Thursday, October 24, 2024

Chapter 12h – India – Christian Portuguese Invasion

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·         When I write my chapters on ancient religion and explain that Europe was really Hindu/Aryan and supply evidence of prayers and poems in European countries that actually call out India and Hindustan, Indra and Krishna and also Rama, my White readers either laugh it off or feel uncomfortable being associated with India and Indians too closely.

·         I don’t blame them though. The last 50 years to the outside world, India looks like a backward, poor, uneducated and poverty-stricken country. Who wants to be associated with that?

·         But what I have uncovered in my overall research of ancient history is truly amazing!

·         The Romans had not only traded with India 26 BC. - 330 CE., but the Romans also had embassies in India and received Indian ambassadors to Rome during that time. (Emperors Agustus to Nero to Constantine.)

·         Many cities in India from North to South had Roman Embassies/representatives established for trade and communication. Indo-Roman relations -

·         Seleucus I, the Greek/Hellenistic king, sent Megasthenes (350-290 B.C.) as an ambassador to the court of King Chandragupta Maurya in India.

·         The Indo-Greek Maharaja Menander I converted to Buddhism and abdicated the throne to retire to a life of meditation. Some of his coins show the Buddhist Dharma Chakra. When he died, his ashes were distributed among the Buddhist Stupas in different cities in a similar way to Buddha.

·         Greek ambassador Heliodorus became a follower of Krishna/Vishnu. (Around 113 BC.- see Chapter 15m)

·         Buddhism spread to Rome and Greece at a lesser level.

·         But this is nothing! Read below for how later in the 1500’s, the Christians destroyed India!



1st Century AD to 1500 AD

India and China were the largest economies in the world at this period in time. India was maybe half the economy of China.

Now, the economy for this time is calculated by population numbers so India had a large and productive population. And that the population was not starving but rather they were prosperous.

By the time of the 1500 AD, India and China’s economies (still the largest in the world) were estimated at $100 Billion each in 2015 US Dollar value.

Also, during this time, India had been invaded by the Greeks, Persian/Iranian and the Turkish empires and then they left or stayed permanently.  But while India was invaded, these invaders did not steal the riches of India to be taken back to their countries.

Only the Christian Europeans, pretty much raped India of everything they could get their hands on! And then forced the Indians to grow crops that they could sell to their homeland in Europe for pure profit without consideration for feeding the Indian communities.



India had an open-frontier attitude in welcoming foreigners for 1000’s of years.

1.    Jewish immigration into India began right after the fall of Jerusalem in the first century and continued for many hundreds of years.

2.    Baghdadi Jews, such as the highly successful Sassoons, came in large numbers even as late as the 18th century.

3.    Christians started coming at least from the fourth century, and possibly much earlier. There are colorful legends about this, including one that tells us that the first-person St Thomas the Apostle met after coming to India in the first century was a Jewish girl playing the flute on the Malabar coast.

4.    The Parsis started arriving from the early eighth century – as soon as persecution (Islam) began in their Iranian homeland.

5.    Later in that century, the Armenians began to leave their footprints from Kerala to Bengal.

6.    Muslim Arab traders had a substantial presence on the west coast of India from around that time – well before the arrival of Muslim conquerors many centuries later, through the arid terrain in the north-west of the subcontinent.

7.    Persecuted Bahá’ís from Iran came only in the 19th century.


Wait till you find out about China in a later chapter.



The Christians invade India

Everyone in Christian Europe desperately wanted to get a piece of India for themselves. They really did not want to trade; they wanted to invade to steal!

·         They come in as traders at first, then they establish a trading post, while their teams scope out the land for the strength of the regional Maharajah.

·         Then they build fortresses if they can get away with it on Indian lands.

·         Finally, when they are ready, they impose their authority over the lands that they want.

·         If the Maharajah attacks them, they happily shoot, kill and destroy at will.


This is what the Christians did to India.

