to set you on the throne of Israel, because the Lord loved Israel forever …


So, GOD loves Israel because Israel worshipped the one true GOD when no one else had? Not really, none of the three verses above say anything about the Jews loving GOD, not that they didn’t though.  But rather GOD is loving these particular people? WHY? I think it was the Bloodline that is being discussed.

Observe This! I see something else going on. The Bible is solely focused on the family line of Adam via the first born.

Adam -> Seth (and Cain?) -> Enos -> Cainan -> Mahaleel -> Jared -> Enoch -> Methusaleh -> Lamech -> Noah -> ..… -> Terah -> Abraham …..

These guys are the main characters in the Bible. You will see that the first born is very important for the succession of the family line. Remember the last Chapter 13b – Bloodline – European Royalty? The European Kings are following the same family line of the first-born son. But when there is not a first born (died or Not Approved mother), then the second born son or third born son or then the first-born daughter gets chosen.

It looks like the Bible is following the Sumerian Bloodline! I have also shown the European Royals are also following the Sumerian Bloodline rules! (Read Chapter 13b – Bloodline – European Royalty). Heck, everyone is following the Sumerian Bloodline rules right? Hmm ….?

Not only are the European Royals the rulers of Europe, the Bloodline people of the Bible story are also Kings (or Royals)! The Bible of course only mentions King Solomon and King David for example as Kings, but did you know that Adam was a King? King of Eridu in Iraq (Sumer)?

Did you just get that?  Everyone of the Bible’s main characters are all Kings based on the Sumerian stories and the Sumerian Kings list!!!  This is BIG!!!

Don’t forget that I mentioned several times that Cain was King of the Mexico City area called Tenochtitlan? Later, Adam on his deathbed blesses Cain with Kingship in the city of Kish. Even Noah (Ziusudra) was King of Shuruppak. (By the way Shuruppak was one of many Space Ports in Iraq.)

See the table below of the Bloodline of Adam and which cities they were King of? I only tracked from Adam to Noah and Cain because I had to cross reference the Bible names to the Sumerian stories and then to the Sumerian King List names.  Takes time and I am tired now.  LOL.  (By the way there are others who have done similar investigations.)

The list below falls exactly in-line person-by-person down to Noah and the flood.  Also, the Bible’s flood story (in Genesis) fits exactly into the Sumerian flood story!!! (See my Chapter 9 – Noah and the Flood!!!) Just that the Book of Enoch and the Sumerian flood story has so much more details in it than the Bible has.  The Bible’s story is pretty much a cut-down version of the original story, the Sumerian story.

Sumerian City



Rule in
Years Lived)








Eridu original name for Earth
 - In German it is Erde, from Erda
 - in Old High German; Jordh (pronounced as Yordh)
 - in Icelandic, Jord (pronounced as Yord)
 - in Danish. Erthe (sounding closer to Earth?)
 - in Middle English, Airtha
 - in Gothic; Ereds or Aratha
 - in Aramaic, Erd  (sounds like Earth?)
 - in Ertz in Kurdish  (sounds like Earth?) 
 - in Eretz in Hebrew  (sounds like Earth?)












Then Eridu fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira.


















Then Bad-tibira fell and the kingship was taken to Larag.






Then Larag fell and the kingship was taken to Zimbir.

GOD took Enoch to be with him after this.
½ Anunnaki/½ Human





Then Zimbir fell and the kingship was taken to Shuruppak.






Then Zimbir (Sippar) fell and the kingship was taken to Shuruppak.

Lived 777 years, died before the flood
½ Anunnaki/½ Human





in Akkadian)

I am getting a very long date for reign of Noah when the bible says Noah lived only 960 years total?
But the Sumerians say that Enlil blesses Ziusudra (Noah) with long life.

Noah was 600 years when the flood came. Genesis 7:11

The flood lasted 40 days. 40 is a popular number next to 3, 7 and 12 in the Bible.
½ Anunnaki/½ Human

- Flood -

- Flood -

- Flood -

- Flood -

- Flood -

- Flood -






This one I am guessing it is Cain because Adam gave Kic (Kish) to Cain before Adam died, before the flood.
And Adam was also King of Kish.
½ Anunnaki/½ Human




























































Terah = Oracle priest (Priest-Prince) in Nippur, Ur, and Harran (the biblical Terah, father of Abraham)
(Harran = twin city of Ur)






Ibrum in

Scion of a priestly royal family from Nippur and Ur, the biblical Abraham

  • Take a look at where the Cities in the Sumerian stories are located.
  • See Eridu, the first town the Anunnaki people built when they arrived on Earth? Adam was King of Eridu.
  • Do you see Ur? It is next to Eridu? And Abraham grew up in Ur before he moved to the new land that is now called Israel? So, Abraham brought the Sumerian stories to Israel and the Bible is basically a very poor copy or summarized version of the stories from Ur? (I have complained about this before)
  • Sippar was where Enoch was King.
  • Noah and his father Lamech ruled over Shuruppak.
  • Eden or E.DIN should be slightly east of Ur. Eden is where Enki’s (Poseidon) palace is located. (Not on the map.)


