Friday, December 27, 2024

Chapter 14a – Happy Birthday Joshua


·         How many people know of Jesus’ real name?

·         How many people know where the different names come from?

·         How many other GODs are born on Dec 25th?



The actual name of Jesus is Yeshua or Yehoshua.

Yeshua really translates to Joshua in English!

Yehoshua could be Hebrew and Yeshu/Yeshua could be the Aramaic/Syrian equivalent.


·         Yshral = Israel

·         Christ is a title (Greek translation of Messiah)

·         Messiah = Anointed with oil

·         Christos = Anointed One

·         Christou = son of Christos

·         Immanuel is also a title



So how did Jesus come about?

You have to leave it to the Greeks for this. Since it was the Greeks who designed and created the New Testament and then passed it on to the Romans to execute.


The Greeks translate Yeshua as Yeisoos. (Y-ei-soos)

The Spanish then translates Yeisoos sounding as Heisoos (or spelled as Jesús)

The English then translates the Spanish version to Jesus. (without the Spanish accent)

So now this is how we get Jesus.

Yeshua really should be Joshua.


There’s probably a more accurate representation of this transition out there than the above mentioned.



How did December 25 come about?

There have been several GODs with the birthday of December 25 that occurred 1,000 years to 3,000 years before Jesus.


They are;

1.    Horus – Egyptian

2.    Mitras – Persian

3.    Dionysus – Greek

4.    Thammuz – Babylonian


Some of these GODs were also conceived by a miraculous conception. The Jesus story is not unique. It’s been out for thousands of years in different variations.

Now what about the popular December 25 date? This date is regarding the Winter Solstice.  The date that the sun is furthest south thus the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is Sun Worship!


They also follow the sun and the moon for spring. Hint; Easter follows the moon cycle (Paschall Moon) of Spring; (Moon Worship). This is why the Church really does not know when Jesus was born and when he died.


The church is only following the existing worship of the Sun and the Moon as done by the Egyptians, Greeks, Germans etc… Nothing new here.



Roman temple of Isis converted to Christian church

The Romans, to streamline the conversion of the people to the new religion, simply switched the Isis temples to Christian churches.

The inside of the temples would have been gutted out and filled back with statues of Jesus and Mary and the Apostles.


Basically, the message to the people would be;

·         It is now a Christian church instead of Isis temple.

·         Come and pray on December 25 like you always did.

·         Pray to child GOD Jesus instead of child GOD Horus.

·         Pray to mother of GOD Mary instead of mother of GOD Isis.

·         You will call yourself Christians instead of Isis worshippers.


This is a very convenient way of switching the population to a new religion.

·         Same place to worship

·         Same time of the year for a celebration

·         Same characters but different name to worship


The big difference is that all the other Pagan GODs disappear. Streamlining to One GOD worship. I suspect that the Romans and Greeks had a problem with centralized administration. Every month there would have been a celebration for a different GOD or GODDESS. The citizens are not working all at the same time. By switching to One GOD everyone works together, and everyone takes a vacation on Easter and Christmas only.

Much more productive this way!


Note: I let Google AI answer the below for me. LOL.

·         In some pagan traditions, particularly those related to ancient Egyptian mythology, the goddess Isis is associated with December 25th because this date is believed to coincide with the birth of her son, Horus, which is often seen as symbolizing the rebirth of the sun around the winter solstice, a time of renewed light after the darkest days of the year; essentially mirroring the Christian narrative of Jesus' birth on December 25th.



Temples either destroyed or converted to churches

In order to facilitate the introduction of the new religion, existing Pagan temples were converted to Churches with pagan statues destroyed or if unnecessary, the temples themselves were destroyed. The citizens were then told to worship the new religion.

An example of this I shared in Chapter 15f showing the Vedic religious artifact “Shiva Lingam” found buried in many places in Rome. Many of these Vedic artifacts were found buried in Rome around destroyed Temples after Christianity took over.



Mother and Son


The Greeks and the Romans have been worshipping Mother Isis and child GOD Horus since 300 B.C. Both Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire loved Isis. Both Greece and Rome built many temples to Isis throughout their lands. The popularity of the Goddess Isis lasted up to the middle of 300 A.D.


While during this period (150 A.D. to 300 A.D.), the Roman Empire went back and forth when switching to Christianity. One Roman Emperor would persecute the Christians, and the next Emperor would allow Christianity to flourish. Finally with Emperor Theodosius who issued the Edict of Thessalonica, Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire. 