Oh, and don’t forget, that the Catholic Church then quickly sends out their priests to India to tell the Indians that they are worshipping the devil and that their Invader/Murderers’ Christian GOD is the only true GOD! The nerve! The famous Catholic priest Francis Xavier imposed the murderous Portuguese Inquisition on Goa India (on 16th May 1546).



!!! Read the below section very carefully!!!

A forgotten holocaust of Hindus and Jews -

·         The Portuguese ordered all temples within the colony to be shut; this marked the beginning of the bloody Goan Inquisition that comprised of gross human right violations and mass executions of the local Hindu, Jew and Muslim populations.

·         In 1541, idol worship was forbidden in the Portuguese colony of Goa and over 350 temples were destroyed by the Portuguese soldiers. The Spanish did the same in the Americas.

·         The Catholic priest Francis Xavier wrote to King John III of Portugal on 16th May 1546 to impose Inquisition on Goa in an attempt to ‘discipline’ the residents and make them follow Catholicism.

·         The Jews who fled the Spanish Inquisition in Spain was now tortured in India instead!!! India was the only country in the world where Jews were given absolute freedom to practice their faith, especially under the Hindu kingdoms.

·         The Christian missionaries called the Hindus ‘uncultured’ and ‘savages’, who worshipped black idols ‘resembling demons’ (“how nice isn’t it?”). An Inquisition office was thereby set up which aimed to discriminate against Hindus on all matters possible.

·         Hindus were forbidden from holding any public office, inheriting their father’s property or testifying as witnesses in courts. If a Hindu child was deemed to be an orphan by the colonialists, the child was ‘seized’ by the Society of Jesus (founded by the not-so-saintly Francis Xavier) and made to change his religion.

·         In 1567, a law banning Christians from employing Hindus in the colony was introduced. Similar with the Spanish in the Americas!

·         Those convicted of following another religion were subjected to heinous punishments, including public flogging, being ‘put on the rack’, burnt on stakes and having one’s nails and eyes crushed by bloodthirsty missionaries. In some cases, entire villages were burnt with the women and children taken as slaves. Large wheels were used for torture, with those convicted of following Hinduism or Judaism being tied to the wheel and then spun, with almost every bone of the innocent Hindu or Jew being crushed.

·         Hindu children were sometimes taken away from their parents and burnt in front of them, with the parent being tied and forced to witness his child being burnt alive until he accepts to convert to Christianity.

This is exactly what the Spanish did in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Peru the 1500’s also! Burning people alive and feeding babies to the dogs alive while the dying parents watched.

Goa Inquisition (Image credit: Navrang India)

The Goa Inquisition – T. R. DeSouza

!!! I hope that the famous Catholic Priest Saint Francis Xavier burns in HELL !!!


·         French historian and philosopher Voltaire wrote, “Goa is sadly famous for its Inquisition, which is contrary to humanity as much as to commerce. The Portuguese monks deluded us into believing that the Indian populace was worshipping the Devil, while it is they who served him.” –

·         The Catholic Church proudly reports that Francis Xavier was instrumental in a mass conversion of 30,000 Paravar fishermen at Cape Comorin in one example. Guess what? Under the threat of death, they converted! Yes, I agree.

·         The Catholic Church still continuously accepted the 10% offerings to the Christian GOD and blessed the Portuguese for safe journey back to India to get more stolen product. Hallelujah! Praise the LORD!

Key Note:

·         The very purpose that Christopher Columbus went searching for new land was to find a new place for the Jews in Spain to escape the Spanish Inquisition. Columbus was a Jew himself in secret. (See Chapter 12d)

·         But guess what? While trying to escape the Spanish Inquisition in Spain, Columbus introduced 1,000 times worse condition to the natives in the Americas. Slavery, Torture, Murder Looting and Death of every country in Central America to South America. (See Chapter 12d)

·         So, say “Thank You” to Columbus!

·         I’ll leave North America’s atrocities for another day.

Spanish Inquisition - Convert or you die!

The Portuguese did not really leave Goa region and India till between 1961 to 1978. (460+ years.)

