Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Chapter 12i – India – The British Destroys



·         No DOGS or INDIANS allowed”. The sign really says it all.

·         During ancient times, “India” was synonymous with all of Asia. Also, India and China were the greatest economies of the world from 500 B.C. to 1500 A.D. This is why the Dutch, British, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese etc. all called their companies the “East India” companies for the sole purpose of stealing from India.

·         While the Portuguese Catholics were directly killing Indians, Muslims, Christians and even Jews in the name of Jesus and blessed by the Pope, it was the British who really DESTROYED India!

·         47 trillion dollars stolen from India.

·         30 million Indians died.

·         India, a solid and prosperous country for way over 2,000 years was turned into beggars.

·         Warning! This is not just a story of India! This is what the Christian Europeans did to every single country on Earth that they invaded!

Yes, by the 1900s in the eyes of the Christian Europeans, the Indians were nothing but like a dog to them!

Amazing Rare Photos of British India Before 1947 | India During British Rule | Gingerline Media

Indians have no choice but to kiss the feet of the Christian British Colonials after the British destroyed Indian factories to move the jobs to England to support their economy there.

Lazy man can’t take bath by himself?

Oh wait! After 300 years of destruction by the British, Indians are desperate enough to work for pennies!

Dandy, Mussoorie, unknown photographer, 1875, via The Times UK

Indian children are servants to the British too! 

The Christian British brought Indians down to nothing. Indians were not allowed to own businesses or lands, so Indians were pretty much beggars to the British!

This is why India became a very poor and an uneducated country!

Mark my words, the same things were happening in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Africa, Malaysia etc ..


Indians were so desperate for work after the British destroyed Indian factories and prevented Indians from owning businesses and, farming land was controlled to only what the British needed to sell to Europe that the Indians agreed to be sent to anywhere and everywhere the British needed workers.  From Southeast Asia to Africa to Hispaniola to South America!

The Christian Europeans

By the time the Christians came to invade India, India by itself was contributing to 27% of the world’s economy. More than all of Europe combined!

250 years later and thanks to the Christians, India’s share of the world’s economy plunged to just 3% in the late 1800s! Also, during this period Indians faced Poverty, Starvation and Death!

Oh! I almost forgot; the Church was busy sending preachers to India to teach them the wonderful new religion, so that if they do die, they can go to heaven at the least! How Sweet?

Why pray to the Christian GOD who allows the European Christians to steal from you and starve you and your family to Death?


India had been invaded before. By the Greeks, also Alexander the Great, Mongolians and the Persians, but nothing like what the Christians came to do to India. 

The Christians came in the multitudes, all for the purpose of stealing from India for hundreds of years as possible (see below from Chapter 12h);

Austrian East India Company         1778–1785

Swedish East India Company         1731–1813

Dutch East India Company         1605–1825

Danish East India Company         1620–1869

French East India Company         1668–1954

Portuguese East India Company 1628–1633

British India                 1600–1947

British East India Company         1600–1757

British rule in Portuguese India 1797–1813


One thing is that the Christian British got lucky. The Mughal Kingdom in India was falling to pieces after the King had died and no solid successor ruled.

And the Christian British with the blessings from the Church and the King/Queen sailed to India with a plan for an all-out INVASIONThe Christian British did not do this right away. It was a strategic plan to threaten weaker Kings and to absorb their armies one after another and then go after the bigger Kingdoms.

India was too big even for the well-equipped England.

The Christian British also had more modern war equipment like pistols, rifles and cannons. 


What did India do to the British? Nothing!

Will Durant – A US Historian/Reporter for the New York Evening Journal,-In%201930%2C%20Durant&text=He%20also%20stated%20that%20%22I,of%20the%20plight%20of%20India.


“I began to feel that I had come upon the greatest crime in all history.” 

In 1930, Durant visited British India to collect information for his book, The Story of Civilization.

While in India, Durant was shocked by the poverty and instances of starvation he witnessed, to the point where he took a period of time off from his intended goal to write a short book titled The Case for India about the "conscious and deliberate bleeding of India by Britain”.


He also stated that "I began to feel that I had come upon the greatest crime in all history." when learning of the plight of India.


In The Case for India, Durant wrote that "The British conquest of India was the invasion and destruction of a high civilization by a trading company utterly without scruple or principle, careless of art and greedy of gain, over-running with fire and sword a country temporarily disordered and helpless, bribing and murdering, annexing and stealing, and beginning their career of illegal and 'legal' plunder which has now gone on ruthlessly for one hundred and seventy-three years."


“The (British) aristocracy wanted to conquer India, the moneyocracy to plunder it and the millocracy to undersell it.”


F.J. Shore - Indian Colonial Administrator

The fundamental principle of the English has been to make the whole Indian nation subservient, in every possible way, to the interests and benefits of themselves.

They (Indians) have been taxed to the utmost limit; every successive province, as it has fallen into our possession, has been made a field for higher exaction.


This is only the tip of the iceberg! 

The way that the Christians Europeans sent India into the abyss and the starvation of entire families and towns and the triple taxes on products imported from England that the Indians used to make themselves before, will shock you when you read!

Part II is coming soon!




*** End of Chapter ***

Chapter 12j – India – British Engineered Famines

  Introduction ·          What is written in this chapter on India is yet again a perfect example of what the Christian Europeans did to t...