But this was also bad news! Those who were already Christians but who were not Roman Catholic was again persecuted! In fact, any Christian who was not Roman Catholic was instantly considered a heretic.  All property will be confiscated and I’m betting they would be killed if still resisted from converting to Catholicism. So the Catholic Church really did not care about Christians.  The Church wanted POWER.


Also, the non-Christians, the original Pagans, faced the same persecution. “Convert to this wonderful new religion or Die”, was pretty much the rule. But before this time, it was the Christians who were being persecuted and killed by the Romans.


I would imagine that this was a very confusing time in the region.

Egypt (Mother Isis and child GOD Horus) and Christian (Mother Mary and child GOD Jesus)

Note. I have found that the early European mosaics and paintings of Jesus and Mary were of a very dark-skinned family. Later pictures of Jesus are of a white European man.

India (Mother Yashoda and child GOD Krishna)


Note: Krishna is frequently portrayed as Blue skinned or Dark skinned besides being light skinned.

Note: Krishna’s life struggles match the closest to Jesus’.

A mosaic of young Krishna as a cow herd playing his flute at the pasture lands found near Athens, Greece from a destroyed Pagan Temple.

This is a classic representation of Krishna.

Except that that the Greeks loved to make everyone naked! WHY?

One thing for sure is that this mosaic was not purchased from India.

For the stories of Mother and Son, the “Jesus and Mary” story is the last one told, being only 2,000 years old. Really the story of a child GOD being born in a difficult situation and facing danger as an infant was a popular story throughout the region for thousands of years. This is nothing new.

So, the question is if all the stories are similar but changed throughout time since there was no writing back then thus the verbal passing of the story from memory would have created variations of the original story? Quite possibly so.

The Krishna – Jesus comparison

I’m going to be lazy here and let Google AI give me the answer. LOL. See below;

·         Divine conception: Both were believed to be divinely conceived sons of God

·         Royal ancestry: Both had royal genealogies

·         Threatened by a wicked ruler: Both were threatened with death by a wicked ruler

·         Miracles: Both worked miracles

·         Transfiguration: Both transfigured themselves

·         Predicted their own deaths: Both predicted their own deaths

·         Resurrection: Both rose from death and ascended into heaven

·         Teachings: Both emphasized love and peace

·         Birth in unusual places: Both were born in unusual places, Christ in a manger and Krishna in a prison cell

·         Saved from death: Both were divinely saved from death pronouncements

·         Pursued by evil forces: Evil forces pursued both Christ and Krishna in vain

·         Depicted as shepherds: Christ is often depicted as a shepherd, and Krishna was a cowherd.

·         Both died being pierced by a sharp metal object.


Reminder: Krishna is not an Indian GOD. Krishna is an Aryan GOD.  Which is why Krishna, Shiva and others are found in Greece, Rome, Russia, Ireland, Poland and Serbia to name a few countries. Then the names change to Poseidon or Hercules in Greek mythology. (Also, Indra becomes Zeus). When and why this change came about I do not know yet.


But surely when the Catholic Church took over, they destroyed everything they could, including books. Europeans really know nothing today of their past.


Note: From Google AI

·         The widespread practice of book burning during the Middle Ages, particularly by the Catholic Church, where religious texts considered heretical or blasphemous were destroyed in large public bonfires, often as a way to suppress dissenting ideas and control religious doctrine.


In other words, the Catholic Church was destroying the past Vedic religion to be able to brainwash the European people going forward. The Catholic Church did the same thing in Mexico, Central America and South America. This is the reason why the Catholic Church sent their Priests, Deacons and Fryers to every country that the Christian Europeans invaded. To destroy the previous religion by murder and force the survivors to convert under fear.


Note: A fun fact from Wikipedia below;,and%20the%20Jobares%20of%20Jamuna.

·         Megasthenes, a Greek ethnographer and an ambassador of Greek King Seleucus I to the court of Chandragupta Maurya (India) towards the end of 4th century BCE, mentioned that the Sourasenoi tribe of India, worshipped Herakles.

·         Edwin Bryant, a professor of Indian religions states that Herakles, is likely a Greek phonetic equivalent of Hari-Krishna.

·         When Alexander the Great launched his campaign in the northwest Indian subcontinent, his associates recalled that the soldiers of Porus (Indian) were carrying an image of Herakles.




*** End of Chapter ***


Chapter 12j – India – British Engineered Famines

  Introduction ·          What is written in this chapter on India is yet again a perfect example of what the Christian Europeans did to t...