See below a comparison of the Bible verses against the Sumerian story of Ziusudra (Noah). It is very similar! Anyone still not believing that Noah = Ziusudra? (My Chapter 9 – Noah and the Flood will give you so much more proof that Ziusudra is Noah and that GOD speaking to Noah is Enki!!!. Oops, I gave out a future clue.)


Another thing is that I find the Sumerian writing format uses Chapters and Verses and guess what? The Torah and the Bible written long after, also follow the same formats! Interesting, don’t you think? Very interesting!



Just like the Sumerian GODs (the Anunnaki) having responsibilities in Iraqi cities and Indian, Mexican and Egyptian cities, Adam’s Bloodline, it looks like, were also responsible for multiple cities. Remember that just above, I remind you the reader, that Cain was King in Tenochtitlan, Mexico and also Kish, Iraq?

We can see here that the Anunnaki GODs were always working and taking on multiple responsibilities.  They were not just Rulers who sat on the throne and got fat and lazy! They were always working. They had extremely good work ethics.

Unfortunately, they were also violent, fighting amongst each other, later with nuclear bombs even!

We’ll see below of an analysis of how it looks like Saul, David and Solomon were also Egyptian Pharaohs? One example of proof, the author says is where the Bible has both David and Pharaoh (Thutmose I) conquering Gezer, which became the dowry for his daughter? (I am going to accept this claim from the author without double checking for now. I’ll take comments.) See below;

  • Pharaoh Ahmose = Ahimaaz
  • Pharaoh Amenhotep I = Saul
  • Pharaoh Thutmose I = David
  • Pharaoh Thutmose II = Solomon
  • Pharaoh Hatshepsut = “Queen of Sheba
  • Pharaoh Thutmose III = “King Shishak of Egypt”.

“Saul married Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz (I Samuel 14:50), who must have been an Egyptian princess. This made Saul a pharaoh. He was Amenhotep I. He may have co-ruled with his successor Thutmose I. No one is entirely certain. That would certainly fit with the awkward co-regency between Saul and David.”

“Thutmose I (David), who was not related to Amenhotep I (Saul) because David was of a different tribe from Saul, married the princess daughter of Amenhotep I (Saul). That David was a pharaoh is apparent from the fact that the Bible has both David and Pharaoh conquering Gezer, which became the dowry for his daughter.”

“The famed daughter of Thutmose I (David), who greatly revered her father, was Hatshepsut, whom Velikovsky had rightly identified as the biblical “Queen [of] Sheba”.


Pretty cool huh? I didn’t expect to see this, but I am not surprised if it were true! Yet again, it looks like both the Sumerian GODs and Adams’ Bloodline were ruling the cities in Sumer, Egypt and Mexico at the same time sometimes, and I haven’t even researched the Polynesian Islands, China and Japan!!! Looks like both the Sumerian GODs and Adams’ Bloodline were very busy “Working Royals” like the European Royal families, right? Yes! (Too bad Megan Markle did not like it. LOL)

Ultimate Bloodline – DNA?

In my Chapter 8 – Enoch, Noah was born looking like a Norwegian Blonde (or Albino) with very light skin with red cheeks and blue eyes with fiery red inner. (P.S. do you see how my Chapters are all coming together? LOL.)

You see, Noah’s father was working out of town and when he got back and saw Noah’s white skin and Pink hue, he was shocked and couldn’t believe it.  Noah’s father ran to Noah’s grandfather regarding the disturbing news. Noah’s grandfather runs to speak with Noah’s great grandfather, Enoch, regarding this disturbing issue.

Noah’s great grandfather, Enoch, assures everyone that Noah is really a “Gift from GOD”. Enoch knows something that he is not saying to Methuselah, Noah’s Grandfather.

(I have a challenge to all the Christians; Please let me know how many times in the Bible does GOD or an Angel appear to the mother saying “You Have Been Blessed by GOD with gift of a Child”?) LOL.

By the way, the Book of Enoch (the Bible) is very close to the Sumerian story. (See Chapter 8 – Enoch.) But again, the Sumerian story has so much more detail in it. (Anyone want to argue that the Sumerian story should not be the official Bible reference?)

Almost everyone in Adam’s bloodline was increasing in Anunnaki DNA down the generations compared to the rest of the original humans.  Thus, this bloodline would be the most intelligent of all the humans and look different (like Noah). Which would give them a HUGE advantage over the rest of the humans. They would be smart enough to manipulate the humans and get the humans to obey them and do things for them and in turn to make themselves RICH!

Note: Comparing Anunnaki DNA to Human DNA is like comparing Human DNA to Chimpanzee DNA. There is no challenge here. Adam’s Bloodline is extremely more intelligent than we are, and they are in the shadows controlling our Governments today!!! (The Puppet Masters.)