“!!!Good Riddance!!!”

!!! Christianity is Great isn’t it? !!!

!!! I am Disgusted !!!

History is written by the Winners. Because the losers are DEAD!

It wasn’t just the British who ruled over India, the Portuguese, French, Dutch etc.. all had a piece of India in this period of time. The British being the biggest destroyer with the help of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company.

India wasn’t the only victim of the Christian Invaders, Nepal and Sri Lanka was also invaded and destroyed by the Christian British.


Below is the list of Christian European countries who came to India. Most of them really invaded parts of India for different periods of time.,pressure%20and%20influence%20by%20their

All the Christians wanted was to steal from India! 

·         Austrian East India Company      1778–1785 
·         Swedish East India Company     1731–1813 
·         Dutch East India Company         1605–1825 
·         Danish East India Company        1620–1869 
·         French East India Company        1668–1954 
·         Portuguese East India Company 1628–1633 
·         British India                                   1600–1947 
·         British East India Company         1600–1757 
·         British rule in Portuguese India    1797–1813


Everyone seems to have an “East India” company for the sole purpose of stealing and destroying India.

These Christians get their blessings from the Catholic Pope or Protestant Bishops before they set sail for India.

Everyone knew that this was an invasion plan of India since they already knew all about the wonderful Gold and Silver obtained from the invasion and theft of the Americas!

They proudly set sail with the Cross on all their masts, golden Cross around the necks, Cross on their flags etc. The Indians will remember them as the “Invaders with the Cross”.

Christianity was displayed proudly and daily.

These Christian Invaders being good Christians, will bring 10% of the loot from India to the church to be blessed by the church in the name of Jesus. Just like with the loot from Mexico, Columbia, Peru etc. So, the church knows this is blood-stained stolen property, but the church does not care! They never cared!



The Portuguese State of India,Northern%20Province%20of%20Portuguese%20India.

Map of Portuguese Invasion throughout India

Portuguese Invaders sail proudly with the blessings from the Church and GOD

Vasco da Gama's arrival in Calicut in 1498 ushered in five centuries of Invasion/Rule of the Portuguese Empire in India, lasting until 1961.

Vasco da Gama was the first Christian European to reach India by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope, and arriving at Calicut on May 20, 1498.

These nice Christians supposedly only wanted to trade. Buying spices and textile from Indian traders.

But this was not true. The Christian Portuguese wanted to take for free/steal from India it’s products.



Early city of Kozhikode, India in foreign accounts

Indians were good ship builders also. Maybe not as big as the Christian Europeans but seaworthy to Africa for sure.

Uru, a type of ship that was historically used for maritime trade, built at Beypore, Kozhikode.

Indians were great commercial ship builders of their time


·         Ibn Battuta (1342–1347), who visited six times, gives the earliest glimpses of life in the city. He describes Kozhikode as "one of the great ports of the district of Malabar" where "merchants of all parts of the world are found here". The greater part of the Muslim merchants of this place are so wealthy that one of them can purchase the whole freightage of such vessels put here and fit out others like them".

·         Ma Huan (1403), the Chinese sailor part of the Imperial Chinese fleet under Cheng Ho (Zheng He) lauds the city as a great emporium of trade frequented by merchants from around the world.

·         Abdur Razzak (1442–1443) the ambassador of Persian Emperor Sha-Rohk finds the city harbor perfectly secured and notices precious articles from several maritime countries especially from Abyssinia, Zirbad and Zanzibar.

·         The Italian Niccolò de' Conti (1445), perhaps the first Christian traveler who noticed Kozhikode, describes the city as abounding in pepper, lac, ginger, a larger kind of cinnamon, myrobalans and zedoary.

·         The Russian traveler Athanasius Nikitin or Afanasy Nikitin (1468–1474) calls 'Calecut' a port for the whole Indian sea and describes it as having a "big bazaar."

·         Other travelers who visited Kozhikode include the Italian Ludovico di Varthema (1503–1508) and Duarte Barbosa.

The battle begins

By 1504 (in just 6 years of first contact), the Christian Portuguese attacks the King of Cochin, India. They also partnered with a couple of nearby Kingdoms to increase their power. The battle was fought on land and sea. The King of Cochin was a formidable adversary and the Christian Portuguese after suffering setbacks had to seek a treaty with the King of Cochin.


But the Christian Portuguese did not stop here, Francisco de Almeida was appointed Viceroy of India in 1505. They established fortresses in other regions along the west coast (Malabar coast) of India where the rulers were too weak to fight the Christian invaders.


Overall, India was the size of Europe.  So, it was very difficult to conquer the entire country in one battle or just a series of battles.

Unfortunately, India did not really have a central government with a central military but instead local and state governance. So, the Christian invaders had plenty of time to pick the weaker regions one-by-one to conquer. And then with the newly conquered military force, the Christians can now have the “captured army” to help fight against their own countrymen. How convenient!!!

Vasco da Gama


Vasco da Gama traded at Calicut port. But these Portuguese were unable to pay the prescribed customs duties and price of his goods in gold.

So, the Calicut officials temporarily detained da Gama's Portuguese agents as security for payment. This annoyed da Gama, who carried off a few natives and sixteen fishermen with him by force. So, the Portuguese kidnapped Indians because they did not want to pay customs duties!

Nevertheless, da Gama's expedition was successful beyond all reasonable expectations, bringing in cargo worth sixty times the cost of the expedition. What this really means is that he pretty much stole from the Indians!

Pedro Álvares Cabral


Pedro Álvares Cabral sailed to India, to trade for black pepper and other spices, negotiating and establishing a factory at Kozhikode, where he arrived on 13 September 1500. Matters worsened when the Portuguese factory at Kozhikode was ambushed by the locals, resulting in the deaths of more than fifty Portuguese. Cabral was outraged by the attack on the factory and seized ten Arab merchant ships anchored in the harbor, killing about six hundred of their crew, confiscating their cargo and promptly burning the ships. Cabral also ordered his ships to bombard Calicut for an entire day in retaliation for the violation of the agreement. Additionally, Cabral succeeded in making advantageous treaties with local rulers in Cochin and Cannanore. Cabral started the return voyage on 16 January 1501 and arrived in Portugal with only 4 of the 13 ships on 23 June 1501.


Key Note:

There are so much more battles and killing conducted by the Christian Portuguese, but I have made my point here.

It is interesting how the Christian Portuguese appointed each other as Viceroy of different Indian cities when they have no business being there!

I also like how the Portuguese pick and choose various cities to build their fortresses when they have no business being there!

A Portuguese nobleman riding on a horse and surrounded by attendants in India, from Jan Huygen van Linschoten's "Itinerario" (Amsterdam, 1596)

It is nice to see these Christian Portuguese enjoying their lives while attended to by forced Indian labor?



An important question is ….

What did India do to Europe for the Christian Europeans to come to India to kill Indians???

!!! Nothing !!!



·         These Christian Europeans were all blessed by the Church before they set sail to India.

·         They sailed with the Cross on their ships, Cross on their chains around their necks, Cross on their flags. There is no denying that they were Christians.

·         They primarily sought to fight, kill and take over each city that was of benefit to them.

·         They did not want to pay the required taxes for their purchases and also eventually fought and killed the local Kings to steal the goods for practically free.

·         They proudly gave 10% of the loot to the Church and was blessed by the Church in the name of Jesus.

·         The Catholic Priest St. Francis Xavier then imposed the Inquisition to forcibly under threat of Death to convert the Indians, Jews and Muslims to Christianity so that the populace will now obey the Portuguese and cater to them.


The next Chapter, about the Christian British is even WORSE! The number of Indians dead, starving and the trillions of dollars stolen from India is simply despicable.


Stay tuned!



*** End of Chapter ***

Chapter 12j – India – British Engineered Famines

  Introduction ·          What is written in this chapter on India is yet again a perfect example of what the Christian Europeans did to t...