Noah’s flood did not kill everyone

In the Bible the Book of Numbers Chapter 13 verse 31-33 tells us something very interesting.

  • Verse 31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.”
  • Verse 32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.
  • Verse 33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”

There were still Nephilim’s around when the Bible itself said everyone including the Nephilim were dead from the flood???

Interesting how the Bible is contradicting itself so easily don’t you think? Since the Christians are not supposed to question anything the Church or Bible says, or face death in Hell, all contradictions get passed on, I guess?  Anyways, how many Christians actually read and understood the Bible? 1% probably.

In Verse 33 above, “descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim”,

  • is the Anak the Anunnaki?  Maybe? 
  • Is this a clue directly in the Bible, the actual Smoking Gun clue???

So, all over the world, the flood did-not-kill-everyone! And I’m not making this up. I’m only referencing (Verse 33) in the Bible itself.

Also, is the Bible finally admitting the existence of the Anunnaki???

My Revelation

This would be my First revelation. Read carefully.

The bible stories are focused on following Adams Bloodline! Adam -> Seth -> … Noah -> … -> Abraham ...
  • The Bible is not following the Jewish people in general.
  • This is the same with the Sumerian stories. The Sumerian stories are following the first born (the Bloodline) down.  The brothers and sisters are barely mentioned.

When the Bible says, “you are my chosen people”, (“you have always walked with me”.) It is Enki (Poseidon) and Enlil (Zeus) to a lesser extent who were spending all their time with Adam’s Bloodline!

  • Remember the 3 Bible verses on top, where the examples from the bible show “GOD has chosen you” and not that Israel has chosen GOD. It is because Adam’s Bloodline were the kings, so they must daily interact with Enki for King/ruling stuff and GOD stuff, etc…
  • It was Enki (Poseidon) really, who decided to make the humans as Kings to rule over the rest of the humans. This way the Anunnaki has more time to do other things.
  • If people today think otherwise, but it is advantageous at the same time for the Bloodline, then let’s keep the story going.

Everyone in Adam’s Bloodline were Kings in Iraq, and also in in Egypt and Mexico and maybe India too.

  • And there is a clue to this in the Bible with the Saul and King David story! (See above.)
  • And the clue of Cain in the Bible - “And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch”. Genesis 4:17 which is being King of Tenochtitlan, Mexico. (See Chapter 12b.)
This Bloodline has the most Anunnaki DNA (intelligence) of all humans.

This Bloodline will look closest to the Anunnaki look.
  • Remember in the Book of Enoch, Noah looked like a blue-eyed platinum Blonde? (See Chapter 8.)
  • Supposedly Noah’s DNA mix was the first one to get enough Anunnaki DNA to get Blonde hair and Blue eyes.
  • Or that possibly Zeus had sky blue eyes? (See Chapter 13b.)

Bloodline will continue to rule over the humans.
  • Remember that this Bloodline has always been the Kings in different countries.  Hint .. Hint!
  • Where are they today?
    • In Holland? The Royals? In Europe, China …?
    • What do they look like?  They are not 8 ft tall anymore because after 10,000 years of Earth’s stronger gravity, they are shorter than that but still more on the tall side of the Human average height? Or they have evolved to normal average Human height now? But their intelligence is still much higher than normal humans.  Einstein and Tesla anyone?
Are we the sheep to this Bloodline? Like what was the value of the “Humans” to the “Machines” in the movie “The Matrix”? Think about it!

Note: Israel = Isra-EL. Just like the angel names like Michael = Micha-EL and Gabri-EL.
  • The significance of “EL” I will explain later. (EL, Eloah, Elohim…)

Note: For any mixed marriages with the Anunnaki, the human wife and mixed children will not have permission to enter Planet Nibiru nor can they assume the throne.
  • Similar to European Royalty rules today, right?

: King Anu or a Vizir had sent a message to Earth to Enki (Poseidon) and Enlil (Zeus) and the other Anunnaki that there were other Anunnaki who had returned home to Planet Nibiru after this long time on Earth, but their bodies unfortunately got used to Earth’s short cycles and they died quickly on Nibiru. (
  • The suggestion was for the Anunnaki to remain on Earth forever???

: Thus! The Bloodline today will not be 8 feet tall because of the higher gravity on Earth.
  • They might be taller than average though, like averaging over 6ft tall?
  • And would they still look like a Norwegian Blonde? How about Red hair? 
  • Blue eyes or Green eyes?
  • Do you know what was Hitler’s idea of his “Super Race”? (I wonder where he got his idea from)?
  • They might also live longer than the average human lifespan or not? (I have not checked into this.)

By the way
!!! After speaking to my friend in California, I just realized that there are TWO Bloodlines in question here. To be explained in the next Chapter!



*** Next Chapter – Where are They ***

*** It will be my second Revelation ***

Chapter 12j – India – British Engineered Famines

  Introduction ·          What is written in this chapter on India is yet again a perfect example of what the Christian Europeans did to t...